I really do not want to turn this thread into a spiritual conversation thread...
But. A few days ago I was in quite a good shape against one of my friends who is a REALLY strong player, always punishing my mistakes and choosing the most damaging combos. Hell, I even felt good about the whole thing. Then, a day later, I was again in horrible shape. 1-22 horrible. Or 1-30. I was so salty that I started trash talking (not the hard way, no name calling, just little salt springs flowing in the game on Party chat

) Everyone was laughing of course, but I was really sad that all this happened because I gave up being mad overall a few months ago, and I could hold on to that even in UMVC3.
But this was different. Well, whatever, right? I did my daily meditation session at around 11pm that night... and it was so energizing that I really, really felt like giving UMVC3 another try, hoping that this happiness and energy translates into something more good than trash talking and salt factory.
And it did! My friend was online and we did another 30 game - the result was a 9-21 for him, but I was so happy all the time, I could have literally laugh the whole session off - which I did not, obviously. I get to play the game in a really different perspective. And the end result is that this game is so amazing, so incredible, so rewarding and fun - and all it takes to realize it even if you are losing if to just sit back, relax, and enjoy how amazingly well-crafted the combos are that are "killing" "your" characters. Then you will appreciate the game fully even when you lose.
Not to mention that you will literally laugh every time when you call an assist in against something that is capable of punishing that AND if there is an X-factor with him as well