Basically the people who argued against a universal health increase (because that's what this is, key difference) said that a universal change like this would further widen the gap. This is completely true... if there were no changes made to characters on an individual level.
As far as characters who did too much damage before and would still TOD... about 16-17 characters were nerfed in the damage department. Off the top of my head these characters were nerfed in damage:
Doom, Zero, Vergil, Viper, Spencer, Dorm, Wolverine, Magneto, Morrigan, Strange, Shuma, Hulk, Chris, Iron Man, Sentinel, Super Skrull, Frank West (on block)
Now obviously some characters still did low damage and I feel we have addressed characters who did low damage by giving them way better tools to allow for better combos or getting damage through other means. Examples include:
*Ghost Rider - Now chips on some chains
*Hsien Ko - Has OTG moves for extended combos. This character actually does good damage at max scaling but never had good combos to begin with, now she has more ways to combos.
*Viewtiful Joe - Has OTG RHK now
*Strider - Buffed the hyper, normal and special scaling
*Amaterasu - Buffed the scaling just like Strider
*Storm - Lightning Storm does more damage plus faster specials and flight cancel will allow her to do fancier combos (like Lightning Sphere combos or Typhoon relaunches)
*Rocket Raccoon - Has more hit stun on j.S for better aerial confirms and more "ROMs" before doing the BnB.
*She Hulk - Forced wall bounce on hyper means she can use up her wall bounce and do a full combo plus get full damage from her hyper.
*Nemesis - Improved hyper scaling and allowed for more follow ups after supers
*Deadpool - Increased damage on guns
*Chun Li - Kikoshi hitting OTG allows for easier and better combos overall
*Arthur - Basically got buffed hard in his neutral game but most importantly he can refresh Gold Armor now which ups his damage output a lot in terms of neutral game zoning
In addition some extra facts about the change to keep in mind:
*Meter gain is unaffected as this is a health buff overall. You combos will still build the same meter unless your character got a damage buff/nerf
*Health buff is percentage... NOT a flat bonus. This means higher health characters benefit more than lower health characters. Strider would still be below 1 million health, within range of most TODs in the game (he would be at 900K exactly). Thor would get the most bonus but really... the big bodies weren't a major threat in the meta to begin with. This makes their health more important in the game as opposed to before where it didn't really matter as much. So low health characters will still die fast but high health characters actually make their high health worth it.
Why dont some of you get together at this point and use the Fighter Maker 2k2 pc engine now that its in english and start making a fighter?
The problem is that we want Marvel to be better. If we made a fighter it would basically be a UMVC3 clone.