I really hate how every character is a philosopher this season. And the philosophical bullshit is so poorly written/delivered.
Also, the editing in the scene with Woodrugh and Velcoro in the car was comically bad (shot of Velcoro with the car moving, cut to Woodrugh with the car stationary).
That shootout. WTFlol. Did enjoy McAdam's reload on the move though.
Oh and RIP Bill from TLoU.![]()
Probably the best moment in this episode given the narrative. Similar to how the ending of episode 2 played out. It would've still worked if there were unnamed cops still alive off camera.
This scene was crafted/staged with care. The director and whoever else involved are clearly competent here. But the scenes leading up to it were goofy as shit.
That shootout. WTFlol. Did enjoy McAdam's reload on the move though.
McAdams is working those jeans.
Only redeeming factor of the episode/season so far.
I really hate how every character is a philosopher this season. And the philosophical bullshit is so poorly written/delivered.
Enjoyed the shoutout but agree with some people here that they try to make every character like Rust or something with difficult lines and quotes a normal person never says. Rust was Rust and that made him. But these characters are not.
Edit: Agree we need a Marty indeed. Velcore would have been great for that.
Enjoyed the shoutout but agree with some people here that they try to make every character like Rust or something with difficult lines and quotes a normal person never says. Rust was Rust and that made him. But these characters are not.
Edit: Agree we need a Marty indeed. Velcore would have been great for that.
Yeah, too many people talk like Rust, don't pull it off, and no one calls them on it.
People loved the Rust stuff but he had people call him on it so it didn't feel as fake.
Ani reloading that gun on the run was mad cool, though.
I liked the shootout, though I'm honestly not clear on who they were chasing or why. :lol
Having said that, can someone confirm to me why they were there? This dude was a suspect in the Caspere murder? Was that it?
I liked the shootout, personally. I thought the way they showed the situation falling more and more apart as time went on, leading to the bus crash/Ani running out of ammo and getting her knife ready as a desperation move was very well done. I actually caught myself being nervous for McAdam's character towards the end of the scene.
Having said that, can someone confirm to me why they were there? This dude was a suspect in the Caspere murder? Was that it?
And I assume given the Vinci Mayor's "be careful out there", and Frank's seeming knowledge of what was happening is leading people to assume the task force was totally set up, yes?
Lastly, preview stuff:
So,Ani DOESN'T get fired, and just gets busted down to Highway Patrol, based on that uniform?
so many scenes on this show are like
As for preview stuff,I'm thinking that's actually an Ani flashback to her early career, similar to Velcoro's earlier in the season.
As for your spoiler.she is already suspended from the sheriffs department, so it makes no sense to bust her down and un-suspend her. I'm thinking flashback
Imagine if Vince Vaughn's character actually had an actor that could carry the scene, all those repeated shake downs of old business partners wouldn't bring the entire show to a grinding halt
I really hate how every character is a philosopher this season. And the philosophical bullshit is so poorly written/delivered.
The season is desperately missing a Marty character, who can act as an audience cipher by reacting believably to the plot and the absurd stuff some of the characters say. EVERY lead is dour and spouting off over wrought dialog this year.
This show could be just Colin and Rachel, there was no need for the others so far. All could change though in the next 4 episodes.
Worst casting decision really. He just doesn't have the chops IMO. And I prefer his usual style because he's perfectly good at it.Imagine if Vince Vaughn's character actually had an actor that could carry the scene, all those repeated shake downs of old business partners wouldn't bring the entire show to a grinding halt
What is it with people not knowing what the shoot out was about? Did people not watch the scene in the pawn shop and then the task force meeting after? It was fairly straightforward I thought.
And there it is. Loved how he said WTF right before.holy fuck Joel that's what I recognized him from. couldn't quite put my finger on it.
probably looking at their phone at the same time
seems to happen a lot in tv threads
And there it is. Loved how he said WTF right before.
She's definitely the only thing I like about this season so far.
I got the impression he was selling photos of Paul to the press rather than being corrupt originally. At the same time bringing up the watch is suspicious but it's doubtful he'd knowingly walk into an ambush.Was he meant to be corrupt? Or just a lazy slob?
This show is hurting bad without Fukunaga at the helm
Was he meant to be corrupt? Or just a lazy slob? I recall him spying on Woodrugh when he was with his buddy.
and especially Adam at the camera![]()
This seasons cinematography is nonexistant. No voice
I got the impression he was selling photos of Paul to the press rather than being corrupt originally. At the same time bringing up the watch is suspicious but it's doubtful he'd knowingly walk into an ambush.
I suspect that the reason that the shootout went bad was because the crooks had an inside man, that he was probably the inside guy, and his death was likely accidental but it doesn't hurt those trying to cover up this mess.
I see a scenario where the mayor got him to let the gangsters know that a raid was coming because making a mess of this whole thing would hopefully put an end to the interest in the Caspere murder as departments try to get their house in order
He suggests that they wait for the guy to come out though. If he was in on it, he'd probably have suggested that they go in.
I suspect that the reason that the shootout went bad was because the crooks had an inside man, that he was probably the inside guy, and his death was likely accidental but it doesn't hurt those trying to cover up this mess.
I see a scenario where the mayor got him to let the gangsters know that a raid was coming because making a mess of this whole thing would hopefully put an end to the interest in the Caspere murder as departments try to get their house in order
it's not a lack of a voice but a lack of a consistent voice. The Lin episodes feel like they were on a whole 'nother level compared to the last two insofar as direction and cinematography is concerned.
Both really and a "burn out" just like Velcoro. I wonder what's going to happen with that recording he did of Woodrugh.Was he meant to be corrupt? Or just a lazy slob? I recall him spying on Woodrugh when he was with his buddy.
He suggests that they wait for the guy to come out though. If he was in on it, he'd probably have suggested that they go in.
This season desperately needed to continue the Yellow King cult activity and faux cosmic horror angle that people loved Season 1 for.
There's too much gangster drama going on. I could give a fuck if Vince gets his money back. I have no idea what's at stake, for all we know the cult is imagined and the people with their eyes missing is just more gangster bullshit. What is the transportation system conspiracy? The season is half over and we still have no idea.
I'll keep watching this because there's nothing better on, but I think it's time for me to accept that what kept me glued to the television for season 1 isn't season 2. And to think that people actually defended Pizzaman's decision to completely separate seasons. Huge mistake.
Agreed with the second point. I was hesitant about an anthology approach. Looks like I wasn't completely off base either. HBO should have just thrown money at Matthew, Woody, and Cary to come back for a season two. Set it straight in New Orleans and have the storyline follow some occult/voodoo crime ring.