"God's Beard!"
I wish more people would use Dante. He's still so under-developed, it's just combos everywhere but nobody's doing fancy movement stuff.
But everything about him is so annoying. :-O
Why do pro players drop s.LMH, f.H, BC, dp.M, j.H, qcf.M, j.H, s.H, s.S so often? If I can do it several times in a row in training mode, I feel like anyone should be able to do it.
I wish more people would use Dante. He's still so under-developed, it's just combos everywhere but nobody's doing fancy movement stuff.
The next big gold rush? I think we're long since past it, but bad players never realized it. The top 5 players all have amazing movement.Thiiiiis. I don't get why my matches with Frantic are so fucking hype when I land a combo like 4/10ths of the time I should. Everything else is just playing rapid fire tag. Shit, Sigmaah can vouch with all the fancy movement and intentional use of air specials to stall out being tagged with stuff at times.
I'm still convinced that movement is the next big gold rush in this game. Ability to get around derp > ability to apply derp.
I wish more people would use Dante. He's still so under-developed, it's just combos everywhere but nobody's doing fancy movement stuff.
People are more concentrated on "look at me" combos instead of concentrating on "time for the next round" combos.
For Dante they are usually one and the same.People are more concentrated on "look at me" combos instead of concentrating on "time for the next round" combos.
What do you think of Yipes' usage of Dante? Just curious.
Beef what do you think about j. S xx Hammer?
Man Spencer's damage is so stupid I love it.
For Dante they are usually one and the same.
Fucking main gaming thread has 20 Wii U topics on just the first page. I hate start of console generation period.
There's a new generation starting?
What do you think of Yipes' usage of Dante? Just curious.
For Dante they are usually one and the same.
Fucking main gaming thread has 20 Wii U topics on just the first page. I hate start of console generation period.
When he's "on," it seems like his Dante is the most impressive I've seen. Bear in mind when I say "impressive" I'm not talking about training mode bullshit, I'm talking about wanting to end the opponent's life.
the two best dante players are yipes and Rog (in Vanilla mainly).
Yipes spaces with Dante better than Rog, but Rog has a far better pressure game. Yipes likes to stay back and set up situations for his cross-ups or whatever to get in, and thus makes the character really position dependent. dantes got some good movement, so thats why it works. Rog just goes HAM and wins b/c hes really good at fighting games.
Why are people buying the Wii U? Doesn't it only have one game? I know people like zombies but damn.
Also, Beef. If you're posting here then you have time to play Marvel >:-(
Rumoured to start about a year from now, we'll get our first look at E3.There's a new generation starting?
Also, Beef. If you're posting here then you have time to play Marvel >:-(
Conversely, I think Richard Nguyen is the worst Dante player I have ever seen.
Rumoured to start about a year from now, we'll get our first look at E3.
I can count the things I like about the Wii U on one hand, it absolutely looks like the worst console proposition I have seen, infinite-doom'd to a worse fate than the Wii. Though when the new FGW thread goes up, I do plan on making a post about one of the good things about the Wii U (no fee patching and free DLC) and how it relates to fighting games.Also, you're fucking vicious. :lol
Why are people buying the Wii U? Doesn't it only have one game? I know people like zombies but damn.
Also, Beef. If you're posting here then you have time to play Marvel >:-(
I'm sort of adapting the vanilla PR Rog offense with Dante, while still having the zoning to deal with certain matchups. I'm not quite as relentless, nor as ballsy(PR Rog has no fear), but I have had moments where everything clicks together and I just maul someone and never let them out. I just, for some reason or another, can't play like that all the time.Agreed. This also reminds me that I really miss Rog's Dante to be honest. Everything about it looked like it shouldn't work, but he was relentless enough to make it happen. :lol
I can count the things I like about the Wii U on one hand, it absolutely looks like the worst console proposition I have seen, infinite-doom'd to a worse fate than the Wii. Though when the new FGW thread goes up, I do plan on making a post about one of the good things about the Wii U (no fee patching and free DLC) and how it relates to fighting games.
Well if patches are free they can patch in free DLC, I supposed. Or to unlock content, etc.I don't think it's free DLC, I think it's "they don't have to pay to put DLC up"
Or not idk
Ice cold.Rumoured to start about a year from now, we'll get our first look at E3.
In an strikingly similar case, that's already on Vita.What if UMVC3 was on Wii U and had extra shit in it?
There is already NG3, DS2 and TTT2 on WiiU with extra shit on it and I am not interested at all. The expansion has to be Vanilla to Ultimate level of upgrade for it to pique my interest.What if UMVC3 was on Wii U and had extra shit in it?
I'm buying it so I have it for when the games I want are released. Might as well. Also, I love Mario.Why are people buying the Wii U? Doesn't it only have one game? I know people like zombies but damn.
Also, Beef. If you're posting here then you have time to play Marvel >:-(
Wii U has some sweet games coming up for it:I can count the things I like about the Wii U on one hand, it absolutely looks like the worst console proposition I have seen, infinite-doom'd to a worse fate than the Wii. Though when the new FGW thread goes up, I do plan on making a post about one of the good things about the Wii U (no fee patching and free DLC) and how it relates to fighting games.
Then Capcom will also probably have the good sense to give us an update on the PS3/360. No way would they pool money into the Wii U for that. I wouldn't get it just because I'd have to get another $100+ fight stick - blech! Plus the Wii U doesn't even have a slot for an ethernet cord, so the online would be even worse than the PS3.What if UMVC3 was on Wii U and had extra shit in it?
What if UMVC3 was on Wii U and had extra shit in it?
Uh, neither did the Wii, you know. You can buy a USB to Ethernet converter, though.Wii U doesn't have an ethernet port?
All of those are stuff I pretty much expect anyway. PC is going to win again next gen.Uh, neither did the Wii, you know. You can buy a USB to Ethernet converter, though.
Just wait until we all find out that Kinect and the PSMove will come as standard equipment with the PS4/XBox 720, the PS4 is not backwards compatible, neither system allows used games to be played on the system, and Sony has moved to a digital-only, cloud format for its gaming, and Microsoft still charges for online while filling your screen with advertisements. We'll see who has the last laugh sir!
How dare you suggest I'd even consider touching a Resident Evil product?Wii U has some sweet games coming up for it:
Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate
Bayonetta 2
The Wonderful 101
That's like...as many PS3 games as I own in total. It's cool though, you guys can play washed-up Capcom games like RE6 while I enjoy Hideki Kamiya's latest and greatest exclusively on my Wii U.If this generation taught me anything, it's that I only need to own a PS4/Wii U next generation to get everything there is to have.
Resident Evil 6 is a better game than Bayonetta.
How is Nintendo neglecting third parties when all 3 of the games I said I'm looking forward to are third party?How dare you suggest I'd even consider touching a Resident Evil product?
I don't see the promise. They've pigeon holed themselves just like the Wii again, and it'll take them 2-4 more years to begin developing games on the caliber of those I've been playing on my Xbox for years now. Maybe for your tastes in games it's sufficient, but a future where Nintendo still neglects 3rd parties at large for the long haul with an almost nonexistent sense of future proofing is one I don't want to be a part of. Especially since I only buy one console per gen.
Now to wait it out and see which of Sony and MS is less crazy next gen. Though if MS makes another PGR, I will not think twice and go 720.
PC doesn't have any games I want to play aside from DotA.All of those are stuff I pretty much expect anyway. PC is going to win again next gen.
Gods Beard... Plz.
It's Nintendo catching up if all you care about is graphics. Otherwise, I thought Nintendo did just fine last generation.Having a tablet/controller is the only thing interesting about that system, everything else about it seems like Nintendo playing catch up.
Will look forward to Microsoft/Sony stealing that idea.
I dare you to post that in the next FGC weekly thread.Resident Evil 6 is a better game than Bayonetta.
It's Nintendo catching up if all you care about is graphics. Otherwise, I thought Nintendo did just fine last generation.
Saying stuff like this is why you lost to Viewtiful Joe 20+ times.
Wow lol, this is when you know a great team becomes flawed due to the nature of non-synergizing mechanics. Quite a shame.QQ time:
This is some serious bull****. I can keep Devil Trigger up forever via Dark Harmonizer. I can get most of my bar back during Spiral Swords. But Veil of Mist? Dark Harmonizer has no effect! This seriously pisses me off. There are so many interesting setups here that are just dead. When the **** else is an assist made completely ineffective on a team because of an install effect?
I already got mine this afternoon =3. But I think everyone knows the make or break game is going to be the new Smash. Unfortunately with the way Nintendo has handled online play AGAIN they are still generations behind in offering services. That's a great list though, needs to include Pikmin 3 and hopefully some other great games.I'm buying it so I have it for when the games I want are released. Might as well. Also, I love Mario.
Wii U has some sweet games coming up for it:
Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate
Bayonetta 2
The Wonderful 101
I don't agree with God's Beard entirely but, RE6 has kind of grown on me. It's a solid game that's unfortunately weighed down by bad design choices. Also it's one of the first games in a long time where I felt like I wanted to turn it off and stop it during the prologue chapter, it was just disorienting and really bad. I would say it's good to play, though the combat system is vastly overrated, it was really disappointing since I went in with really high expectations since it was the "only" thing worth playing for. Overall RE4 > RE5 > RE6 for current generation REs. Revelaitons is better than RE5 or 6 though.That's like...as many PS3 games as I own in total. It's cool though, you guys can play washed-up Capcom games like RE6 while I enjoy Hideki Kamiya's latest and greatest exclusively on my Wii U.If this generation taught me anything, it's that I only need to own a PS4/Wii U next generation to get everything there is to have.
Then Capcom will also probably have the good sense to give us an update on the PS3/360. No way would they pool money into the Wii U for that. I wouldn't get it just because I'd have to get another $100+ fight stick - blech! Plus the Wii U doesn't even have a slot for an ethernet cord, so the online would be even worse than the PS3.