AKA "I hope that movie isn't Iron Man tier."
More on Ghost Rider:
So I spent about 2 hours messing with him in training mode, and I decided that to really utilize him, he needs stuff that lets him combo off of a j.S when it's an instant overhead. As far as I can tell, there are only 4 assists that let him do this from anywhere on any member of the cast:
Plasma Beam
Dagger Toss
Since this is my projectile assist for the team, it's likely that this character will anchor. It's also likely, since I'm using Ghost Rider, that my anchor will have a ton of meter coming in. So, Hawkeye and Arthur seem like the best fits. Doom has no use for excess meter, and Iron Man is Iron Man. Between Arthur and Hawkeye, I'll try Hawkeye first. I don't see a compelling reason to pick one over the either, though. XF3 Arthur isn't a strong argument because it's likely that I'll burn my X-Factor to get a Penance Stare somewhat often. I also slightly lean toward Hawkeye because Arthur stays on the screen for a while, and Ghost Rider can't protect assists well when he's trying to get in.
My other thought was that maybe I don't want to use Ghost Rider on point. He has a really nice assist, and he also has two good hypers to DHC into. Spirit of Vengeance gains hyper armor on frame 1 when DHCing, meaning that it's good for punishing assists, and it would be nice to have a way to safely DHC into Penance Stare through another hyper.
I decided to mess with some other things to help determine my other partner, since there are a lot of interesting options for quick DHCs. One thing that has been bothering me about Ghost Rider is that he gets a lot of throws and air throws, but all he can do off of them is Spirit of Vengeance, which isn't really worth a bar to me unless it kills. I also think that Maelstrom is a crappy level 1 that doesn't do a lot of damage in practice. Then it hit me - a lot hitting assist! Ghost Rider does have the longest range overhead in the entire game. What if I called a low hitting assist while doing j.S for unblockables on wakeup?
I went through and tested all the low hitting assists, and Felicia's came out too slow to combo off of a j.S if I called them both simultaneously (I'd like to be able to use this for combos off an instant overhead, too), X-23's was pure crap, and Wesker's only worked when I was very close. Deadpool's worked at mid-range. She-Hulk's low hitting assist turns out to always hit regardless of the range at which I j.S from, though!
This also solved the previous problem: Taking out the Trash is the perfect hyper to DHC into Penance Stare from, giving me an Abegen-like setup. Sure, it's 4 bars of meter, but I'm not ending Ghost Rider or She-Hulk combos in hypers in favor of resets anyway, and it's not like my game is revolving around this trick.
So, it looks like my next Ghost Rider team setup to mess around with is:
Ghost Rider (Chains of Rebuttal)
She-Hulk (Torpedo)
Hawkeye (Greyhound)
Also, new fact to me: She-Hulk can cancel Torpedo into a THC.
Any thoughts on the setup are welcome.