I went upstairs to see if I got any match requests and played around in player matches online to run random sets with folks during the wait. No GAF-ers showed up, but this guy LivEviLife13 shows up and Has a Dante/Sentinel/Akuma team and he's running jam sessions,drones, and Tatsus all day fishing for hammers.
I decide after one round that I would stop playing around with rushdown and go full force fucking troll team and see how HE liked trying to get inside for once. I've played all of vanilla with dudes like Haggar, and Ryu and I wanted someone else to feel it for once.
In comes Storm(whirlwind)/MODOK (jamming bomb)/Sent (drooooones)
Almost perfect him in round 1 with combinations of Whirlwind+drones and Whirlwind+Jamming Bomb (lol no jumping). After that he starts popping lvl 1 x-factors and goes crazy in the other rounds throwing all his tactics out the fucking window and just tries to ride tatsus inside with Dante. Lol ...doesn't work. Not with whirlwinds and occasionally switching in MODOK to slap out barriers on him to roadblock that shit. I eventually get missile chipped out by xfactor sent and lose storm and he discovers that MODOK is my most practiced troller. I mix up his barrier with blasters, different range cubes, and jamming bombs (he never noticed some were blue lol) and cover that shit with drones. He got inside a few times only to land on a cube and start riding MODOK bouncy combos into blaster spam. Pure chaos out there and I kept mixing it up for shits while completely refusing to chase him lol.
He rage quit and I put him on friend request and preferred player. ^________^
Its been awhile since I got someone salty online. I've off and on-ed with both Storm and MODOK before and Sent is on my main team. Together its salty as hell and even inside there combos are fun.
I think I may try some more trolling in week 1 with RR Log and some other stuff with maybe MODOK again to see if I cant rack up some mail in the opening week. Is this what it feels like to be you Q?
I went upstairs to see if I got any match requests and played around in player matches online to run random sets with folks during the wait. No GAF-ers showed up, but this guy LivEviLife13 shows up and Has a Dante/Sentinel/Akuma team and he's running jam sessions,drones, and Tatsus all day fishing for hammers.
I decide after one round that I would stop playing around with rushdown and go full force fucking troll team and see how HE liked trying to get inside for once. I've played all of vanilla with dudes like Haggar, and Ryu and I wanted someone else to feel it for once.
In comes Storm(whirlwind)/MODOK (jamming bomb)/Sent (drooooones)
Almost perfect him in round 1 with combinations of Whirlwind+drones and Whirlwind+Jamming Bomb (lol no jumping). After that he starts popping lvl 1 x-factors and goes crazy in the other rounds throwing all his tactics out the fucking window and just tries to ride tatsus inside with Dante. Lol ...doesn't work. Not with whirlwinds and occasionally switching in MODOK to slap out barriers on him to roadblock that shit. I eventually get missile chipped out by xfactor sent and lose storm and he discovers that MODOK is my most practiced troller. I mix up his barrier with blasters, different range cubes, and jamming bombs (he never noticed some were blue lol) and cover that shit with drones. He got inside a few times only to land on a cube and start riding MODOK bouncy combos into blaster spam. Pure chaos out there and I kept mixing it up for shits while completely refusing to chase him lol.
He rage quit and I put him on friend request and preferred player. ^________^
Its been awhile since I got someone salty online. I've off and on-ed with both Storm and MODOK before and Sent is on my main team. Together its salty as hell and even inside there combos are fun.
I think I may try some more trolling in week 1 with RR Log and some other stuff with maybe MODOK again to see if I cant rack up some mail in the opening week. Is this what it feels like to be you Q?