Damn straight.Holy shit
Marvel GAF is still best GAF. :lol
Damn straight.Holy shit
Marvel GAF is still best GAF. :lol
Yeah, my brother has a slew of law exams all week, day after day, two more next week too. Stressful times, even I'm drowning in my petty schoolwork ATM.Lol @ the shit talk.
Good luck Dahbomb. I know a bunch of people taking those same types of exams tomorrow. Brutal shit.
Beef is a fraud
Yeah, my brother has a slew of law exams all week, day after day, two more next week too. Stressful times, even I'm drowning in my petty schoolwork ATM.
I honestly don't think I'll have time to play Marvel continuously again until April after my semester ends :| Maybe then I can at least get into the groove and start practicing for Toryuken though, I've got a long road ahead though.
Life has been keeping me from leveling up in this game something crazy. I'm a pretty fast learner when it comes to fighters, but yea. Life gives no fucks when it wants to throw a monkey wrench in things. >:/
Who here plays Strider? What kind of damage are you guys getting out of him?
So, I bought this game and I can't even get through arcade on normal -_-. Tips?
So, I bought this game and I can't even get through arcade on normal -_-. Tips?
Remember to use assists to cover your advance/defense. Choose assists to compliment your characters weaknesses.So, I bought this game and I can't even get through arcade on normal -_-. Tips?
My main combo starting with Formation B does about 430-460k meterless depending on the first hit, and my non-Formation B combo does about 350-370k depending on the starter. I tend to go for meterless combos into resets, since Legion doesn't do enough damage and Strider's combos don't build enough meter to justify spending the bar. Usually, I go for resets with Formation A1 > Teleport L or M after a hard knockdown. It's really ambiguous, and I haven't had anyone block it successfully.Who here plays Strider? What kind of damage are you guys getting out of him?
If your really dead set on getting competitive, the official game guide is good recommendation. Great piece of literature right there. Otherwise, YT is a great resource, there are tons of competent guides out there.I've been using zero, frank west and then someone random inbetween, and i'd like to learn to be competitive of courseI'll try mission mode.
If you're losing to a guy with one dimensional game-play, playing a one dimensional character, does that mean you're a zero dimensional player? you don't even exist on this plane of existence because you're just so bad. All you do is spam tri-jump on Thor, standing H on Hulk, and Hawkeye? Let's not even talk about your Hawkeye, all I know is the only combo you know on him is gimlet, x-factor, gimlet. That's a pretty high skill cap combo right there, don't hurt yourself pulling off those abc combos on hulk too, 750k for a hulk combo that only includes one charge move and one QCB motion? if only all brain dead characters could get away with that. I'm surprised you don't play Wesker, ABCS, ABCS. That's right up your alley. Don't hurt yourself thinking about concepts such as doing srk motions or actually pressing buttons with a rhythm, we wouldn't want our favourite panda to get hurt.
I'm too poor.![]()
I've been using zero, frank west and then someone random inbetween, and i'd like to learn to be competitive of courseI'll try mission mode.
Wait hold on now. We're talking about how "good" someone's execution is in this game when nearly every combo is the easiest thing in the world? Ok fine we'll play by your genius rules. My optimal Thor combo has 2 DPs and an RDP I guess that's way harder than anything any of your characters have to do.
So what? Do SRKs impress you or something?
"This combo has 4 srks in it, he must be MarlinPie!"
What the hell?At least I know that you can comprehend you know how to press more than one button a time if you have to do an srk motion. Otherwise, I just imagine Panda sitting there looking at his controllers pressing aaa, bbbb, cccc, ssss, aaaa, bbbb, cccc, ssss, qcb + abababababab and looking up at the screen and clapping his hands wildly at the big damage he did.
Huh?Professor's Beef Waifu =D
Oh I see how it is.Beef is a fraud
With that waste of space you call MODOK? Might as well declare me the winner right now.I'll take Sloth place and play Beef =D
Oh Beef I'm glad you can talk. Ultimoo is stinking it up. It's like you are Dolph Ziggler and Ultimoo is Jack Swagger.Huh?
Oh I see how it is.
With that waste of space you call MODOK? Might as well declare me the winner right now.
And look at Panda talking all that good shit. They say that all men are created equal...but you look at me and you look at Panda, and you can see that statement is not true. See normally in Marvel you go 1 on 1 and you've got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm Professor Beef, and I'm not normal, so you've got a 25% chance at best of beating me. And then you add Degen to the mix? Your chances of winning drastically go down.
See, between me/Panda/Degen, you have a 33 1/3 chance of winning. But I...I got a 66 2/3 chance of winning because Degen KNOWS he can't beat me, so he's not even going to try. So Panda, you take your 33 1/3 chance and minus my 25% chance, you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning tomorrow. But then you take my 75% chance of winning (if we was to go 1 on 1) and then add 66 2/3 percents...I got a 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice.
See Panda, the numbers don't lie...and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.
Oh I see how it is.
With that waste of space you call MODOK? Might as well declare me the winner right now.
dat Rogue Statue
Seph plays MODOK.
I play Mag.
I'd call Degen the Brooklyn Brawler of MarvelGAF, but that would be insulting the Brooklyn Brawler. If anything, he's the Virgil to your Ted DiBiase.What you don't know Beef, is that Degen and I happen to be GAF's Greatest Tag Team. Just because you beat Degen in singles competition a few weeks ago doesn't we won't bring it here.
And Degen well, he just don't give a FUCK.
*cuts to clip from last week
I got caught up in all the shit talking.Oh I see how it is.
Racist.And both ya'll look alike.
I'd call Degen the Brooklyn Brawler of MarvelGAF, but that would be insulting the Brooklyn Brawler. If anything, he's the Virgil to your Ted DiBiase.
I got caught up in all the shit talking.
Anybody have any good advice on how to TOUCH a good Zero? If I touch him, he's dead. The problem is touching him...
He plays Zero/Dorm/Task (changes the order whenever he feels like it).
fuck off vergil you fucking cunt
sick of fighting 22000 vergils in a fucking row christ
so anyways, hawkeye has a shitload of trouble against c.viper and dormammu
worst matchups by far, barring xf and meter shenanigans. although depending on the dorm I can trip em up by moving in with H trick maneuver
If only the rest of Fighting GAF were this fired up. So what's it going to be? Who is clashing tonight?
I'm too poor.![]()
Seph plays MODOK.
I play Mag.
think of it this way, when two forces crash they destroy each other, just cruise around zero and throw stuff at the screen (smartly) don try to shoot him, shoot his surroundings, he will slowly but surely die cause of him being reckless
PSN is gonna be down from 8 AM to 9 PM PST, so looks like it'll be XBL.