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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!


I haven't really been playing the game much lately to be honest.

Just playing casual matches once every few weeks with one of my friends from back home.

Smash 3DS is fun, but I'm so used to playing smash with a GC controller. Plus I'm afraid to smash too hard and mess up my circle pad.

I'm looking forward to giving Guilty Gear Xrd a shot if the PS3 version is any good.
I had forgotten how to check playtime lol

383 hours (rounding to the nearest number because laziness) played for UMvC3.
693 hours of SF4 (consoles + PC), only counting Super through Ultra since I don't own Vanilla anymore so I can't check.


Only watched a bit(Twitch archives never work properly for me), but... my advice is kinda weird. I think you should go in a little more and disregard safety, but at the same time play more safely. lol.

What I mean by that is you seemed to respect Haggar a lot, and were trying to stay out of the range of it when it would be better to go in. And then, at times, you would go in with something that isn't particularly safe when it's a fairly routine spot to call Haggar just to be "safe"... again, it's weird for me to describe, but between dropping the soap with combos(although mostly with XF3 Strider, and it was more about wrong confirms at the wrong times) and that, it mainly comes down to situational awareness stuff. Just gotta pick the right spots to go in, I think. Although... Doom doesn't really have anything offensive that ducks under Lariat, does he? iirc, cr.L gets bopped at a certain point in the move, so I guess it's kinda hard to play offensive safely with him. I'm thinking more along the lines of Dante and/or Strider... I'm not a Doom player, really, so I can't offer much advice on his side of things(not that I'm offering stellar advice or anything... >_>).

Also, there was a spot where you tech'd forward in a s.L reset, and then hit H to tech a throw, but got Butter Gun and clipped by Lariat. In those spots, since you've got a character with an 8-way airdash, plink H~M up/back forward and if you actually airdash, fly and gtfo. Much safer than hitting H.

Oh, and make it a habit to neutral tech after Frank's picture. It's harder for him to mixup, since frame-data wise you're relatively neutral, and sometimes you can throw him, snap him, or jump away. If he starts looking out for the neutral tech, then start forward teching to mix things up.



watched about 10min

a. hit your combos to completion and kill a dude, you dropped at least 2 in every match i watched

b. your defensive choices as dr. doom are really questionable- you hang around the ground a lot and don't use buttergun as a retreating/advancing options when it's one of your best . take to the air more with flight movement because all the chars you're fighting have to commit hard to catch you when you're doing that. don't do moves or whatever at a close SJ range, just SJ and see how long it takes for them to chase. if they do it quickly you can do a footdive flight cancel dash away- if they do it slowly you can just fly and airdash away. if they don't chase at all you can photon shot to fly and dash away. you don't take advantage of the fact that doom has one of the safest landing toolsets in the game which is a massive part of why he's good

c. your offensive choices after they block the first mixup from a blocked jam session are too committed. you keep going in but you put yourself at risk of getting clipped by haggar or a random button or a throw when you should be attacking as safe as possible vs that assist. hard kick/throw-> jump cancel to safety for blocking OS is decent here

in general because you don't use butter gun you let the opponent do a lot of stuff that they really shouldn't be able to normally
Chris and Taskmaster is so much fun. It was my vanilla team. I can't play Chris anymore but grenade fire for lock down plus machine gun fire and task arrows is crazy and the chip damage from a raw block is great.

Chris & Taskmaster work very well with each other. Although I use Spencer, I haven't been have the best time with my main team lately. Therefore, I'm looking at other characters with strong assists to even out the negatives.


Thanks Frantic and Seyavesh.

I hate fighting lariat assist. If there are two things I am pringles to in marvel, they are lariat assist and log trap assist. They are really things you have to specifically practice against and if you don't/can't, you get blown up :(

@Frantic- I get what you're saying. I just have a terrible time baiting/punishing lariat assist. It really fucks with me because I know stuff like Frank's cr.H or S are crazy unsafe but I start going for a punish and then some other part of my brain says, "WTF ARE YOU DOING SPINNING MAN IS COMING" but it's always a split second too late, haha. This kind of thing applies to more neutral game stuff too- In a lot of situations, I am so used to transitioning from zoning to pressure that I just go in and get bopped.

@Seyavesh- I know I tragically underuse buttergun. It's funny how Doom has like 4 tools and I forget about one of them half the time. Will try out your aerial mobility suggestions!
If anyone is interested, if you want to get input on your gameplay in UMVC3, but don't have a way to record your matches or stream them, I am willing to help you guys out.

I got UMVC3 for the Xbox and now for the PS3, but atm I can't play on the PS3 yet because I am still trying to get used to the PS3 pad on it(I don't have a stick and I very used to the Xbox 360 pad) So, if any of you guys are interested, let me know and I can try to do something.


I will be happy playing marvel 3 and Xrd for a long ass time, I think. I'm definitely still playing a ton of marvel (except for this week, due to Halloween costume construction vortex) and reading up/practicing Xrd in preparation for really going in when the console version drops. Anybody else gonna play Xrd?
And I can be happy playing DMC5 until MVC4...

Oh wait.
Don't you have a Wii U?

I will be happy playing marvel 3 and Xrd for a long ass time, I think. I'm definitely still playing a ton of marvel (except for this week, due to Halloween costume construction vortex) and reading up/practicing Xrd in preparation for really going in when the console version drops. Anybody else gonna play Xrd?
I am grabbing Xrd, I just need to figure out a PS4 fight stick solution.


No I don't have a Wii U. I am going to borrow my friend's Wii U for a week, beat Bayo 2 and W101 then never touch the console again.

I will be getting GGXrd too though.
No I don't have a Wii U. I am going to borrow my friend's Wii U for a week, beat Bayo 2 and W101 then never touch the console again.

I will be getting GGXrd too though.
You disappoint me, Dahbomb!

Why not grab it on PS3?
I have a PS4, and I want the best version. I will need to get a fight stick for it eventually anyway, right? Plus, the PS3's OS is so painfully slow to experience, especially after gaming on the PS4. I don't think I could stand it. I skipped P4AU partially because there was no PS4 version.


Air dash up.
That and a double jump would get you out of the setup. Hell, even just a neutral tech would probably get you out of any of the real dangerous mixups available. It basically boils down to whether or not the opponent knows how to get out of the situation or not(which is the case with most Dante/Disruptor mixups, imo).

You can also set up similar stuff with Vajra; just gotta call Vajra early. Gives them a heads-up on what you're doing, sure, but the Vajra setups are harder to escape because it'll hit airdashes, double-jumps, all ranges of techs, most buttons, etc, and even if they can punish Vajra, Dante is able to react and punish them. Other horizontal assists would set up the same stuff, too, if you called them early.

Dante/Strider for life.


My dante/strider resets are hella ghetto. Vajra call+launch -> dash on around on the ground like an asshole -> hope Strider hits.


My dante/strider resets are hella ghetto. Vajra call+launch -> dash on around on the ground like an asshole -> hope Strider hits.
lol, the funny thing is that it works a lot of the time. At least, if the opponent doesn't know how to get out of that.

Honestly, I don't use a lot of Dante/Strider resets, even though I got plenty. I really wanna use my Round Harvest Teabag setup(Round Harvest after a hard knockdown, tag in Dante, call Vajra + teabag, hit S as Round Harvest ends. Depending on how many times I've hit down, I'll either teleport or s.S, and Vajra will hit right after so it's a 50/50 mixup with the only way to know if it'll cross up or not is to count the amount of downs I do), but I always forget to.

Edit: Unf... been a few weeks since I last played this against someone online. Already doing better than I was last time I played, lol. I think I know why I don't get worse and end up getting better when I don't play for a long time... When I don't play for a while, I lose a lot of my auto-piloty stuff, so I can start incorporating smarter gameplans into my game, which in turn means I have my head in the game more and end up playing much smarter overall. Least that's what I figure... cuz I was feeling myself super hard with how much smart shit I was doing, lol.


Neo Member
At least today I hit a great full screen Denjin combo. I was facing a Mags and he was tri dashing back to try and space me out. Anyways I call Shuma, and fire a Hadoken then another then Denjin to another Hadoken and plunked in. The Ray caught him and he flips out but didn't block and then he eats two Hadokens, an small string before the third Hadoken hits. Then follow up with an air to ground series into some tatsu loops and finish him off with the Denjin Tatsu super. I at least receive a bit of mail from those spectating saying it look godlike, well of course my oppenent told me that he was lagging and his inputs didn't come out and that I was just a lucky fag.


I've been playing Mahvel semi-regularly again, and I've been throwing out Grapple every so often with Dante. Hits more than I'd expect it to... obviously not the most safest thing in the world, and throwing it out all the time is dumb, but it works sometimes. I laugh a little every time it hits.
I've been playing Mahvel semi-regularly again, and I've been throwing out Grapple every so often with Dante. Hits more than I'd expect it to... obviously not the most safest thing in the world, and throwing it out all the time is dumb, but it works sometimes. I laugh a little every time it hits.
It used to hit me all the time. :(


It used to hit me all the time. :(
Heh. It's a pretty bad move safety-wise to throw out, so I can see why most people don't expect it and get hit. Just find it funny since it's nowhere near as good as, say, Spider-Man or Spencer's grapple moves. I usually just never used it because I tend to play a semi-cautious game, but recently I have sorta of thrown all caution to the wind and just do whatever I feel like, when I feel like it. Been hitting a lot of weird things, because of it.


I'd be playing ranked a lot more but all I do is get paired with the same dude over and over, rarely changes. I know for a fact dudes be playing, fucking garbage matchmaking system.

If anyone ever wanna play some ft10's or so Holla at jurrrboi.
Something weird happened yesterday. Turnabout PW vs. Strider. Strider had very little health and tried to do some damage with Legion. For some reason I decided to counter with Paperwork H, which went through the animals and killed Strider, but the weird thing is that PW never got hit by any of the animals. Any ideas on why he didn't get hit?
Something weird happened yesterday. Turnabout PW vs. Strider. Strider had very little health and tried to do some damage with Legion. For some reason I decided to counter with Paperwork H, which went through the animals and killed Strider, but the weird thing is that PW never got hit by any of the animals. Any ideas on why he didn't get hit?
Strider's animals aren't high priority projectiles. They are weak as hell.


Something weird happened yesterday. Turnabout PW vs. Strider. Strider had very little health and tried to do some damage with Legion. For some reason I decided to counter with Paperwork H, which went through the animals and killed Strider, but the weird thing is that PW never got hit by any of the animals. Any ideas on why he didn't get hit?

Legion is trash as far as durability goes. A high durability projectile or beam can eat through all, or most, of the animals in it.


Ugghhh... Dante is just too fun to play, man. If not for how much fun he is, I would have probably dropped this game already, but I just can't. He's just too fun to play.


Ugghhh... Dante is just too fun to play, man. If not for how much fun he is, I would have probably dropped this game already, but I just can't. He's just too fun to play.

Yeah, I'm the same; Dante's the main reason why I still occasionally go back to the game and mess around in training mode. Still the most fun fighting game character I've played.


Neo Member
Hello GAF: what I would like to discuss is this: The use of Denjin Mode for hit confirms and pressure. Also the use of assists during it or within a Denjin Mode combo. I really enjoy watching Brian K use Ryu because he uses Denjin a fair bit and Chun's Lightning Legs really help improve Ryu's pressure and combo potential whilst in this mode.

I am wondering what your thoughts are in the topic. Theory is also very welcomed. So far the best shell for what I wish to discuss is Ryu/Chun since I have seen Brian K do well with it. But I am hoping to avoid using Chun and they're better lab people here than I.

Since EVO I have actually improved quite a bit and have learned when and how to use Denjin effectively in the neutral and during combos. Though I am hoping to avoid OTG assists at this time. Thank you if you bother to entertain this low tier/ garbage idea.

Edit: Bolts are the answer.


Anyone still play this game? I think I'm going to start playing it again and I'd love to match with some of you guys.


I still play a ton, but only offline (and I'm sadly too geographically far from most of GAF to play fighters with GOOD netcode online, and we all know marvel netcode is anything but). Kinda sad this thread hasn't been active for ages, but marvel discussion happens sometimes in the FGW thread, so there's that at least.


Most of my focus is in Smash 4 these days (and it's waaaay more playable netcode). I don't see a lot of people playing on PSN Marvel these days, so I don't play it as much anymore (I still pop the game in to practice every now and then though). If anyone's on PSN and would like to play though, just ask.


Most of my focus is in Smash 4 these days (and it's waaaay more playable netcode). I don't see a lot of people playing on PSN Marvel these days, so I don't play it as much anymore (I still pop the game in to practice every now and then though). If anyone's on PSN and would like to play though, just ask.

Ditto. Marvel scene isn't that big here in Hawaii either so I haven't played much locally as well. It's mostly Ultra + Smash 4 at the moment here.


if you really are desperate for someone to play i'll do it, but i can't guarantee much if you're new since the nature of the game is streamroll-y


if you really are desperate for someone to play i'll do it, but i can't guarantee much if you're new since the nature of the game is streamroll-y

I have this post printed out and taped above my monitor, I know all about getting steam rolled. That post embarrasses the shit out of me though, can't believe I was such a baby. I kept it around to motivate me and it wasn't the first or last meltdown I'll likely have. Everyone here was so nice and supportive, so I have good memories of playing with everyone. I'm going to order a converter for my stick to work on my PS3 this weekend and get back into it. Glad I own almost all the DLC before it got pulled!

Does Sigma still play? The streaks that cheap bastard (Zero) got on me still haunt my dreams.


Neo Member
I also still play but it's harder for me since I live in China at the moment. I'm working on a new team and tech for EVO and I'm hoping to have the team functional by April so I can start doing road tests with it. But I am also up to play if the network allows it.
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