Your Strider is really nice, you know how to open ppl up with his ass lol. Viper is just a hard to play char in general IMO so when u mess up, I'm just like. Hey it's viper plus lag too. you got good tools with her too. like the focus attack BS. Your Dante is good too but whenever vajra hits me, u do volcano, that guitar ball thing and then try to do that dive move and most of the time it drops, I say stop doing that and just do like volcano, H then the dive move cause that'll hit most of the time.
I don't even get it when I drop Volcano pickups with Dante online. I see others do it without issue and this is something almost intrinsically me because I need dat max damage confirm as often as I can have it. It's always right when I have to do the second j.H too. 9 out of 10 times if you see me get to bolt and then just fall, I have hit myself with the controller thinking "how in the hell does that keep happening?"
The worst part about it is Dante is quite easily my most powerful character. If I have him alone I feel like I can win anything with the right approach. But when I'm dropping things that are this ingrained into myself, it wears down the morale and then I start second guessing everything. Notice the distinct lack of welcome setups or all those dropped dash under Ryan Hunters I confirmed later on in the matches.
Note: For visual's sake, this is what I was going for with those dash under s.Ms with Dante:

Viper is pretty much my anti-Marvel character. I like that if she has Jam Session or Vajra, she essentially makes the game two choices on incoming, get Focus Attacked for guaranteed damage or push block trying to ruin the setup only to get counter grabbed anyway. I just need to learn how to leverage her above average rush down potential and grind a few more combos out with her and I'll feel ok. I notice you didn't say anything about Seismo - Laser or Seismo - FADCs that I try to use and mix things up.
Strider however, I like to play as more than just comeback factor. I like to play until I have 5 meters to mess with that way I hve one bail out card to play in Ragnarok for either safety or to clean up a problem character before the main problem character. After that, I build one meter doing anything with Strider and its Cheerios everywhere. I feel like he's potent even without X-Factor because he can easily dictate how things are going to go down as long as he isn't caged himself. My problem again comes from not going up to engage when necessary. Animals are great, but their startups are a pain. I wish if they were out on first frame sometimes... :lol