Dudes seen shit
They've had better shows where they pulled the plug on. Right now, it's going to take a miracle to salvage this season.HBO would be pretty stupid though if they don't renew this show for another season. True Detective is a really big name, even if we know this season is gonna be trash.
You're wrong about people wanting to hate it. I find your defensiveness really weird, as though criticizing the show was somehow personal.
The show is trash and that's why it's being trashed.
You like it, some people hate it and find crappy. No need to attempt to rationalize people's reactions just because they disagree with yours.
They've had better shows where they pulled the plug on. Right now, it's going to take a miracle to salvage this season.
Really? Cause it seems like even those who "hate" it are still watching.
I really thought last nights episode was the weakest of the season until the shootout.
people are still watching out of respect for the first season. That shit is only going to carry the ratings for so long.Really? Cause it seems like even those who "hate" it are still watching.
I really thought last nights episode was the weakest of the season until the shootout.
I love how VV is always going on about "you know what I'm gonna have to do" to his wife, while doing boring things in every scene we see him in. Why not, ya know, do those things? It would be far more interesting. His whole storyline sucks what little fun may have been left in the season.
How do HBO renewals typically shake out?
I know mega shows like Girls and Thrones get their pick ups pretty early.
True Detective seems like a special case here. Have they ever had a show flip like this?
I don't think the show is bad. It's honestly just boring to watch which is honestly worse.
Going to get run out of the department because of the mayor thing using the fallout from this shootout and the fact that the dead cop who she tried to get a gun from killed a civilian, shit was so telegraphed.
I have almost no idea what's going on now. Characters just throw out names at characters we've never been introduced to and it's supposed to mean something. Couldn't for the life of me describe why that shootout happened.
It seemed like a setup. Someone spots them walking calmly up to the building. Or they just didn't think there would be a lookout?
The freeze frame fade to black to crappy credits song was perhaps the funniest moment of the night for me and sort of encapsulates why this whole season feels so bad at times.
I think they made a mistake not getting Justin Lin to direct the fire fight at the end of this episode. Man can direct action and carnage like nobody's business.
people are still watching out of respect for the first season. That shit is only going to carry the ratings for so long.
It depends on what you mean by "flip like this". Most of the previous shows really weren't as big of hits as this one was, so as far as cancellations go, if they didn't renew because of the reception to this season, it would likely be their most high-profile cancellation. I don't think they really care so much about the reviews as ratings though, so if those hold steady enough, they will probably renew and pay a lot closer attention to the writing process next season.
Compare that to say, Carnivale, which only had two seasons out of its planned arc, but was canceled due to expense reasons and a lack of sufficient viewership, despite the high amount of praise that it got.
That's always worse. This season is like the slow parts of the first season, except stretched out into the entire thing.
He is doing those things. I think he saw the rail land deal as a way to legitimize himself and make himself a power player, and now that that is gone he has to go back to being a mid level thug boss.
That was the only moment that felt "right" in this episode (season ?) so far.
It was a cartoon shootout. The guy up in the building just spraying aimlessly was some goofy Time Crisis shit that made the whole thing feel dumb from the get go. and what was the deal with the dude just unloading on that bus? Does he just hate public transportation that badly?
It wasn't a good shootout at all but, hey, at least the plot is finally going places. I'll see this season to its end but nothing about that scene or this episode has instilled any confidence that they'll be able to right this ship.
The closing shootout of Down Will Come is the second round of True Detective in a nutshell. As the detail wastes ammo and people in the pursuit of Ledo Amarilla, its five seconds of Whoa, cool! followed by two seconds of Whoa, really?, on a loop. The episode aims to impress with its gonzo gun show, but the amount of carnage borders on self-parody. In the hands of someone like Edgar Wright, the big finale would be the comedic set-piece of the year. Helmed by Jeremy Podeswa, the man behind the camera for 2015s most controversial Game Of Thrones episode, its so over-the-top it cant help but entertain.
Are we supposed to think that Ani is incompetent? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about her character when she keeps fucking up.
Yup. AV club put it perfect:
Michael Mann? Not sure that's realistic but I agree that shoot out was a disaster direction wise.That shootout was messy as fuck. Wasn't sure if I was watching TD or Call of Duty.
Should've got whoever did the heist shootout and chase for Heat.
Michael Mann? Not sure that's realistic but I agree that shoot out was a disaster direction wise.
I really hate how every character is a philosopher this season. And the philosophical bullshit is so poorly written/delivered.
Also, the editing in the scene with Woodrugh and Velcoro in the car was comically bad (shot of Velcoro with the car moving, cut to Woodrugh with the car stationary).