Sixfortyfive said:Dead to me.
Sorry guys, if I have to read that much text, Id rather put down the DS and pick up a kindle.
way to slow paced, text heavy and annoying for me.
Sixfortyfive said:Dead to me.
What is this, I don't even.ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:Sorry guys, if I have to read that much text, Id rather put down the DS and pick up a kindle.
way to slow paced, text heavy and annoying for me.
mr. puppy said:were there any decent firebrand players last night? i want to see what the invincibility/hitbox on his demon missile assists are, in particular the flying one.
In about 3 hours, sure. Shoot me a PM so I don't forget.Becquerel said:Yo, enzo, can you pop me the hi-res character art for the new characters?
Grecco said:I dont remember seing a single one.
ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:Sorry guys, if I have to read that much text, Id rather put down the DS and pick up a kindle.
way to slow paced, text heavy and annoying for me.
matics said:So I'm kinda out of the loop right now, been away from the OT since the first few pages.. What's the $8.95 meme?
enzo_gt said:What is this, I don't even.
Man you would have absolutely hated pre-N64 eras of gaming.
Nyoro SF said:I'm going to assume you hate reading books.
Grecco said:Did you watch Canada Cup? Basically they charged 8.95 for the 720 stream. Had "issues". Stream Monsters never forget.
Akuma but I agree walk speed doesn't matter at all unless MAYBE you are Morrigan or Arthur who don't have proper dashes.Kimosabae said:Why does Max always talk about walk speed? Who's walk speed ISN'T slow in this game?
ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:I find his playstyle to be very creative and I it is one of the best examples of the talent of the the dev team. But I just cannot stand the character. I don't like the Ace attorney games at all either.
I know which made his outburst against Vergil's 5 meter combo at the Norcal tournament really stupid.~Devil Trigger~ said:Alot of characters can 5 Meter combo
oh i missed it lolDahbomb said:I know which made his outburst against Vergil's 5 meter combo at the Norcal tournament really stupid.
watched it a while back... but from memory, it looks like it might be a corner specific combo. just regular headstomps into standard air series? she can probably get fancier midscreen otgs, but it would be harder than vipers execution wise, as she'd need to dash cancel those headstomps. hitstun deterioation seems to hit hard in this game too. at least viper has her ex moves to negate the air recovery for her jump loops.Dahbomb said:Did you guys see that Chun Li OTG combo in that Max video? :O
ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:to be honest, back then I hated old-school RPG's in general for similar reasons so you are partly right.
actually im a massive reader...It's actually one of the reasons I find text heavy video games annoying. If I want to read, I read something of substance.
likewise, as a film major, I find "cinematic" video games to be pale imitations of the real thing and would just prefer my games to be action packed with a deep level of interactivity.
If I want a cinematic experience with an engaging and multi faceted narrative, Ill watch a good film. No video game ive ever played can stand up to even the crappest films in terms of story progression, art, pacing and character development, so why try?
I just want my games to be ...umm..."gamey". Thats what they are good at and that's what draws me to the medium for entertainment.
That avatar is perfect.Sixfortyfive said:Finding respectable Felicia art is difficult.
Sometimes I can't believe I main such an absurdly designed character.
Damn...Sixfortyfive said:When I found out the airdash nerf was universal, I went through the five stages of grief in about five seconds. All that was left at the end was the desire to steamroll anyone stupid enough to continue using her, just to show them how stupid they are.
horror: Hey, I'm sorry but we do not allow games to be shown early unless you have the publishers permission
» I am going to have to ask that you please stop streaming this until the game is publicly available
ihearthawthats said:i'd much rather fight a frank west than a phoenix wright. in order to level up frank, you actually have to get in and land combos. you're rewarded for opening up the opponent and landing good combos. phoenix wright on the other hand, you get rewarded for playing lame. when you finally do level up, it forces you're opponent to play lame/turtle until the timer expires (it expires, right?), at which point the process repeats. no fun at all.
Dahbomb said:FChamp after seeing that RR can use 5 meters in one combo "WOW THAT IS SO BROKEN!!!!! OMFG!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
ihearthawthats said:i'd much rather fight a frank west than a phoenix wright. in order to level up frank, you actually have to get in and land combos. you're rewarded for opening up the opponent and landing good combos. phoenix wright on the other hand, you get rewarded for playing lame. when you finally do level up, it forces you're opponent to play lame/turtle until the timer expires (it expires, right?), at which point the process repeats. no fun at all.
Tizoc said:Question about Ryu's power-up super: Does it make his projectile super ublockable?
FWIW, I actually had a short conversation with the lead writer of the strategy guide about crossover counters and he informed me that none of the new characters have counters with invincible start-up. So that's probably possible, but who knows how easy it'd be.GuardianE said:Anyone know if you can combo into "Objection!" off of a Crossover Counter Press the Witness? That might be an incredibly easy way to enter Turnabout Mode without the risk of using TACs.
Sixfortyfive said:FWIW, I actually had a short conversation with the lead writer of the strategy guide about crossover counters and he informed me that none of the new characters have counters with invincible start-up. So that's probably possible, but who knows how easy it'd be.
crimsonspider89 said:
I'm watching the Norcal UMvC3 matches and it hits everytime; are the other players not blocking properly or soemthing?GuardianE said:lolwut? Free full screen unblockable for two bars? I find that highly unlikely.
Dahbomb said:I think even Phoenix can do it I saw some video where she did like 4 Phoenix Rage's in a row or something.
I don't know what to think about Frank West. I don't think it's that hard to get him to LVL5 as long as you don't get your point character bodied. But at the same time I don't think LVL5 is THAT godlike outside of damage on block normals and that range. I seriously think there is more to him in that level. He is no where near Wright level.
It bounces off of walls and he caught people not blocking.Tizoc said:I'm watching the Norcal UMvC3 matches and it hits everytime; are the other players not blocking properly or soemthing?
crimsonspider89 said:No, only certain crossover counters are completely invincible. Several can be stuffed. The ones that are invincible off the top of my head are X-23, Thor, and Jill. Crescent Scythe and Mighty Smash, forgot Jill's assist that is invincible on crossover counter.
Thor's is extremely dangerous since it gives him a free combo.
Hmm I see, makes sense, thanks for clearing it up.enzo_gt said:It bounces off of walls and he caught people not blocking.
It was mad hype though, lol. said:That's interesting. I thought the invincibility was a fundamental characteristic of all crossover counters? Did they change that?
its not real zoning though. i have no problem with characters like arthur who control space with the purpose of dealing damage. phoenix wright isn't about controlling space in the same sense, moreso just putting up a shield or keeping away just to find evidence whether it deals damage or not.Skilletor said:I guess if you consider zoning and controlling space lame, sure.
I don't know if I have issues with Wright yet, but if I do it won't come from how he gets turnabout mode. It'll have everything to do with how stupidly overpowered they made a gimmick.
But that's MAHVEL(3).
shaowebb said:Holy shit thats awesome! That infinite was found today!? That means it might still be in UMVC3 if her air drill wasn't changed when they tweaked her.