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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Is anyone here on Estrogen Pellets? My girlfriend is tired of Pills and afraid of needles and we've heard decent things about them as far as results go.

Any input is appreciated.
Is anyone here on Estrogen Pellets? My girlfriend is tired of Pills and afraid of needles and we've heard decent things about them as far as results go.

Any input is appreciated.

Pellets are very nice but they are expensive and not many doctors will be willing to use them. They need to be inserted under the skin and you have to see your doctor every time a new pellet needs to be inserted.
Pellets are very nice but they are expensive and not many doctors will be willing to use them. They need to be inserted under the skin and you have to see your doctor every time a new pellet needs to be inserted.

Hmm..wonder if that's as invasive as Shots in the first place. I think insurance will cover shots but if the pellets are a similar method of entry and much more expensive and not covered then that's a bummer.

Anyway, I appreciate the reply. :)
Hmm..wonder if that's as invasive as Shots in the first place. I think insurance will cover shots but if the pellets are a similar method of entry and much more expensive and not covered then that's a bummer.

Anyway, I appreciate the reply. :)

I'm keeping it somewhat simple but it's kind of like a needle that cuts a hole under your skin creating a little pocket of sorts and the pellet is inserted there. Over time this pocket heals and allows for a great absorbance rate but because you need a doctor to insert a new pellet every so often it costs a good bit since you're paying them for their time.

Shots are really nice and all but honestly if pills are working for her then don't fix what isn't broken. By themselves, shots are much more expensive than pills and they won't give you better results.


Is anyone here on Estrogen Pellets? My girlfriend is tired of Pills and afraid of needles and we've heard decent things about them as far as results go.

Any input is appreciated.

I am. Basically, the doctor makes a small incision into the location you choose from a select grouping of spots—I chose my rear end under the bikini line—takes a bit of the tissue out to make a hole, and then inserts the pellets. At first, absorption rate is pretty quick, so I think my first year or so was getting them refilled every three months. After a while, the absorption rate slows, and you can go longer between sessions. I'll be three years on come next January, and at this point I'm running at six months between refills. Every time I get them, it's $330 out of pocket for me with the doctor I go to.

The doctor will make the incision and use the same area every time, but at a certain point, they'll have to move on to a different location. Because you're cutting, healing, cutting the same spot, after a while you'll have small but noticeable scar tissue there (I'm not sure how much it'll go away over time). The worst part pain-wise is the initial anesthesia shot, which stings like a bitch. It takes only a minute or so for the shot to kick in, and once it does, I can feel the doctor doing something, but there's zero pain.

Personally, I recommend it for anyone who can afford it. It's the most affective form of estrogen (from what I understand), and super low maintenance. Hardest part is that I have to take low-level antibiotics for a few days after getting them put in, and keep a fresh bandage covering up the area of insertion for 5 days until the wound is healed and the surgical tape is ready to come off.
I'm keeping it somewhat simple but it's kind of like a needle that cuts a hole under your skin creating a little pocket of sorts and the pellet is inserted there. Over time this pocket heals and allows for a great absorbance rate but because you need a doctor to insert a new pellet every so often it costs a good bit since you're paying them for their time.

Shots are really nice and all but honestly if pills are working for her then don't fix what isn't broken. By themselves, shots are much more expensive than pills and they won't give you better results.

Problem is, her Estrogen levels are way too low with the Pills, so she's ready to move on.

So hopefully between the two they will work better for her.

Appreciate the info. :)

I am. Basically, the doctor makes a small incision into the location you choose from a select grouping of spots—I chose my rear end under the bikini line—takes a bit of the tissue out to make a hole, and then inserts the pellets. At first, absorption rate is pretty quick, so I think my first year or so was getting them refilled every three months. After a while, the absorption rate slows, and you can go longer between sessions. I'll be three years on come next January, and at this point I'm running at six months between refills. Every time I get them, it's $330 out of pocket for me with the doctor I go to.

The doctor will make the incision and use the same area every time, but at a certain point, they'll have to move on to a different location. Because you're cutting, healing, cutting the same spot, after a while you'll have small but noticeable scar tissue there (I'm not sure how much it'll go away over time). The worst part pain-wise is the initial anesthesia shot, which stings like a bitch. It takes only a minute or so for the shot to kick in, and once it does, I can feel the doctor doing something, but there's zero pain.

Personally, I recommend it for anyone who can afford it. It's the most affective form of estrogen (from what I understand), and super low maintenance. Hardest part is that I have to take low-level antibiotics for a few days after getting them put in, and keep a fresh bandage covering up the area of insertion for 5 days until the wound is healed and the surgical tape is ready to come off.

Thanks for the input too, Mollipen. Sucks you have to take the antibiotics, but glad they work well for you!


Thanks for the input too, Mollipen. Sucks you have to take the antibiotics, but glad they work well for you!

Antibiotics are only for two days, they're not a high-level kind, and they're because you've been cut open and had work being done below the skin. I really wouldn't trust it if the doctor didn't give me them.

Going through a depression relapse at the same time I get my hair permanently straightened from my previous curly frizz... reminds me of a certain cartoon character.

Also, as weird as it is, my dye got lighter. I'm not sure whether to keep it this way or darken it again.
I'm going to put my god damn foot down soon. I can't do this anymore. I will not allow myself to be unhappy and allow myself to get pushed around any longer.

I'm sick of always being the villain, no more emotional abuse, no more traps and no more of living this way.

I need to be happy with myself and theres only one way.


Admittedly while I can't advocate jumping off a cliff, getting into swim wear and just throwing yourself at the waves for a bit might be therapeutic.
Hey everyone.

So, I live in Arkansas. I'm a transwoman. Trump's on the cusp of winning this election. I'm so fucking scared right now. At this point I'm seriously wondering if maybe I should stop transitioning. I feel I might actually survive the next four years if I do, both financially and literally.

Am I overreacting? Please tell me I'm overreacting.


Hey everyone.

So, I live in Arkansas. I'm a transwoman. Trump's on the cusp of winning this election. I'm so fucking scared right now. At this point I'm seriously wondering if maybe I should stop transitioning. I feel I might actually survive the next four years if I do, both financially and literally.

Am I overreacting? Please tell me I'm overreacting.

Name change/gender change/passport. Immediately. Before the federal gov and emboldened GOP state governments roll back options or take them away altogether.
Name change/gender change/passport. Immediately. Before the federal gov and emboldened GOP state governments roll back options or take them away altogether.
*deep breathe*

Okay. I'm gonna pull myself together, and hopefully get my information changed sometime this week. Jesus Christ.


This might well be the biggest indicator of being trans because I'm scared shitless about it being horrifically hostile to transition with the likes of Pence being de facto in charge. Granted if anywhere is safe in the USA it's probably CA, but NC shows just how little these kinds of conservatives actually value the rights of local governments.
I just had an x-ray taken. And the girl doing them says... "Before I start, is there a chance you may be pregnant?"

Internally I am like "holy shit, is this happening?". "That would be rather difficult, I answer".


Am I overreacting? Please tell me I'm overreacting.
Are you latin or muslin ?

if not than yeah you are overreacting.

Trump probably don't even know trans people exist ...

As someone who lives in a much worst country for trans people, relax ... usa has a looooong path to go =P


Are you latin or muslin ?

if not than yeah you are overreacting.

Trump probably don't even know trans people exist ...

As someone who lives in a much worst country for trans people, relax ... usa has a looooong path to go =P
Trump himself likely doesn't care, he even pointedly let Caitlyn Jenner use the women's restroom at the Trump Tower during the primaries.

Problem is he may just act as a middle man for the Republicans to get what they want, or allow Pence to run the show and he's a dumb fuck who us definitely anti-LGBT.


I just want to say that i'm ashamed of being a latino right now. Can't believe that the lot of us voted for a fucking misogynist, racist, xenophobic douchebag, i'm just out of words.

Peace out girls and boys. I can't deal with all the bullshit that is being spouted in this forum.

Peace out. Love all of you.

Beth Cyra

I just want to say that i'm ashamed of being a latino right now. Can't believe that the lot of us voted for a fucking misogynist, racist, xenophobic douchebag, i'm just out of words.

Peace out girls and boys. I can't deal with all the bullshit that is being spouted in this forum.

Peace out. Love all of you.
Take care Dai you stay safe yo. You are amazing and we appreciate the support.


Hey everyone.

So, I live in Arkansas. I'm a transwoman. Trump's on the cusp of winning this election. I'm so fucking scared right now. At this point I'm seriously wondering if maybe I should stop transitioning. I feel I might actually survive the next four years if I do, both financially and literally.

Am I overreacting? Please tell me I'm overreacting.

You're overreacting. If you want to be absolutely safe, get your stuff changed before the start of next year. However, there's no sign that republicans are going to go after that kind of stuff, and I really can't imagine them going for a country-wide initiative to block those kinds of things anytime soon. If your state allows for such things, they're going to still allow it.

Especially name change. The only thing I'd be worried about at this point is gender change, but again, even that I've got no concern over.
I might need to backtrack my therapy a little more because I'm in a very, very dark place, right now.I haven't been able to start transitioning, yet, out of fear of losing my job (and worse), but I finally started doing what I need to do this year.

The thing that scares me the most is this feeling of clarity of purpose, and it's not directed toward anything positive.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
You're overreacting. If you want to be absolutely safe, get your stuff changed before the start of next year. However, there's no sign that republicans are going to go after that kind of stuff, and I really can't imagine them going for a country-wide initiative to block those kinds of things anytime soon. If your state allows for such things, they're going to still allow it.

Especially name change. The only thing I'd be worried about at this point is gender change, but again, even that I've got no concern over.
Honestly this might be the one of the few situations where Caitlyn Jenner has done something positive and that's with talking with Trump. Trump doesn't care too much about LGBTQ+ issues and he doesn't really listen to Pence anyway.


I just have to hope that if Trump is going to let Pence shadow govern he at least over rules him on stuff like this, recognizing that it really just doesn't make much sense to be so antagonistic anyway.


Honestly this might be the one of the few situations where Caitlyn Jenner has done something positive and that's with talking with Trump. Trump doesn't care too much about LGBTQ+ issues and he doesn't really listen to Pence anyway.

I work for someone who is rich, owns his own businesses, and handles high-level deals with other companies. When I came out to him as trans, his response was basically, "is this going to interfere with you doing your job?" and that was pretty much it. I really don't think people like Trump care about social stuff like this.

My worry, if anything, is the Republicans in the House and Senate. But even then, again, I don't think they care about the trans issues that people are worried about. Could the bathroom/locker room thing come back? If anything does, that would be one of my biggest concerns. Even then, I think part of the furor was due to the road to the elections, and not necessarily any long-term strategy.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. For now, don't panic. Save that energy for when something happens, or when something is announced to happen. Right now, people are getting terrified over "what if" ideas. Nothing has happened yet. Calm down. If you feel better taking care of things before Trump comes into office, then get those things done so that you feel better. None of our lives are over, though, and there's still plenty of people out there that either support us or don't actively want to harm us even if they don't understand us.

The best thing you can do is to get to know your fellow Americans, especially those that may know little to nothing about the whole transgender thing. The more they know you on a personal level and as a person, the more reason they'll have to care about what happens to you.
I agree that most of the social agenda won't be enacted at the federal level.

FADA was already DoA when it was introduced a year ago with an even more Republican congress, that's not going to change just because Trump was president. Some hardcore Republican from Utah or Idaho might try to reintroduce it, but the rest of the party will just ignore it and focus on cutting taxes, rolling back business regulations, etc.

The biggest impact will be healthcare. Most Trans people already live on the margins of society, so if the medicaid expansion gets axed a lot of people will lose access to HRT.
For everyone in here, the first transgender suicide hotline is up.
Please spread it around so that others can benefit from it as well.


US: (877) 565-8860 Canada: (877) 330-6366

I am not part of this section of the LGBT+, but I do care about all of you in here.

I wish you all the best, stay strong.


I agree that most of the social agenda won't be enacted at the federal level.

FADA was already DoA when it was introduced a year ago with an even more Republican congress, that's not going to change just because Trump was president. Some hardcore Republican from Utah or Idaho might try to reintroduce it, but the rest of the party will just ignore it and focus on cutting taxes, rolling back business regulations, etc.

The biggest impact will be healthcare. Most Trans people already live on the margins of society, so if the medicaid expansion gets axed a lot of people will lose access to HRT.

There are many wonderful resources available that can ensure continued access to HRT no matter what, you just have to know where to look. There is a growing group of LGBT specialist doctors who do work with patients online, particularly over voip programs like skype. one such doctor I know of is J. Michael Caruso at the Denver, Co. clinic Hyper Real Beauty, also known as The Transgender Healthcare Center of Denver. The URL is http://www.tghealthdenver.org/ and the fee for an appointment is $100. Prescription costs vary based on what you are taking and where you get it, but generally places like walmart, target, and walgreens will have hrt meds on their $4 generics program.. Just be aware that 100mg spiro may not always be on that list and you may have to get the 25mg spiro pills to take advantage of the lower cost.


So, I want to share a story of positvity. I went to the courts with all of my papers for my name change and....the judge saw me right away, it's confidential, I don't have to publish it and it's officially on my birth certificate....my name is legally changed. Gender on certificate requires SRS so...not doing that for...mayhap a while but that doesn't matter. I can use the name change and a doc's note to change my driver's license, social security and my passport!
I also was gendered female and called Chloe by the friendliest private banker ever to change my bank info....the first person I've gone to since the name change...and just...all of this has brought me tears of joy
Geezus, I needed this victory. I hope everyone else who is looking into these matters is able to obtain happiness.....it's given me some much-needed hope anyway.


So, I want to share a story of positvity. I went to the courts with all of my papers for my name change and....the judge saw me right away, it's confidential, I don't have to publish it and it's officially on my birth certificate....my name is legally changed. Gender on certificate requires SRS so...not doing that for...mayhap a while but that doesn't matter. I can use the name change and a doc's note to change my driver's license, social security and my passport!
I also was gendered female and called Chloe by the friendliest private banker ever to change my bank info....the first person I've gone to since the name change...and just...all of this has brought me tears of joy
Geezus, I needed this victory. I hope everyone else who is looking into these matters is able to obtain happiness.....it's given me some much-needed hope anyway.



Been kinda volatile the last two days at work, and was really tired Saturday night and just didn't want to do anything last night. If this isn't from running low on T just before the second shot then that definitely isn't for me (and, uhhh, the desire to be female intensified.)
I like mollipen's optimism

Also AppleSeason :0 you look good.


To-Do List completed. I've sent the blood tests and x-rays to the surgeon and he seems ok with them, even though I had to kludge my way to get a digital copy of the film x-ray. I have also bought a long HDMI cable and water based lube (I can buy from the nurses, but just in case I will have a bottle back home in case I forget it when coming back). Now filling a 1tb hdd with as many media as I can.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm scared and wishing somebody would accompany me. Also, ever since I came off the antidepressants I have lost that pillow against emotional blows. Yesterday I was googling for info on the E shortage on newspapers, and the comments... I had forgotten how things like "they should be killed", "what they need is not hormones, but conversion therapy (therapy = beaten to near death", "why do they get free hormones and surgery and I have to pay for antiinflamatories. Remove them from healthcare". Stuff that fucking hurts and makes me feel extremely vulnerable since I'm not bulletproof passable (enough to not raise alarms on daily life).

And speaking of healthcare and e... No more E left in pharmacies. More than one month later, we are still on a blackout, with no information coming from pharmacies or endos. The trans associations only say "we only know that it is not being produced or distributed" I'm waiting for a call of the endo to see if she can add the alternative meds to my prescription, but in the end I have ordered online from my old provider during the DIY times. Hoping they still ship :( They seem to be putting most people on E patches. Not exactly a good replacement.


Been kinda volatile the last two days at work, and was really tired Saturday night and just didn't want to do anything last night. If this isn't from running low on T just before the second shot then that definitely isn't for me (and, uhhh, the desire to be female intensified.)

Not a doctor, but pay attention to how you feel. Journal those feelings if it helps.

YMMV, but on both counts that was me on T.


Hang in there AppleSeason!

And I wonder if some of those idiots would realize that if they had a cis normative hormone deficiency that'd be covered the same as for transitioning. If not easier, probably.
Not a doctor, but pay attention to how you feel. Journal those feelings if it helps.

YMMV, but on both counts that was me on T.
Yeah, I'd been thinking about trying to do some of that on my phone. Feeling better now, maybe partially from the physical therapy, but I think about my gender feelings more and I really wish I could have some Ranma-type situation.
Yeah, I'd been thinking about trying to do some of that on my phone. Feeling better now, maybe partially from the physical therapy, but I think about my gender feelings more and I really wish I could have some Ranma-type situation.

I always wondered if he would enter in an intersex state with water that was neither hot or cold.

Fat / muscle / water body test today at the gym... 21%, a lot of my weight gain seems to come for developing muscles and... retaining water (in muscles, he said). Not sure if E or cypro can be responsible for that. Overall I have some extra fat, but healthy as heck and with a pretty good metabolism. That I should try to only lose fat and avoid wasting muscles with too much cardio, xD. And if I simply stick to working out and a good diet (no more caloric binges on mirtazapine), I'd lower my body fat.

The biggest revelation? Well, fat redistribution is bullshit. 0,8% fat in my upper body, the rest concentrated in abdomen and thighs, so pretty much the same situation as when I was a guy :/
I have some news on the HRT shortage (Spain). Testex will be back in stores soon, so at least FTM's will be safe. as for Oral estradiol on 2 mg strenght, they won't know anything until january. My replacement prescription is Climen 2mg + Progynova 1mg, at least until they figure out something.

As stupid as it is, They can't make me a prescription for ordering from overseas pharmacies, even if inside the Eurozone, because they can only make prescriptions for stuff sold nationally. No Oral E 2Mg in the country but available outside? Sorry, we can't let you have it.

It's bullshit. Hoping my parcel arrives and looking into somebody in the US to buy estradiol depot for me and put it inside an OG Xbox or something and ship it to me (Yes, I know that I will bankrupt me paying for shipping an xbox. Just being sarcastic this morning because I'm on fucking edge for lots of stupid things).

Edit: Nevermind, I'm back from the pharmacy. No progynova left, no patches, no proglyuton, nothing. Climen backordered. After the disappearance of the only 2mg oral e pill, what's left on the market is not enough for all the people who needs these meds. So import time
Finally found out why I wanted SRS despite no genital dysphoria, not to mention identifying as non binary and agender. Which would explain why I am so scared about SRS regret as soon as I wake up from anesthesia.

Ugh. This is like worst moment to find out why I was so conflicted and having found such a massive red flag that I never talked about with the therapist. mostly because I only said "I think I'm ready for SRS" and she just sent me to the surgeon's office. I was never asked for my reasons, not to mention that I had to lie about how I self identified because they only treat gender binary people.

25 days left. I have like one week to cancel if I want to recover part of the money, or I lose everything.


Ugh. Hope you can come to a happy spot for yourself at least AppleSeason. My own conflicted feelings on gender are a big reason I kept it bottled up for a long time and even now am trying to tread carefully.
Ugh. Hope you can come to a happy spot for yourself at least AppleSeason. My own conflicted feelings on gender are a big reason I kept it bottled up for a long time and even now am trying to tread carefully.

It's like I've been trying to understand what exactly happened for me to say "I'm 100% sure, I want to do it" two years ago when I began saving for it (if I had had the money back then, I would be post-op by now). Back then I had bad genital dysphoria, but somehow it went away and I started to be scared about having SRS regret. I am not sure I even want to talk about the true reason with the therapist.

Also, I had already lowered my AA by half, which has given me back my libido and sexual function. Reminding me that I am a top for women and I enjoy it. It's like I had forgotten that what hangs down there is something more than a tiny sausage. So even more conflicted.


I'm at a transgender day of remembrance gathering here I'm Seattle right now. It's so depressing. Especially sad so many people in Brazil seem to be the victim of murder.
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