Good games SlasherMcGirk.
I need to learn to respect maya shield, hulk stand H and hulks AA assist ALOT more.
Your order in the court->gamma crush DHC is very effective, I'm surprised hulk is in range for gamma crush when you DHC. Plus it works as a happy birthday! Also nice unblockable setups.
Very impressive phoenix wright, the best I've played. Very nice turnabout mode combos. That maya shield... Arg..
After a few matches i realized that trying to keep you out only worked to a certain extent. Many times you were still able to get all 3 pieces of evidence while i was trying to keep you out, and then things were not in my favor. I also liked how you were able to land an objection and continue into a sick combo with wright.
Bravo for making me afraid of phoenix wright. You do him great justice.
I'm slightly disappointed that I didn't get at least one win. You beat me 15-0.

It was tons of fun though!