Kind of long, some of my recent thoughts based on playing a lot of games over the weekend:
I am coming to the conclusion that Wolverine on point is still the best bet if you want to win frequently...
Right now my main team is doing pretty well Wesker, Vergil, Doom (beam) ... but I am also playing some alts. With my main team, I have to play super carefully against Zero and Wolv point characters. Wesker's jump up gun + doom beam zones very well. It will cause some damage to Wolverine as he is getting in... completely owns Ghost rider and Sentinel. However, if Zero or Wolv land a hit or I make any spacing mistakes, Wesker is in a world of pain.
*I have also been practicing with Skrull ... but outside of random meteor dives or catching bad assist calls, its a bit tough to open people up with Skrull. (He does ridiculous damage, but hes is not as amazing as he looks on tourney streams unless you really know all of his normals. ie. SSFIV type normal knowledge) I played around with Skrull + Doom missiles, it is pretty good, but not as good as it sounds
*I tried playing Zero, but I don't think the character is for me. A little bit too tough always holding down fingers start to cramp.
I want to try 3 other teams for my experiments -- I am wondering if I can make an all anchor team work.
Skrull Vergil(rapid slash) Wesker. Theory is that Skrull can control the air pretty well, and Vergil slash assist will help pressure the bottom part of the screen. Wesker assist will help extend combos for both.
Wolverine (berserker barrage) Vergil (Rapid slash) Wesker -- Wolverine and Vergil can use the slash assists to lock down enemies and then cross up with with Berserker Slash/Teleport. Wesker for combo extension. If they are zoning heavily out of the gate and Wolverine is getting bodied, worst case scenario, hard tag in Vergil and activate swords.
Finally, Wolverine, Wesker, Doom (beam)... this is probably the safest bet for easy wins, but I really want to keep playing Vergil. I just love the character... but I can't deny Wolverines ability to kill 2 characters.
Thoughts? I am thinking Wolv Vergil Wesker team can do some real damage...
PS. Until recently, Vergil has been the liability on my team. Somehow I really leveled him up... I am using swords super more than anything right now. Its a free way to get in and they can't do anything about it. Completely shuts down momentum, whuch is GODLIKE in this game. Anyways, I played a long set with this amazing Magneto player from SRK. He could do TOD with rom combos and never dropped them. He raped my alt teams, and I ended up winning 5 straight against him because of Vergil and swords super. Even XF3 sentinel is scared of Vergil with swords