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Ubisoft and Guerilla devs are salty over Elden Ring reviews

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Tears of Nintendo
How can Ubisoft (for one) say stupid shit like this, if what they're doing in AC / FC games is mostly trash when it comes to quest designs (let alone optimization and performance of their games on PC platform)?
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How can Ubisoft (for one) say stupid shit like this, if what they're doing in AC / FC games is mostly trash when it comes to quest designs (let alone optimization and performance of their games on PC platform)?
The designers think they are doing a great work and providing you with great value. They do not understand why people LIKE having no quest log and not having to 'kill X wolves for Y pelts'. Similar - why people are HAPPY not to be guided by hand and shown everything there is in a game out of fear they 'will miss out on the content'.
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As someone that plays Forbidden west, I'll say that its not perfect either, doing a sidequest, getting attacked by i think 6 flying enemies, some new enemytypes of those, 1 "unique" for that fight gets stuck in the air, and thats after the quest automaticly finishes when ive killed the other 5, still enjoyable though but have had similar instances before in it, like i died i think at the same time as i took down a enemy, which advanced the quest, but also got rid of all npcs in the questarea.
See, here is when you admit it's a job and ubisoft makes you write a ton a dialogue, objective markers, go here and press the button quests.

You don't keep pretending it's good just because you do it for a living.


Lmao as if an Ubisoft dev has a case here.

If I look at a meta score of most Ubisoft games my response would be "huh, guess reviewers don't give a shit about games not fucking sucking".


If anything I'd hope it would push Ubisoft to raise the bar - Elden Ring is exactly what I want in a video game, and more importantly from an open world type game. Far Cry 6 was so copy/paste and boring I struggled not to quit, and I really had a hard time with the first Horizon Zero Dawn. Elden Ring reminds me of an M-rated Zelda, minus the puzzle dungeons. Great stuff.


Gold Member
Same exact thing happened with the first horizon. Got about a third of the way through and they jumped ship to play something else that came out that week.

Think it ended up taking me 3 years to get the plat. I just started over eventually. I won't do that with horizon 2 but it's been over a week since I played it last....


Pretty graphics with repetitive hold my hand quests is the only recipe that deserves +90 on Metacritic.

Keep Tweeting...


If anything I'd hope it would push Ubisoft to raise the bar - Elden Ring is exactly what I want in a video game, and more importantly from an open world type game. Far Cry 6 was so copy/paste and boring I struggled not to quit, and I really had a hard time with the first Horizon Zero Dawn. Elden Ring reminds me of an M-rated Zelda, minus the puzzle dungeons. Great stuff.
Ubisoft won't change anything.

Their lazy, terrible open world design still sells bajillions. Zelda made similar open world changes 5 years ago and Ubisoft didn't do anything to incorporate the numerous improvements they made. Hell, no dev other than FROM did anything.

Ubisoft and most other second rate devs will continue to just give you a large map with marker diarrhea on it.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I kinda agree.
regardless of how good the game is, if the performance hampers your enjoyment of the game then it should be reflected in the score.
How many of you said HWF performance mode is unplayable?
Cyberpunk 2077?
Or something similar about another game.
I personally am waiting for game to be stable.
My first experience with it was a hard crash I've never seen before on my PS5 and I had to wait half hour for the PS5 to repair itself.
You can't brush that aside.
If a game like Elden Ring can score like this with no mention of how it runs.
That that pretty much gives devs no incentive to deliver stable games with good performance.


Guerilla shouldn't even dare open their mouths. They put Mary Sue in a game and called it a day. Lazy writing through and through.

Stfu and fix the performance mode instead, it looks worse than Zero Dawn.
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Because they are reviewing the gameplay not the performance. Sadly, it seems that today people are more worried about framerate than gameplay immersion or progression.

It wouldn't be an issue if there was any sort of consistency in the reviews, some games are bashed for their performance, their framerate/frame pacing/stutters etc., IMHO very rightfully so, whereas other games get a completely free pass like they're running flawless which of far from true.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I think Specifically they are talking about how a game like Elden Ring with almost unplayable on PC and issues on Console gets close to a perfect score. Yet Games like Forbidden West doesn't get any merrit for quality of life improvements. Solid performance on all Playstation consoles, only minimal bugs, and instant loading on a map thats almost twice the size of elden Ring.
It's much more playable than Bloodborne with its pathetic 30fps + bad frame pacing...



I think Specifically they are talking about how a game like Elden Ring with almost unplayable on PC and issues on Console gets close to a perfect score. Yet Games like Forbidden West doesn't get any merrit for quality of life improvements. Solid performance on all Playstation consoles, only minimal bugs, and instant loading on a map thats almost twice the size of elden Ring.

Horizon 1 has a 89 metascore
Horizon 2 has a 88 metascore
In what context do those type of scores count as "not getting any merit".

Are you arguing that having good graphics and good performance is the only metric through which a game can achieve a 90+?
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That thing about PC port might be true, but that last guy crying about quest designs, when his quest design is literally Ubisoft copy pasted open world with robo dinosaur is just too much to not make fun of.

Elden Ring did every aspect of it's open world better then Forbidden West.


That thing about PC port might be true, but that last guy crying about quest designs, when his quest design is literally Ubisoft copy pasted open world with robo dinosaur is just too much to not make fun of.

Elden Ring did every aspect of it's open world better then Forbidden West.
Yup. The quests in Horizon are the same old shit you've seen before. Don't know what the hype was for those.


The biggest problem for me is that some games(developers) gets away with bug-filled games without getting a lesser score, while with other developers the same people are nit-picky about bugs.. Thats why Metacritic and Open Critic is bad source for reviews..


I’m a from fan but damn. You could say that ER has little originality, is an unpolished idea from previous games.

It’s Dark Souls 4 in a bigger map essentially.

It was measured with different criteria than other games. If ER had super good performance, next gen gfx, new gameplay mechanics that elevate the souls type of games… what would it have scored then? Also 97? 120?

You have to understand that these devs get bonuses depending on the MC score. It’s not just a number to them.

Souls in a bigger map is the great thing they did. handcrafting game design in an open world is not easy. it's like how Witcher 3 set a standard for handcrafting a ton of quests. ER did it for gameplay. BotW also did it for terrain.

As for bonuses the system of tying them to reviewers who can be biased and moody is unfair from concept. they should have negotiated better contracts. But AFAIK the trigger for the bonuses is 8.8-8.5/10. so HFW likely got theirs.

Actually, the combat in HFW is way more original than in ER. Fighting machines aiming at weakpoints with a bow was never done before (the first Horizon).

the 1st Horizon gets credit for that not the 2nd. HFW could be a better game all around than the 1st but can't get the same credit for originality as the 1st game. for example IMOO Uncharted 3 was a better game than Uncharted 2. but because U3 didn't have the same leap as between U1 and U2 there was an an (unfair)impression that it was lower quality than U2. and lost points for that.

HFW vs ED isn't about good game vs bad game(that part was about Ubisoft). both are great. it's about perfect scores. the gap between them is just 0.5-1.


Tbh I kind of share their opinion. I've watched my SO play hours of Elden Ring (streamed from PS5) and I don't grasp how it's getting all of this acclaim and perfect scores. Even ignoring the 'rinse and repeat' nature of the game itself compared to its predecessors, nothing about it truly stands out over some of its competition recently. Especially Forbidden West.

I guess I don't get it. I felt the same way about Infinite despite sinking tons of hours into it- horribly flawed, incomplete, yet an amazing gameplay loop at its core. Inexplicably hailed as the second coming of Christ everywhere though. Maybe in time people's passions will 'cool'.


Are those users actually devs at the associated developers? I don’t use Twitter myself, but they just come across as salty fanboys.


People have opinions (and can snark); what a shock.

Almost unplayable? A million steam users playing last night would claim otherwise. Performance issues are always exaggerated while gameplay issues are rarely reported because reviewers rarely dig deep enough into a game's mechanics.

The performance on PC is not good, period. The game works but let's not pretend it's in an acceptable position or that the gaming press did any PC player a service largely ignoring the issues (that BN lied that the day one patch would fix).

The designers think they are doing a great work and providing you with great value. They do not understand why people LIKE having no quest log and not having to 'kill X wolves for Y pelts'. Similar - why people are HAPPY not to be guided by hand and shown everything there is in a game out of fear they 'will miss out on the content'.

. . . all of which can be turned completely off in ACV. Hilarious how people twists themselves into pretzels agonizing over UBI game design that is completely customizable.
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Have you played HFW?
I have and I'm so tired of side quests and errands that I'm just burning through the main quest to the end now. I wanted to get a Platinum on this game but not sure it's worth it. Underneath the beautiful coating I'd argue there's a slightly worse game than Zero Dawn here.
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Have you played HFW?
Tried it for a few hours. Played Zero Dawn also, but dropped it.

Both of them were similar Ubisoft style open world that I started to hate around time Far Cry 4 came out. Music was awesome, visuals are great, and lore is great, but combat system wore down fast (and melee combat system is just plain bad) and there was nothing interesting left. Also, Aloy mumbling to herself every 10 seconds almost caused me to jump out of window...
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I think Specifically they are talking about how a game like Elden Ring with almost unplayable on PC and issues on Console gets close to a perfect score. Yet Games like Forbidden West doesn't get any merrit for quality of life improvements. Solid performance on all Playstation consoles, only minimal bugs, and instant loading on a map thats almost twice the size of elden Ring.
How it is 'almost unplayable', lol?
Yes there is shader caching and some streaming slowdowns but it's almost dissapears after some time.
I'm also playing 60 fps with DLDSR - and I thi k my experience on PC is far better than on consoles for example. Also LODs in this game are incredible - I see no pop-in except for prodedural grass. Those trees at highest LODs are tankey for performance but looks great.


The tech-fuckup on PC should`ve cost the game a few points, definitely should`ve kicked it below the 90`s imho.


I think the last open world game I played and enjoyed was Saints Row 4. I tried to get into the far cry/assasins creed/watch dogs stuff, but I just couldn't stick them out for very long.
Much to do about nothing, Elden Ring does have performance issues , however Elden Ring will still be great in a few years, HFW will just be another great looking ,3rd person open world , get pointed in the right direction , hiding in Long grass , whilst have a pointless skill tree, basically designed by committee western game.
Nailed it on the head right there.

Horizon looks fantastic from a graphics perspective but it’s just another cookie cutter 3rd person open world game. Elden Ring is in a completely different league.
Just one person, with a few words and now making another overblown thread about it. As if devs can't have personal opinions about a product. Do we really need threads for whatever the fuck every dev posts or thinks on twitter. It's not like gamers are any better these days and only shitting on these people all day long on forums.

Bullshit, nothing wrong with the performance. It's the resolution and shimmering that makes the performance option "less" interesting form some, then the 30fps mode. Elden Ring has major performance issues compared to what Guerrilla has released. reviewers don't say you need to play the PS4 Pro version of Forbidden West or something like they do with Elden Ring.

This game get's a pass for everything, same as Halo Infinite.
Personal anecdote here, but I've been playing Elden Ring on base PS4 and I haven't run into any issues performance wise, other than the occasional frame stuttering when there's a lot of flying enemies on screen and I've been playing for 5 hours straight.
Tried it for a few hours. Played Zero Dawn also, but dropped it.

Both of them were similar Ubisoft style open world that I started to hate around time Far Cry 4 came out. Music was awesome, visuals are great, and lore is great, but combat system wore down fast (and melee combat system is just plain bad) and there was nothing interesting left. Also, Aloy mumbling to herself every 10 seconds almost caused me to jump out of window...
I liked the game but this was absurd. Between telling me for the millionth time that she’s sending something to her stash to “uh, the cold air is piercing my lungs”. Good god please shut the fuck up. It’s even worse with her annoying ass delivery of her lines. Easily one of the most annoying protagonist out there.
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