Che said:
*puts his bulletproof vest* Guys I don't know how to say this without getting killed... but... am I the only one who thinks that Metroid is a far better game than Halo, and that Halo is superoverhyped? I mean my memory sucks but I remember every single detail about Metroid and I really really enjoyed the game, but I can't really say the same for Halo...
It's about DAMN time someone said this...
I'm sorry, but Halo is only so over-hyped 'cos it's the ONLY game on X-BOX. Seriously. I'm taking the heat off of Che here and you can dirrect your flaming towards me...Metroid: Prime is SO much better than Halo, but it doesn't matter 'cos there's nothing else worth buying an X-BOX for other than it so therefore, of course it's gonna sell better. Don't get me wrong, Halo is an amazing multi-player console FPS's go it is as close to Goldeneye as you can get (hype, sales, fun-factor, gameplay, content, etc.), but it still comes up a lil' short. To me I really see the X-BOX as the sorta successor to the N64 in the mainstream public's's better for multiplayer, has better graphics, good for Star Wars games, good for Tom Clancey games...but come on...N64's high amount of million sellers and one huge killer app (GE) was not enough for PS's sheer volume of games, of which there were more great games.
I find this situation (X-BOX vs PS2) sorta similar to the N64 vs PS. N64 fans (myself somewhat included) boasted about quality over quantity...and we had that one killer game (GE) that PSer's didn't have...but did it matter in the end? PS still "won". Halo is great, it is X-BOX's "killer app", but the problem is Sony (and to a lesser extent, Nintendo) has tons of smaller and even sometimes comparable (sales-wise) "killer apps"...the quantity won it for Sony last generation, and it's won it again for them this generation. So the X-BOXer's are so latching onto Halo & Halo 2 'cos it's all they really got...seriously, I said it. And remember how Perfect Dark (Goldeneye's spiritual successor) was suppossed to be just as much of "killer app" for N64? I'm not saying that Halo 2 will underperform like PD did, but I don't see it being as big as the first Halo. I see it selling to the existing X-BOX fanbase and maybe pushing more systems...but not as much as some people like to dream, especially with MS unveiling (and most likely launching) Xenon next year! GTA will end up beating out Halo 2 by a large margin in the if this is a pissing contest, Nintendo *and* MS lose.
As far as Nintendo goes...they don't have that one GE-esque "killer-app" for GAMECUBE, but so what. I think a big problem with Nintendo's image is their own "fans" writing such whiny complaints on their Nintendo "fan" sites. Waaaa...Nintendo doesn't have something that sells on par with the competition, let's ignore the fact that Metroid: Prime Echoes will be a better game than Halo 2, and that GAMECUBE has a more full line-up than X-BOX this Christmas and on into next year *cough*RE4advancewarsFEgeistZELDA*cough*. Sales are great, but they're not everything...when Nintendo fans start whining on websites & magazines about how these games don't sell as well as they should and how this means Nintendo is suddenly not as good or cool or whatever the competition is then that's not gonna re-assure GAMECUBE owners, it's not gonna help bring more fans into the's gonna scare them away! I want a Nintendo article that is realistic & optomistic instead of whiny and negative. Writing out complaints isn't gonna fix the problem, so why does this crap keep getting written? Instead of trying to be so critical about stuff they can't even change, they should instead bask in all those games that are ONLY on GAMECUBE regardless of how they sell.
We get the point...Halo 2 & GTA: SA are gonna sell great and they're gonna sell better than anything and everything on GAMECUBE...waaaaaaa...just like Zelda is gonna bitch slap all comers next year, get over it...stating the OBVIOUS isn't gonna change it one way or the other.