1. I thought you did land penance stare against a bionic arm in one of our matches... Although I could be wrong. Also I'm surprised that I'm the person that go hit by the least penance stares.
Did I? Hmm.
Against most opponents it's not atypical for my to get a Penance Stare every match or two. Generally, any match that has been going my way and has my full team vs. an anchor leads to an XFC Penance Stare since all the popular anchors are in your face all the time.
2. Nice ghost rider teams, I feel like gr/haggar/Arthur was the best combination. You're the first good ghost rider I've fought, he's really good at catching assists. Nice xf guard stun canceling into penance stare.
Thank you! I'm still figuring out exactly how to use him. This was my first day using Haggar and Arthur, so it's hard to judge how good the team is. I was feeling good about my day 2 Ghost Rider until I fought a really good Zero...yeah...I don't know what to do about that one. I tried picking up Jam Session, but it wasn't helping too much because Ghost Rider can't confirm off of it. It's a weird situation with all anti-airs and Ghost Rider. He just can't DO anything off of any of them, as far as I know.
3. RE:spencer. I LOVE that he can get full combos off a grapple from just about anywhere on screen.
Yeah, it's great. -_- It's almost like a superior Ghost Rider! I felt good when it finally clicked that I could dp.M to anti-air you while flying about, though. I still have a lot to learn. Now that I think about it, when you do grapple + arrows, I should be doing b.H to cancel the arrows and hit Spencer.
4. I feel like she-hulk is omega free to ghost rider, I dont think she has any answer to repeated b.H.
He's a lot like Dormammu. Hard to get in on, but once you're in, you're in. I'm pretty used to the mindset, so that helps. There is a tool you didn't use of hers though, which is her b.H. It has pretty huge range. There are also holes in between the pillars, but it's not easy. If you jumped on one while blocking, you might be able to get a throw off (unsure of this). I've had Wesker players jump between the pillars and hit me.
5. The constant meter gain you get off dark harmonizer is inspiring. Also I have no experience against a good morrigan. Soul fist wall + vajra worked really well.
The big problem with Dark Harmonizer is that you no longer have a neutral assist. It feels like you're playing without a team in some sense. If you play that way long enough, though, you don't even know what to do with assists anymore, haha. Backing Dormammu with a normal assist just feels
weird to me these days.
6. Those repeated firebrand unblockable setups! Sooooo good!
Thank you! Unfortunately, if my opponent knows the solution to the problem, they aren't quit as effective as they seem. Plus Firebrand doesn't have an assist to help him out, so against dedicated zoning teams he struggles a lot.
7. I hope I taught you to never try to move after hawkeye's super scatter shot.
I will keep trying, damn it! Especially when I'm using Ghost Rider and I'm inches from you. Every time I was like...right..THERE! I kept thinking I could do a tiny dash and nail you before the arrows landed, and I got caught every time.
8. How was the connection? I though it was really good(probably the best online play I've ever had), but obviously my standards are low after playing wireless all the time.
I thought it was really solid. Not the best I've played on, but if it's bad, I'll come here and complain because lag frustrates me so much. So, no complaints, that means it's good enough.

There is one guy I play against where I swear there's no lag at all, and it's just amazing. It's the only time I don't loathe playing against Dante/Vergil/Strider/Wesker in some combination. The teleports are all...able to be reacted to, and stuff!
Any comments/ criticism would be greatly appreciated.
The biggest thing I have to say is that you should go for Bionic Lancer more often, and practice converting off of it until you can do it in your sleep. That's throwing away a character kill right there. If you have the ability, it'd be good to learn She-Hulk's longer combos, too. I feel like your Felicia/Thor team kind of lacks synergy and doesn't function well. Your Felicia would benefit from using her dp moves more, too. They're vicious in XF3. My normal sparring partner in Vanilla was a Felicia main, and he very rarely didn't kill 2 characters because there's so much chaos it makes XF3 Wesker look calm.
This was the most fun I've had online in a very long time. I look forward to playing again soon.
EDIT: getting a full combo off haggar's pipe+daggers without using ground bounce was neat. And the haggar/Arthur thc was really cool too.
I can't take credit for that one. I played a good bit against Evulsoider in Vanilla, and he mains Haggar/Hsien-ko/Arthur...and he makes it look so damn good.