Yah I'm really not fond of the option selects present in this game, but it's something that I accept.Now you know how everyone else felt about Dante in Vanilla.
The only problem with Nova is his j.H is way too good. I generally do not think it's a good idea to put a character's best aerial approach on the same button as that character's grab command.
LMFAO, almost coughed up my Coke.I'm from Michigan. Most of the USA considers Michigan to be part of Canada.
No love for Space Cop around these parts. I like him, especially at high level. So clean yet so disrespectful. Nova Smash especially. Moonz is so pretty.
Also because he sounds/talks like a shithead. VA must've had mad fun doing Nova lines. Him and Taskmaster are top tier shithead VA, followed by Wesker and Chris (Kills 3 guys xx "WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL THIS FIGHTING?").
I said I wouldn't practice sword guy, but last tourney of the year is tomorrow, and apparently I'll be snowed in tonight, and BLOPS2 ain't till next week, so bleh. Maybe I'll play some Movie team or work on other IRL stuff tonight too... snow is horawful, don't ever get any guys.
Masamune and Yukimura would make the hitboxes on the DMC characters seem fair and balanced.
Nova's also from Long Island which is where I'm from.
And he's a jerk, like people from long island.
Eh, I'd prefer not to have third-party characters like Sephiroth in the game.Man, having Masamune in Marvel would have made me one happy camper. Hell, any of the Sengoku cast for that matter, I loved playing the Sengoku Basara games.
Eh, I'd prefer not to have third-party characters like Sephiroth in the game.
Or were you making a Chrono Trigger reference?=D
I thought nova was from space.
Also, I'm totally down for a Dr. Strange bandwagon. He's a neat character and having some people actually use him would be great.
That's Marn though.Richard Nguyen might be the best "worst" player of all-time.
I've had to relearn Dormammu so many times because I changed assists. It's a weird feeling.- Random matches were amazingly hilarious. I don't know which one was more enlightening, the idea that I can't play my characters when I get them and have weirdos on my team or that I don't know enough to not magic series my way out of things with most of the cast.
That's Marn though.
I've had to relearn Dormammu so many times because I changed assists. It's a weird feeling.
Heh thanks. I wish I was as hard to crack open as smurf. When I get pressured, I just fold and get opened up. I also run into a lot of random things that I probably shouldn't, which messes with my head and makes my defense even worse. I have zen-like moments where I block everything thrown at me, but they come and go as they please.GGs to you too Frantic, you're very easily the hardest training buddy I play that isn't Smurf hard to crack open.
My favorite moments were you whiffing Tron's level 3, then me dashing up with Tron and grabbing you with her level 3. Also coming up with a Magneto/Wesker combo on the fly(call Jaguar Dash, cr.H > Disruptor L, dash-dash-dash launch). Punishing Dorm as an assist with "That's ILLEGAL!" x5 was also hilarious.- Random matches were amazingly hilarious. I don't know which one was more enlightening, the idea that I can't play my characters when I get them and have weirdos on my team or that I don't know enough to not magic series my way out of things with most of the cast.
Haha, forgot about that. I need to remain more aware of EX Thunder Knuckle, since I get hit by it too much.I definitely thought you'd have more to say about Focus - EX Thunder Knuckle at match start however. So many Happy Birthdays. I literally just got the idea and said "hey, let's just say fuck opening gambits all together, not like I care for perfects."
I was messing up all my bold cancels, too. Was dropping all sorts of stuff today. I'm so inconsistent.- Still hate that when I screw up a Plink Teleport + Assist setup, my mind goes all "mash it out" like Rain Storm is safe or something. :lol
What were you trying to do, exactly? Catch some teleports or something?I'm also upset that I never landed the new Million Carats route on you.![]()
It's pretty funny looking, and I was trying to think of a way to catch that, but didn't really think about it fast enough.- Nothing gets me hype like rapid dashing in Devil Trigger mode full screen away from shenanigans. I can only imagine what people think when they see Dante haul ass like that.
That's Marn though.
He's just an unstable individual.What ever happened to him on the scene? Did he leave, stop playing so often, or is he just losing?
I still remember his TvC days of being everywhere.
He's just an unstable individual.
I think he runs Zero/Vergil/Strider.Sad to hear that. Guy has some skill. I genuinely enjoyed his Magneto in Vanilla. Dude was fast with him. Did he stick with Vergil in Ultimate?
Heh thanks. I wish I was as hard to crack open as smurf. When I get pressured, I just fold and get opened up. I also run into a lot of random things that I probably shouldn't, which messes with my head and makes my defense even worse. I have zen-like moments where I block everything thrown at me, but they come and go as they please.![]()
My favorite moments were you whiffing Tron's level 3, then me dashing up with Tron and grabbing you with her level 3. Also coming up with a Magneto/Wesker combo on the fly(call Jaguar Dash, cr.H > Disruptor L, dash-dash-dash launch). Punishing Dorm as an assist with "That's ILLEGAL!" x5 was also hilarious.
We both got Tron a LOT.
What were you trying to do, exactly? Catch some teleports or something?
I think he runs Zero/Vergil/Strider.
I don't recall whether his Strider is any good, to be honest. I'll be keeping an eye out, though.Dang. I'll miss his Magneto, but without the vanilla mobility and DHC glitch he probably wasn't a fit anyways for him anymore. I think he used him for the meter build and DHC glitch to buff his longtime character Zero honestly. Vergil is a good fit for him given the dashing supers and some of his stuff probably feel comfortable to him since he also played Tekkaman Blade who had a few tools reminescent of those. Probably just grabbed him since he's good though and not due to any nostalgia for large hitbox normals and dashes like Blade though.
Is his Strider any good?
He is into the LoL scene but he does still play Marvel and did decent in his last two tournaments. He fell off the game hard right after Ultimate then made a minor comeback right before EVO. His team is Zero/Vergil/Strider and his Zero does the most work. He isn't a top tier player and far from being a tournament winning player but he is capable of making upsets and acting as a gate keeper.What ever happened to him on the scene? Did he leave, stop playing so often, or is he just losing?
I still remember his TvC days of being everywhere.
Marn has said that if you can kill his Zero, then you've probably already won the match. His Vergil and Strider are nothing compared to Zero.
Same as in Vanilla then. His Sentinel was a joke, but I still stand by saying I really enjoyed his Magneto in vanilla. Dude was fast with him. Guy tends to forget to block though. All motion and offense.
He was a Magneto player in MVC2. I'm still shocked that he doesn't use Zero/Vergil/Magneto. I told him to use it on Twitter and I saw him use it once or twice but he must just love Strider assist.
I'm working on ways to bring Dormammu in through Vergil, and I'm working on a third way, but right now I have these:
Start the round, s.H, Round Trip, Devil Trigger, raw tag Dormammu. If Round Trip hit:
s.S, sj.MMHS, dash + Rapid Slash, s.S, sj.MMHS, Dark Harmonizer, dp.L, qcf.AA (642,500 damage, 2 bars technically).
Vergil bnb that tags Dormammu in:
s.LMH, f.H, dp.L~H, sj.MHS, call Dark Harmonizer, s.H, f.H, qcb.M, s.HS, sj.MMH, qcf.AA -> qcb.AA, qcb.L, qcb.L, qcb.L, rdp.M, ADDF, j.S, qcb.H, qcf.H, qcf.AA (1,102,500 damage, 3 bars)
The second combo might actually do more than ending Vergil's combos with 3 Spiral Sword loops, but I haven't taken the time to determine that for certain.
But Zero already has guard breaks, they're just called mixups.
Your playstyle works against a lot of characters, but when you're playing against a team that's safe on pretty much everything they do, it doesn't work out quite as well.It's funny you say that when my problem is that I can't hassle people enough to find that opening and capitalize on them. Everything I do is entirely meant for you to make your own mistake and me to get in on it. This game can be so brutal when you want to play with that approach however. It's also somewhat of the reason why I started investing and tried out so many "theory" things with Viper tonight. I wanted to see how effective they would be for me in actual use. (Focus Attack being special cancellable is amazingly busted).
Heh, I got mad that round because I did Arthur's Level 3 against a swinging Vergil, but X-Factored too soon and the dragon didn't come out. I was so sad.Funniest match would probably be that one where you got the Arthur/Morrigan/(i forget who) and I had like Captain America/someone/Vergil. The entire time I said to myself "if Vergil comes in, fuck being smart, it's time for some NorCal special". Sure enough, Vergil comes in and Helm Splitter saves the day. :lol
I tested it, and the Stalking Flare combo does about 100K more.Depends on if Vergil uses a normal BnB or a Round Trip BnB, but it should do more damage unless you add Dormammu's assist in there somewhere, then the damage would be equal or Vergil would do about 40-50k more
I think she's pretty good still. That AA hyper is just amazing.Played a good She Hulk.
She's a pretty scary character like god damn.
I tested it, and the Stalking Flare combo does about 100K more.
s.LMH, f.H, dp.L~H, sj.MHS, s.H, f.H, qcb.M, s.HS, sj.MMH, d.H, Dark Hole + Spiral Swords, df.H, j.d+H, release Round Trip, c.H, qcf.L, c.H, Spiral Swords, dp.M, release Round Trip, c.H, qcf.L, c.H, Spiral Swords, dp.M, release Round Trip, c.H, qcf.L, c.H
That does about 1 million.
If I can't afford Chaotic Flame at the end of the better combo, it does 910K and has a net loss of 0.4 bars (including Dark Harmonizer). I'll test the net meter gain/loss of the other combo.
The Spiral Sword loops build 0.5 more bars than the above combo. So there's a damage/meter tradeoff. I can loop 3 Spiral Swords off of my first hit in a game, but I can't do the first combo starting from 1 bar (1.5 bars needed). It still gets Dormammu in, though, and it seems like I'll be using them both circumstantially.
OK, so I need to know the properties of Nova's Centruion Rush H. I damn near got Merry Christmas'd just now and need as much knowledge on the character as possible.
what was the situation? did you thc and the centurion rush just beat everything?