Twitch record is 144k simultaneous viewers with 1.7m unique views. We're on 101k with 1.1m unique views. If we make the E4, we will shatter that, easily.
Where can we see the number of unique views?
Twitch record is 144k simultaneous viewers with 1.7m unique views. We're on 101k with 1.1m unique views. If we make the E4, we will shatter that, easily.
We're screwed, we have literally nothing to counter Rhyhorn
I never want to see another maze again
can we just like hack the 8th gym
There is no reason to do up...not one fucking one.
Stop saying smart things....Can't they dig out to heal?
in based Pidgeot we believe
in based Pidgeot we believe
Pidgeot will be released before the end.
Pidgeot has fainted
Pidgeot will be released before the end.
Pidgeot will be released before the end.
Democracy save us from Casino Hell.
I like to think the chat would immediately spam democracy if Pidgeot was ever accidentally boxed.
I didn't say boxed.
Did they release Flareon?!
By the gods of Helix, please tell me it's true?
Passed it.So close to 100k viewers
Or did they pass that while I was away?
I might get eaten out for this but I haven't been able to follow all that much, last night I saw they were doing the 4 floors of that dungeon but what is Anarchy vs Democracy?
Man, you are great at finding relevant cartoon clips for this
So close to 100k viewers
Or did they pass that while I was away?
The evil has been destroyed. Maybe in the wild he can become a normal pokemon. Maybe.
Is there any other way to get an Eevee in this game? Would be funny if you could.
What happened to the false prophet?
It was more fun before Anarchy / Democracy. Playing the game in pure anarchy mode would have been super impressive - it wouldn't matter how long it took to finish the game. It was simple and brilliant.
I feel like the update robs this stream of its elegance in order to progress faster ... which will probably get people to watch the stream longer, but that wasn't really the point.
Giovanni right now