Can someone PLEASE explain the Flareon/False Prophet joke?
So, the maze was taking sufficiently long to get to, the streamer implemented a democracy system, where the most popular input over a period of time is chosen. Users broke the system in protest by spamming start9 (which presses start 9 times in a row). In response, the streamer put in the current system, where you can vote for whether your prefer the anarchic (original) system or the new democratic one. This is obviously flawed, as it presupposes democracy is the best way to choose. Hence, all the best viewers are continuing to press start9 whenever the system goes democratic in an attempt to overthrow the bourgeois tyranny.
Please point out the ironing.
And the anarchists are just a bunch of lame meme-mongers. Whatever. The maze is done. Democracy did what it had to do.
This raises an interesting idea. He should implement 3 lifelines. For each, he will do a puzzle for us, whether the seafoam islands, or rocket maze, or the viridian hedge, or safari zone, or victory road. 3 times is all the chat gets though, so they have to decide (vote) on it wisely.
the fuck
just leave it how it was
eventually people will get bored, leave, and when there's less people, there's less confusion/trolling and the level will be cleared
it's not rocket science
Where we should go now? :S
You guys realize the whole Democracy vs Anarchy thing is just to distract the masses/trolls so that real progress can be made, right?
You guys realize the whole Democracy vs Anarchy thing is just to distract the masses/trolls so that real progress can be made, right?
Game Corner to fight Giovanni. The way is clear.
Just how you're complaining about there being democracy while at the same time complaining about people complaining.
Can someone PLEASE explain the Flareon/False Prophet joke?
If that were true we wouldn't be fucking around behind Celadon for no apparent reason.
vote? how is that any different than democracy?
I dunno, the whole stupid democracy vs anarchy thing burnt me out. I kept thinking "we're wasting time arguing about this shit when we should be coordinating to get the key." Because we could do it. Rocket Base isn't the hardest area in the game; I think the first Ledge was worse and we beat that. Hell, I think Rock Tunnel was worse since we only beat it through sheer luck of boxing Digrat.I hope we get back to caring about the actual game and posting ridiculous memes eventually ...
eventually people will get bored, leave, and when there's less people, there's less confusion/trolling and the level will be cleared
it's not rocket science
the fuck
just leave it how it was
eventually people will get bored, leave, and when there's less people, there's less confusion/trolling and the level will be cleared
it's not rocket science
Which is why we have been wandering around Celadon for the past hour even after getting the lift key? No one is actually playing Pokemon, they are playing how they play Pokemon.
We were doing shit like that even when the stream only had 10k viewers.
Oh you mean like what the Democracy system does without the waiting for hours, possibly days on the same puzzle?
People want everything handed to them in a silver platter. A vote for START9, is a vote for ANARCHY.
Maybe read the post again?
Yeah, the democracy shit ruined it.
Now, all I'm typing is anarchy in order to fight democracy.
Ends justify the means? Changing the gameplay ruins everything!
What the hell is the point of the stream if we cry like babies when we're stuck?
No, we weren't. I've been here since 1800 viewers, and early on the dynamic was while we were absolutely hopeless at movement, we were always progressing in a clear direction. Heading off to totally random places didn't happen, what did happen was 3 hours of trying to walk in a straight line. Even during the wars we didn't go to random places; we just went round in circles. The fact we've gone all the way as far as behind the houses for no reason indicates to me that the anarchy/democracy system is so distracting that the bots are putting in more direction inputs than users.
Holy crap were out of the maze? Did democracy and MERICA! come through? Did they get the key?
people don't want to spend all their time fighting junk inputs.
This is about compromise.
besides if the maze is so fucking hard they should just buy pokedolls and hope to god they don't toss them. seems easier.
How many pages can a single thread hold? Do we need a new OT anytime soon?
Yeah we got the key but haven't done much else since. anarchy/democracy is slowing the game down a good bit.
The game has opened up compared to the linear sections of early game. The way is less clear to the majority of people and/or there are conflicting ideas of what we should be doing.
Gee thanks guys.
Against better judgment, Red was directed to Eevee instead of gaining Lapras. They then followed this by buying a fires stone with their money instead of a water stone, meaning no Vaporeon, meaning no Surf. A mix-up at the computer caused Charmeleon and Rattata to be released. Flareon has led us astray.
Spoken like a true 50ppp person.Still over a hundred more pages possible!
Holy shit.........So at first it was simple. We were monkeys banging rocks together.
Then we discovered a fossil and religion was born.
Then factions broke off into separate religions.
Then we founded a government, and those factions are competing against each other.
When do we get to repealing obamacare?
PatienceSo at first it was simple. We were monkeys banging rocks together.
Then we discovered a fossil and religion was born.
Then factions broke off into separate religions.
Then we founded a government, and those factions are competing against each other.
When do we get to repealing obamacare? the new question is, will the game actually make forward progress before this thread hits 20k posts and we need a new OT?