So at this point how do they beat the game drowzee and pidgeot?
Wait really? It's in the PC?They still need to rescue the Lift Key from the depths of Red's PC
Because every individual input will still count, instead of only one that's decided by the majority. Anarchy, even with a small amount of players, is much more risky and rewarding because every input has the same chance to occur. With democracy, if most players pick the same button then that is what's going to happen, no matter what the others have chosen.People in here yesterday were suggesting than if the crowds died down then it would be easier to get through game corner. Basically, less trashy and troll inputs and more organized action. So how is that any different than the democracy mechanic?
It's only a matter of time until they release him as well.Now let's just grind until Drowze is a powerful beast.
Wait...they deposited the key!? Oh, jeez.
The streamer should intervene and implement Democracy when it is NEEDED. It should not be like the way it is implemented. More people are focused on keeping it on Democracy or Anarchy instead of progressing through the game.
I'm just saying at the moment there seems to be more people that want to mess around. Honestly, I'm not opposed to that. I think the red stream is funny as hell and its what makes playing through it fun, but I also think there's just too many trolls to do something effectively atm. I respect red stream, but there seems to only be a minority of players that actually want to play. That's the problem.Riight. All the people that persisted and struggled through 12 hours of ledge didn't want to get anything done.
No they deposited HM01 (CUT). The key is still with us
Uhhh, no. That is now what I said at all.Translation:
The streamer should monitor the stream 24 hours a day.
During a working week.