It's kind of sad that precious time and resources are being spent by a company over which hole you stick your dick in instead of making a better game. Who fucking cares, it's A GAME, a FICTIONAL GAME. Why are we worrying about our fictional lives mirroring those of our real lives? The point is to get away from all that sewage, at least it is for me.
Something I had been thinking recently is how people use gaming as a status symbol in a lot of ways.
You can see it in XBox vs PS4 vs VR vs Switch type arguments where people are SO invested in the idea that the console that they own is the best one.
It's there in arguments over graphics too. People really want that impressive looking game that they can show off.
What's the point in having massive backlogs of games? Because people want to own the newest thing coming out even if they will never have time to actually play it in depth? People constantly "complaining" about their backlogs.
I see this newest drama as being another aspect to that.
There was a time where it was a big deal to be a kid who's folks allowed him to play Mortal Kombat.
Then PS1 came along and it was Grand Theft Auto that was the game you could brag about owning.
This new trend is a progression of that, I think.
DoA 6, Catherine, Kingdom Come, the THQ Nordic drama. The big deal that was made over Far Cry 5.
It's not enough to just have new games, the games must also not be "problematic".
The games you play need to embody your political beliefs and pander to them.
So now we can brag to our buddies about how we are playing the wokest game on the most expensive console with the bestest graphics and we've got a whole unplayed library of other woke games too.