Raide said:Not long now UK people! Bio-engineer for me since I like helping out in multiplayer games...and I will be ready IF they add 4 player co-op. :lol
Any chance we can get a big poll together to find out which classes people are playing?
I do wish there was some kind of storage because I like to horde items, just in case I need it for another character or someone I am playing co-op with. How much stuff can you carry in total?
Witchfinder General said:Ugh, Ice Forest with Berserker.
Still, great fun.
I'm now at lvel 21 with some decent orange loot.
eznark said:Just beat the. Out of curiosity, bout how much do I have left? I want to try multiplayer!!hell dog in Hellheim
Lonesome_Raod said:Just got this today in the UK.
NZNova said:My guy is level 8 and has a ridiculous purple helmet.
Fistwell said:1/4-ish of the last level left... roughly. You're almost there.
eznark said:awesome, hopefully I can knock it out and play some co-op this weekend. Anyone still down? I'm a 27 defender right now, will probably be around 30 once I finish.
One thing that I am increasingly annoyed that DON'T PAUSE THE TIMER when the game is paused. God damn it, I have shit to do and I sometimes let the game sit for an hour...stop the clock!
funkmastergeneral said:Same, I hate that shit. I want to know how many hours I've logged into the game but now mine is horribly inaccurate because my girlfriends parents surprised me and took us out to lunch and I had to pause it.
PhatSaqs said:Started a new Human Bio after my Cyber Bio got up to Level 42 and holy shit does the Human track shit all over the Cyber. I dont think i'll ever go Cyber for any of my future builds. Cannons arent all that great and the skills are meh. Weapon ruiners are pretty cool but suck compared to the Human class specific ruiners IMO.
I really dont have anything to compare it to since it's all i've playedfunkmastergeneral said:Is the bioengineer all it's cracked up to be? Apparently people never die when playing one, and that would be a tremendous difference for my next play through once I'm done leveling my beserker
Alethea said:Just finished my first playthrough on this game last night at 1AM. I totally hate it. Buggy, laggy, annoying.
I still need to play through (at least partway) as a some other classes before writing my final review for the site where I work.
I have two pages in 10-point font in Word of notes on how awful this game is. I think the only positive things I have written down are "Environments are pretty -- love the Norse runes and imagery (crow statues, etc.)," "I like the integration of Norse mythology," and "Sometimes, combat is fun."
That Valkyrie death cutscene is pretty awesome, but after seeing it every 10 seconds in the final dungeon, I truly loathe it.
Alethea said:Just finished my first playthrough on this game last night at 1AM. I totally hate it. Buggy, laggy, annoying.
I still need to play through (at least partway) as a some other classes before writing my final review for the site where I work.
I have two pages in 10-point font in Word of notes on how awful this game is. I think the only positive things I have written down are "Environments are pretty -- love the Norse runes and imagery (crow statues, etc.)," "I like the integration of Norse mythology," and "Sometimes, combat is fun."
That Valkyrie death cutscene is pretty awesome, but after seeing it every 10 seconds in the final dungeon, I truly loathe it.
I guess it has more to do with playstyle. At least for Bio, the Cyber path leads more to a damage dealing tank while the Human path gives you more customization and uses for your "magic" (ruiners/spiders/battle crys).The End said:What's the main Cyber/Bio difference? Is one better for some classes than others?
(seems like a basic question, but there isn't anything up at gameFAQs yet)
The End said:What's the main Cyber/Bio difference? Is one better for some classes than others?
(seems like a basic question, but there isn't anything up at gameFAQs yet)
some dude on said:Total playtime: 102:02:20
BEHOLD, MORTALS! They said it couldn't be done. They said I was mad. Mad? Hahaha! Is it madness to see the future? To see the epic loot rushing towards us? I am not mad, I'm the only sane one left!
I have finally assembled a COMPLETE set of epic armor for my Cybernetic Defender, and I have the achievement to prove it. Here is where ever piece I acquired dropped for me.
2-H Sword - Purchased from Tyr's shop
Helmet - GRNDL
Gauntlets -Hel
Chest Plate - GRNDL
Boots - GRNDL
Leg Plate - GRNDL
Shoulders - Helheim (Off a goblin leader)
As you can see, most of the pieces dropped from Hall of Heroes runs. I got 3 pieces while I was grinding that level to complete an epic charm that required me to kill 10,000 goblins. The way I see it, all bosses have an elevated chance of dropping epic loot, especially if you play the level from start to finish. Just keep killing and you'll get there eventually.
I'm so excited right now!
I dont feel so bad now with my 35fin said:
Witchfinder General said:Ugh, Ice Forest with Berserker.
Still, great fun.
I'm now at lvel 21 with some decent orange loot.
fin said:
PhatSaqs said:I dont feel so bad now with my 35.
What class did you play with?
Stormwatch said:Yeah, tell me about it. I'm level 20 right now with my Berserker and I thought I was going to jump off a bridge in the Ice Forest. The next area is a little better, though. The trolls just keep kicking my ass...
Francias Castiglione said:Air finisher to the front, nip around the back and hop on their back. You can even mount and kill them while they have a full energy bar as long as the central armour is gone.
oh Zeus.. I mean Odin!fin said:
Alethea said:That Valkyrie death cutscene is pretty awesome, but after seeing it every 10 seconds in the final dungeon, I truly loathe it.
Philthy said:Uh. You shouldn't be dying that much. I'm around level 40 with my Champion and die maybe once a level, if that. Second playthrough I didnt even die in acts 1 and 2. Early on the game is rough in some spots, but the game really picks up. Not sure you've completed it yet if you're actually dying that much still.
Philthy said:Uh. You shouldn't be dying that much. I'm around level 40 with my Champion and die maybe once a level, if that. Second playthrough I didnt even die in acts 1 and 2. Early on the game is rough in some spots, but the game really picks up. Not sure you've completed it yet if you're actually dying that much still. The final dungeon, save for a certain boss was piss easy.
Are you juggling and getting your combo meters up? Shooting the explodey guys before they get to you?
I honestly want to know how someone playing a Champion can complain about the Valkyrie.
Xenon said:I think there is a major difference in the reactions to this game from people who have to play the game and people who are just interested in it. He did say that he enjoyed the combat some times so maybe its growing on him. I wonder if he read all the combat tips & info in the weapon and armor shops. I had 20 hours in and didn't even know they were there. I even found a number of things about the gameplay, like the fact that the Troll's armor is more vulnerable to lasers.
slasher_thrasher21 said:I had the same thoughts and questions. Also states he hates it yet is going to try another class... So... in other words its sorta hooked you in a way perhaps? If I hate a game, I drop it quicker then dollar bills at a stripclub.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Then again I could see why people would hate this or other aspects of the game. Too Human is definetly not for everyone...but if you happen to fall into the "like" group. Your in for a treat.
Xenon said:I agree, the game does things very different. I was not a fan of the leveling but seeing how well they change up enemy type, placement, and actions as you progress it works well. My 50lvl run through HoH played much different than it did the 1st lvl and 30th level runs.
VaLiancY said:Two red charms for me. 25% Laser Penetration and %15 2-Hander damage which is half of the bonus cap.
Shame, I don't use neither.
Dirtdog07 said:Having alot of fun with the game but I think I hit a major bug. Lvl 29 and just killed GARM so I decided to save and quit. Come back today and the door right near him won't open so that means I can't continue any further. Tried going to the main hub and just use mission select and that let me finish it without using the main campaign. Doing so caused me not to see any cinematics and I am still stuck there in the main campaign so I can't start a new one. Any help would be appreciated