Crona's had a WEIRD life.
You'll find out soon enough...
Thanks, "Pumbaa".Slimy yet satisfying.
Crona's had a WEIRD life.
Thanks, "Pumbaa".Slimy yet satisfying.
Man who cares about Crona, bring out the GOATExcalibur.
that's a guy?
that's a guy?
No one knows. They just use "he" for the dubthat's a guy?
The hinting is already getting really fucking annoying, guys.
Micah Solusod ‏@maioceaneyes 1m
For the record, we didn't "officially" assign a gender to Crona in the English dub. #SoulEater
Sounds like nobody knows.
Ragnarok called Medusa, "Lady".
Soul referred to Medusa as "him".
:lolWe just had Haku.
Medusa is someone else.
they're advertising BF4 already?
Gotta get those preorders man.What is it with video games now having commercials several months before release?
Japanese is a very unique language.Something that (understandably) got lost in translation here, when the author has a character address Chrona, they do it with gender neutral pronouns. No one in the manga refers to Chrona as him/her/he/she at all to keep going with the "Chrona is ambiguous" joke/riff.
Where does the Soul Eater anime leave off in the manga? I just finished SE for the second time last night.
they're advertising BF4 already?