That's a pretty awesome pic, GuardianE! Thanks for sharing! I'm sure every artist ends up drawing Morrigan just like... whomever their favorite sexy chick is. Why is she always so different looking (in the face) by every artist?
No Probs with Dante and Wesker, though. Wesker fits the pencilwork style to a tee, and I really like that hatchwork on Dante's trench. Very nice work there.
I DO wish Max had shown Hsien-Ko's jump-cancelable normals some. The heavier hitstun after Edoga might actually lead to some ok Assit -> Sempu Bu pressure. (Wonder if Capcom gave her a top tier-DLC alt to make up for mediocre treatment? -_-; )
With Felicia, I hope I can still just Toy Touch in order to get a ground loop from her throws. Hope they didn't nerf the stun THAT much. Air Delta looks really well made, too (like the way it moves close to the opponent when used, rather than just going straight up from where it starts), looks like they put some element of care into making sure it works right.
Spencer, I hope Death from Above is actually USEFUL. If it can be used to land an easy OTG after double high Aerial Zipkicks in the corner, I'd be very happy. The ability to Super Cancel the hit is also very nice, nice to know it'w not just a slow-recovering waste. (I think he stole this move from Skrull.)
I like most of Tron's changes, but I don't really wanna say much about them until I feel them in action. How useful will Kara-throw be in Mahvel, really? I like tossing ont Servebots to stop next-character jump-in's, so easier spam of them is nice. New OTG possibilities are nice, though she could already OTG loop some on her own in lvl 3 Xfactor...
Arthur's changes are also very nice, maybe I'll be able to give him another chance now...
Most of the characters in this changelog vid were people I enjoy playing / wish to play, so it was very appreciated, and nice to watch