I was just about to point out the limitation on Rocket Skates before I was beaten.
Triple dash is untested in the game... I don't care how bad a character is giving someone a tool like that is bound to lead to crazy shit.
It just feels...chaos-y. To me, every air dasher has something that makes their aerials really good:
Dante: j.H can cross up and is an OS
Dormammu: aerials cross up very well; j.L, c.L for mix-ups
Magneto: incredible priority; Magnetic Blast to protect approach
Storm: incredible priority; Float to allow her to block at superjump height while moving so she can choose her moment
Nova: j.H can cross up and is an OS
Doom: so...so much, haha
Iron Man: air dash sucks; we'll fix it; at least he has huge j.H normals, though
Thor: Mighty Strike; only armored aerial in the game IIRC
Zero: Buster shot
Firebrand: Bon Voyage
Trish: special-cancelable dive kick
Shuma-Gorath: NOTHING. His aerial normals are garbage.
So we either have to rework his aerial normals to make his air dash meaningful (it's not right now aside from slightly adjusting your Mystic Smash), which would involve reanimating his normals, or we have to rework his air dash in a major way.
If you are worried about Shuma not being able to plink dash, improve his forward ground dash so that with plink dashing he covers distance fast. That is a much more manageable and realistic change than giving him triple air dashes.
We're talking about his air dash. Oh my god do not make me complain about his ground approach.
The best I can agree to is 8 way air dash, improved air and ground dash and dash cancelable normals in the air. No triple dash. The rest of the buffs can remain on the character and I will even add in extra hit stun for Mystic Smash so that it's easier to confirm combos when you get in with it. Hell give it stagger on counter hit for all I care. Mystic Smash is more iconic to Shuma Gorath than air dashing around trying to be a fly character.
I want him to have a little more to him than superjumping into Mystic Smash spam, though. Shuma-Gorath is one of the most linear characters in the game right now. I don't care about his ground dash or cancelable normals. He shouldn't be on the ground unless he's being defensive, and no amount of ground dash buffs will change that because he has no way to open people up on the ground. Without an assist to pin someone, he just has to hope his opponent is dumb. He needs some way to open people up and get in that isn't just Mystic Smash spam. Let's encourage smart play, not buffing his one good move so he can spam it more.
Why is Storm okay with a double air dash, but Shuma-Gorath is not okay with a triple? Why can Flight characters spend a measly 15-20 frames to get infinite air dashes and go all over the place, but Shuma-Gorath, with his slow air dashes and small aerial normals, can't have 3 and no Flight?
+Mystic Smash hitbox increased considerably, increased hit stun on initial hit
Why would I want more hitstun on Mystic Smash's initial hit? It never fails to combo for the rest of its hits.