It doesn't hit upon cross up, doesn't have different ranges, can't be made safe with a powered up hyper, doesn't go over mid screen range and can't be comboed from.
Not even close to the Berderper Slash. It's closer to Cap's new flip which is also really good.
WOW @ that Iron Fist data. *Goes into analyzing mode*
Iron Fist builds 150% meter during green chi!!! :O :O :O
Sephi can you check effects of various projectiles on blue chi? Like start with Hadoukens, Soul Fit, move up to Task arrows and then finally beams and hypers. That's probably the attribute most people want to know about.
Red chi gives 120% damage boost
Blue chi gives 20-25% damage reduction on attacks
Not even close to the Berderper Slash. It's closer to Cap's new flip which is also really good.
WOW @ that Iron Fist data. *Goes into analyzing mode*
Iron Fist builds 150% meter during green chi!!! :O :O :O
Sephi can you check effects of various projectiles on blue chi? Like start with Hadoukens, Soul Fit, move up to Task arrows and then finally beams and hypers. That's probably the attribute most people want to know about.
Red chi gives 120% damage boost
Blue chi gives 20-25% damage reduction on attacks