Hell hath no fury like a nerd scorned.
But seriously this is pretty sad. Neogaf hive mind defending some half assed kick starter project to crazy levels.
So, basically, you haven't even read the thread and just came in to make some ignorant and off base generalisation with the only apparent goal being to white knight some dude. On the internet. By insulting a community you're an active member of. That's not smart. The majority of the people calling him out (no, not for having an opinion over Kickstarter) aren't even supporters of Republique (while many of them don't like Kickstarter either), otherwise the project would have many more backers than it does. Next time try and be more informed before you comment in this manner, or you'll end up making a fool out of yourself, again. Sad.
Edit: and just to make it clear to you, people are just calling him out for the slander, double standards and general douchebaggery, not because he happens to like/dislike Kickstarter, Republique, or whatever else. And no, taking the time to post on the internet (!) doesn't mean people are obsessed, overreacting, raging, or whatever, it takes next to no time to do, especially when people are already visiting these boards to read or discuss about other stuff, potentially while multitasking.