jim-jam bongs

Update: The demo is out
Online installer: http://www.torchlight2game.com/download/mini-installer
Offline installer: http://www.torchlight2game.com/download/full-installer
What is Torchlight?
Torchlight is an isometric ARPG in the tradition of Diablo and Sacred. The gameplay revolves around rapidly clicking on wicked monsters with your mouse and hoping that they have a nice pair of pants secreted about their person when they die.
Torchlight II is more of the same, but bigger.
Returning Features
- Pets make a welcome return for those of us who get scared when we’re slaying the demon hordes on our lonesome. This time around they aren’t limited to selling, but can even head to the shops for you and buy items you need. If you’re going to send them back to town to sell your junk though, just make sure you always get receipts.
- Tired of the fate of the world resting on your little shoulders? Why not cast a line into a nearby pond and see what you fish up? Fishing is back, for people who enjoy that sort of thing. Weirdos.
- Mods are supported right out of the box, with the game shipping with TorchEd.
New Features
- Cooperative play is here! You can now play Torchlight with up to 6 players in a single game. Don’t worry about annoying restrictions, Runic have even stated that the player limit is removable with mods. Players can freely trade, and if both flag up can indulge in a bit of ultraviolence against one another.
- Character customisation is also a welcome new addition. Aside from anything else it means that people who only roll girls in RPGs aren’t stuck with a single class this time around.
- Torchlight II no longer takes place in a single gigantic dungeon which inexplicably keeps going deeper. Instead the game features a large open overworld which is randomised at the beginning of a new game. This overworld has a functioning day/night cycle and is littered with random events and dungeons for players to sink their axes into.

Engineer: A melee fighter who wears heavy clockwork powered armour that collects energy charges during combat, which can then be used by the player to destroy things and get more energy. Also builds robots, presumably using clockwork. So they’re not really robots.

Outlander: A ranged specialist with some minor low magic skills, the outlander focuses on a high degree of mobility couple with hitting things very hard. However, they can also support a party using their debuffs and summoning abilities.

Berserker: A melee damage powerhouse, berserkers use their fists and any blunt instrument available to pummel the hordes into submission. They do have a softer side, and are avid practitioners of shadow-animal husbandry.

Embermage: The wizard class. Hopefully not as broken this time.

Torchlight II Gamescom Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejqCZw4Mua4
Torchlight II Music Teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL_JWk6l_4Q
Pets of Torchlight II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CZX80TeZv
Torchlight II Armour Featurette: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM9XMyt4k8k
Torchlight II Site: http://www.torchlight2game.com/
Torchlight II Wiki: http://torchlight.wikia.com/wiki/Torchlight_II
Runic Games: http://www.runicgames.com/
Torchlight II Armoury: http://torchlight2armory.com/
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: x86-compatible 1.4GHz or faster processor
Memory: 1GB System RAM
Hard Disk Space: 1.2GB free space (subject to change)
Video Card: DirectX compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory.
DirectX®: 9.0c
N.B.: x86 CPU means netbook mode is unlikely this time around.
What did I forget?
Oh the release date! The game is out 20th September 2012.