Guys, stop saying Drowzee has no moves. There's a house where a guy just hands Psychic to you. Go to the house, get the TM, use it and hope to god we don't use it. If we lose it, great, we'll have to either grind with Drowzee and Digrat or catch something and be forced to use the PC.
How long is the chat delay right now?
Isn't psy wave really weird set damage?Exactly. Even if we accidently toss the TM, Drowzee will learn Physic naturally. We will also get Psywave by beating Sabrina.
Is the system biased towards change or are people really that indecisive?
People are voting "rightdown" and the game doesn't even register the second command. Democracy is a lie.
you will eat these words before this run is over
Team Democracy can't pausa buffer or counter mash at any point, so the Twitch lag (which the majority vote isn't accounting for) is leaving them stuck.
Isn't psy wave really weird set damage?
It looks like it does register, just five seconds after the first.
And they STILL managed to vote down at the one time that they shouldn't.Woah, they are learning how to use more complex commands.
Cool, thanks for the explanation!ANARCHY and DEMOCRACY modes:
Anarchy: If this is in the lead, then it will go back to the "normal" insane style of movement, where every input goes.
Democracy: If this is in the lead (and currently is), then the inputs will be counted up and whichever input has the most counts will make the player do it (every 20 seconds).
Up: 221
Down: 193
B: 29
Then the player will move Up.
;_;Also did you really release ABBBBBK( if so you're all fired.
Yeah. It's basically a more inconsistent Seismic Toss.Isn't psy wave really weird set damage?
Compound commands mostly solve this, and people are learning them already.
We're in the wrong maze again...
you will eat these words before this run is over
Why the fuck do we do anything? By accident;_;
There's nothing left to do. He's up there in heaven, biding his time.
Yeah. It's basically a more inconsistent Seismic Toss.
Which is still really damn nice on this playthrough. Speaking of which, why the fuck did we toss Seismic Toss. IT KILLS GHOSTS.
If it keeps leveling up, probably.How? Is Pidgeot going to one-shot the Elite 4 with gust?
After the ledge incident, the fanbase became paranoid. What other gameplay aspects in this playthrough could be compromised by trolls in the future? One concern is the PC system used to store Pokemon; the same system can also release them, removing them from the game forever. The risk of losing a top Pokemon to the PC due to trolls was too great and would make the game nearly unwinnable, and therefore the steam decided to avoid using the PC unless necessary.
Red progressed through Lavender Town and arrived at Celadon City, where the Twitch channel defeated the Gym Leader for the fourth badge (it took awhile: there was a tree outside and inside the gym!)
At this point in Pokemon Red, the game becomes more nonlinear, which started a debate on what next to do in game. Many pointed out that the party lacked a Pokemon which could learn Surf, a skill, like Cut, which was required to progress in the game much later. Red will eventually earn such a Pokemon which could learn Surf (Lapras) as a part of the plot, whos a decent combatant too.
How it works in practice...
There are about 20-30% who are exclusively team Democracy and likewise about 20-30% who are exclusively team Anarchy. What happens is that when a "party" gains power, is that they lose voting control naturally (those that were voting hard for X, now are in control and they divert their attention to actually moving. Faction Y who WERE spending time controlling, now have to spam back to try and regain power so you see an immediate dip back the other way).
There are enough people left over who want to progress in this game (we'll say "progress-ies") who'll keep the balance at the current party that's necessary for advancement.
No, we can still get to Giovanni this way.
Edit: Cool, we're out. They should just head for the elevator.
Nt a flying move rememberIf it keeps leveling up, probably.
I could see it one-shotting Hitmonlee.
This art gets better and better.
Nah, I was just saying it could one-shot Hitmonlee because Hitmonlee's practically made of glass.Nt a flying move remember
Can someone explain this democracy stuff to me? I haven't been able to access twitch in a while
Can someone please explain what is Anarchy and Democracy mode?
What do the numbers mean at the end of commands?