
Official website: http://www.torchlightgame.com
Compiled list of mods: http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6610
What is Torchlight? - Torchlight is an isometric Action RPG in the vein of Diablo, Titan Quest, Fate, etc. You have your character, some dungeons, and a lot of loot. The gameplay consists of whacking things over the head and pick up new toys.
Word of Ember blazed across the land, and the town of Torchlight flared to life.
Ember is the essence of magic and the keystone of alchemy; it lures the restless with promises of power and riches. Miners burrowed deep beneath the dirt streets of Torchlight, discovering veins of the ore richer than any found in living memory- but they were not the first to covet these mines. The miners broke through into the buried past, a dangerous labyrinth of caverns and ruined civilizations, twisted creatures and the bones of those who came before. Evil bubbles up from the depths and threatens to overrun this town as it has so many others. The heart of a villain has infused the Ember, and his darkness seeps through the veins. To survive, the townspeople must break the cycle of destruction; they need a champion who can destroy the evil at its root. Removing the source of the rot may purify the Ember, but it is a long and perilous journey. The champion must battle through rock and fire, through lost cities and ancient tombs, into the palace of the villain himself.
The adventure is set in the mining settlement of Torchlight, a boomtown founded on the discovery of rich veins of Ember a rare and mysterious ore with the power to enchant or corrupt all that it contacts. This corruptive power may have dire consequences however, and players set out into the nearby mountains and depths below to discover the full extent of Embers influence on the civilizations that have come before.
When does it come out? - October 27.
How much will it cost and where can I buy it - 20$ through Steam or the Torchlight official website
I heard there was a level editor? - Correct! The game will launch with mod tools with which you can alter pretty much every aspect of the game from adding geometry to adding classes to creating a completely new game...so long as it's an action RPG. There's also no multi-player, but unless you have a chemical imbalance you won't mind.
No Multiplayer WTF? Who will I show my loot too? MY LOOT. - If there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to showcase all your luts via printscreen or what have you. The addition of multiplayer would require a lot of time and resources that a startup developer may or may not have. Also, the publisher signed on for an MMO and just so decided to publish the singleplayer game as well. IIRC, Runic has pretty much wanted to make an MMO from the jump, but after having a game taken from underneath them so close to release, they wanted to at least release *something*. (And MMOs are expensive)
Meet the Classes
The Destroyer

An endless wanderer, who is drawn to conflict with his dual-welding blades, was led to Torchlight after hearing of the evils befallen it. Through channeling the power of his ancestors, the Destroyer excels at close-quarter combat and is able to smite his foes with such ferocity as to easily dispatch multiple enemies at once. With a strong sense of virtue, the Destroyer sets out to deal justice with his blades, but things may not be as simple in Torchlight as they appear.
With a darkness rising to cloud the Destroyers judgment, only time will tell whether or not the draw of Ember will tempt his soul into corruption.
The Alchemist

Drawn to the power of Ember as a cornerstone of his magical art, the Alchemist came to Torchlight for his own ends. Being the largest cache of Ember ever found, the temptation may lead the Alchemist never being able to break free of its influence and ultimately to his downfall. The power of Ember is beyond imagining, but the price is very high.
By channeling the power of Ember, the Alchemist is able to dispatch enemies from afar as well as summon minions to his aid.
The Vanquisher

Part of an ancient order dedicated to justice and bringing balance to the world, the Vanquisher was sent out to Torchlight to investigate the mysterious slayings and missing town folks. Unknown to her, the darkness below the small town of Torchlight runs far deeper than the mines beneath. As an expert marksman, the Vanquisher is able to take enemies from afar as well as use traps to confuse and deliberate her foes from all directions. The flow of Ember and the darkness below will test the Vanquishers skill and conviction to the fullest.

Destroyer Trailer
Vanquisher Trailer
Alchemist Trailer
PAX 2009 Trailer
Gamespot "On the Spot" starts at 8:00
Preditor (modding tool) tutorial part 1
Preditor tutorial part 2
Preditor tutorial part 3
Bonus FAQ
Is there anything interesting about the game that sets it apart from Diablo? - One interesting thing is that the game features pets. When you create a character you pick a wolf or a lynx (dog or cat). Your pet has an inventory of its own, fights with you, and can actually cast spells (One example was your pet summoning life draining zombies of its own). Related to that, there are spots in the game where there is a pool of water and you can fish. Fish you pick up can actually transform your pet into various monsters for various periods of time (up to permanent transformations) and they gain the abilities and special attributes said monster would have.
Did you really troll 2 games at the same time in the OP? - It's so easy.
MODS...Give me them!
Here is a compiled list of mods, go nuts.