"God's Beard!"
But he's so old and non intimidating in this. MVC2 sounded and looked much cooler.
I looove his MVC3 voice. He's like one of those pompous British dandy villains.
But he's so old and non intimidating in this. MVC2 sounded and looked much cooler.
-_- i hated watching that match up as i screwed up so many times. i ended up going on a 10 game win streak after that and beat killa as well ultimoo so shut it! i know i should be using up arrows with task against x 23 and spidy but i never do. ughafter watching killa sasa dismantle smurfx, I'd have to say degen is probably better than smurf at this point.
But he's so old and non intimidating in this. MVC2 sounded and looked much cooler.
They were fun / good games and yeah, I'll play anytime.First off, GG's to those in Kadey's lobby. GAF is Zero town. PS Bizazedo I want my revenge on you, you were the only one I didn't manage to take down at least once T_T I don't mind all the Zero's, I want as much practice against that bastard as I can get.
8. Winner cannot choose point character for the next match in any slot but can choose them again for next match after, etc. Meaning no point character can be chosen on a team in next match. And point character of next match cannot be chosen in next match thereafter if need be, etc. This does not apply to losing players.
His voice actor is the same from the Wolverine cartoons, right?He sounds like he has dentures on.
╢I Kadey, present╟
Date° Perhaps later tonight if players are quickly determined.
1. Xbox 360 players only.
2. 4-6 player lobby.
3. Two hour time limit.
4. Players must be present for whole duration of the lobby to be qualified.
5. Any disconnect will not stop the time and disconnected player will lose their spot in the lineup and however long depending on how fast they get back into the lobby.
6. Player with most wins thereafter is the winner.
7. A tie breaker at the end will be played in a first to five set.
8. Winner cannot choose point character for the next match in any slot but can choose them again for next match after, etc. Meaning no point character can be chosen on a team in next match. And point character of next match cannot be chosen in next match thereafter if need be, etc. This does not apply to losing players.
9. Order will be determined randomly via random generator program.
10. Time will start after first round of the first match begins.
°Winner gets to become mod on stream if haven't already and receives 1600 Live Points.
Interested players will have to PM me to get in.
This will be streaming live at my TwitchTV channel.
Lobby tonight lasted for over 8 hours/12Gbs
Some highlights. KillaB exhibition. That Spidey.
Vs Frantic
Vs Solar
Vs Smurf
╢I Kadey, present╟
I liked it when he said EM Disruptor
Interesting... this shouldn't be much of a problem for me. I've got like eight characters I consider 'mains', lol. Now I just need to return to Dante on secondary.8. Winner cannot choose point character for the next match in any slot but can choose them again for next match after, etc. Meaning no point character can be chosen on a team in next match. And point character of next match cannot be chosen in next match thereafter if need be, etc. This does not apply to losing players.
Even if I figured you out it wouldn't help me much. Zero makes my brain do everything wrong.Was good games all night against everyone. I hope I didn't play Frantic enough where he has me figured out :x. I have some ideas for next time..
Thank you for picking my worst match against Killa Sasa.
Mags sounded like a dirty hobo in MvC2 his VO didn't suit him at all. He need a classy accent as he has in MvC3 and I think it suits him perfectly.
Also how come this isn't in community yet? Mahvel GAF gets preferred treatment on GAF? Are we Neogaf GOLD members without knowing it?
Yes to the second one. First one I don't know... if DHCing out of Spirit Dragon before the final hit causes a soft knockdown then you are good to go. If not then it will not work.Dahbomb, can vergil go into a SS combo post DHC after IF's spirit of the dragon? And if he does would I need to omit the groundbounce from IF's bnb to help vergil? Barring when I use a quick assist to ignore the groundbounce of course.
Not THE fastest connection obviously but I rarely ever get any lag playing this game. Only minor quirk I've noticed is that it seems to disconnect for a few seconds at 1:30 AM or something. Happened twice during a gaf lobby match. Once right before the match started and once in the middle of the combo that would have won the game for me.
God dammit...I have to pay $50+ to comcast in WV for this shit too. :C
All of my envy good sir. All of it.
I'll run an Arthur team in honor of youI wish I could participate
I won't be back home for another couple of days...I haven't played in a while so I'll be even worse than before. You guys have probably improved.
Good luck to those participating!
Got the six required players. Stuff coming on up. Oh, I won't be easy.
B-b-b-b-but Dante...If you know the main squads of the six, you should ban specific characters after a win so they don't rotate their second slot characters with their points.
B-b-b-b-but Dante...
Yeah, I know. I'm honestly okay with that rule, lol. It would makes things more interesting.And my Zero. Or Wesker. Dunno who she'd choose.
But, it would prevent the six from working the system. Your team is just as effective with Spencer on point as Dante. Same here with Nova.
Got the six required players. Stuff coming on up. Oh, I won't be easy.
So if you lose you can keep your point character and whole team if you want to, but if you win you have to select a new point character in your next match right? Sounds like a cool way to test who has the most overall skills with the game and not just with a certain few characters if this is how it works.kadey said:8. Winner cannot choose point character for the next match in any slot but can choose them again for next match after, etc. Meaning no point character can be chosen on a team in next match. And point character of next match cannot be chosen in next match thereafter if need be, etc. This does not apply to losing players.
Hm, did Heroes or Heralds win this week?
Heroes won on 360.
and get this: the game says I have advanced offense. Advanced offense. aaaahahaha
Team Armor. Game ruined.™
So wait...when are we doing the 360 gaf tourney thing? And who is signed up? So confuddled...
So if you lose you can keep your point character and whole team if you want to, but if you win you have to select a new point character in your next match right? Sounds like a cool way to test who has the most overall skills with the game and not just with a certain few characters if this is how it works.
What if people just stick their point character in the 2nd slot every time, and just tag them in every time the round starts?![]()