About half of the episode was great and then it suddenly became really boring.
-I loved all the Gordon & Albert scenes. I'm amazed Gordon's weird-lips face hasn't yet become a meme. The whole long-ass French lady scene was great from the beginning to the end.
-As a super fan I really loved hearing them mention Chet Desmond.
-Sarah's scenes were amazing. She really has become mentally unstable and it's awesome. I loved to hear the freaky FWWM music!
-Loved the Dougie scene. It added nothing to anything except showed us that whatever we thought about him getting more Cooper-like we might be wrong. He has not gotten any better. It looks like the opposite actually. I mean, a kid throws a ball slowly and it hits Dougie's head and there is zero reaction from him. This could be a negative but as I like Dougie I put it in positives
-Wow, I didn't expect the first scene with Audrey to be one of the most boring scenes in the show so far. I got the joke, and in theory it was funny. But it REALLY needed the exposition to be actually interesting to us so that we could also be interested what is said on the phone and then disappoint when nothing is said. Now I just didn't care at all what was going on.
I Chuckled a bit at the anti-punchline but I really feel this scene will be fast forwarded in future viewings. I mean, none of what they said grabbed me in any way.
To go further with it, at one point I even thought that "hey this must be them actually rehearsing for a play or a tv show! This must be about Audrey trying to become an actress and soon they drop the charade and Fenn starts to act better and becomes interesting. This might be genius after all!" Then I remembered that oh, he called her Audrey and not some character's name. And then happened the "joke" and then it ended and it was all real.
-Little did I know that after Audrey's scene there will be perhaps even more uninteresting scene. It went a bit more interesting when the guy showed up but then it fell flat again. And it was the last scene of the episode.. There's a reason why the cliffhangers are used by nearly every tv show out there. This being really "a long movie" is not an excuse here. Lynch could've easily put some interesting scene from the next episode to close this episode by cutting a few minutes out. While this kinda is admirable as an artistic choice I feel my heart sink a bit every time a Twin Peaks episode ends with me being bored and not having the need to see how this will continue. Give me those boring feelings in the middle of the episode, not in the end of the episode. It's like having a box of candies and deliberately trying to leave the best tasting candies to be the last candies I eat from the box but then I realize I just ate the least good candy in the box and I notice that the last three candies are the same. It just leaves a bad taste. You can't spin it to be actually something genius.
-The Jacoby stuff is getting really old now. The three Jacoby scenes have been as if they had one day to shoot a scene with him and decided to get it in a few takes and tried different things in different takes, but Lynch loved them all and now wants them all to be part of the show. It's the same thing over and over again, but with a bit different words and some different backdrop somewhere. What makes it worse is that what he says isn't really that interesting. The "dig yourself out of the shit" was really funny the first time it happened and it was quite funny the second time too, and it STILL is somewhat funny but I feel I have to really stretch my sense of humor to actually get something out of it anymore.
But she returned in the worst way though. Mike Nelson had a better return scene than her lmao.
Lol, so true