Yeah, I did most of my damage of Machine Gun sprays but kept getting hit out of them by missiles. I did actually manage to kill Hulk when I fought the guy a second time (though I didn't realize it was him until I saw his team) by machine gun spray+ DHC into Dante Million Dollars and X-Factor cancel for the kill like you said. Good shit.Yea from experience Jill can't do shit against Hulk. Everybody knows Hulk/Sentinal is one of the most annoying setups. The only thing I can think of with that team setup is to try to THC on reaction when you get two bars and then after machine gun spray combo go for an X-Factor kill combo.
Against that Hulk team? lol probably. You'd be better off leading with Vergil + Spiral Swords.
Nova has a slide and has superior zoning options plus a superior forward air dash game. Not even comparable.Cap's not threatening you with overheads constantly though. Nova would be a better comparison with fast overheads balanced by slow as hell low (11 frame start-up!).
Magneto and Wolverine both have 6 frame lows and they do just fine. That's not even getting into the fact Chun-Li's cr.M is jump cancelable into an instant overhead(d.M). Having a low hitting cr.L isn't really needed for her(not that I'm opposed to her having one).A 6 frame low on a primarily rushdown character is not really all that great unless it's chainable. Makes it easier to up back against. Cap is not even a rushdown character primarily and he has a 4 frame cr.L. Would make Chun Li a bigger threat up close like she should be, it's not that easy to get in with her.
I'm a bit busy right now but I will explain stuff more later.
Both of them have a chainable cr.L, quite different there. Wolverine also has crazy pressure and Magneto has godlike mobility with solid zoning.Magneto and Wolverine both have 6 frame lows and they do just fine. That's not even getting into the fact Chun-Li's cr.M is jump cancelable into an instant overhead(d.M). Having a low hitting cr.L isn't really needed for her(not that I'm opposed to her having one).
Then Spencer. His cr.L is 7 frames, one frame slower, and it's not chainable. Six frame low isn't the end of the world or anything, especially when said low is jump cancelable.Both of them have a chainable cr.L, quite different there. Wolverine also has crazy pressure and Magneto has godlike mobility with solid zoning.
Chris Baker is a glaring omission from this list a.k.a. the guy in charge of Marvel Games Licensing a.k.a. the only guy that can actually do something about a potential patch.I plan on sending it to / posting it on:
Capcom (various Twitter accounts)
If anyone wants to add to that list, let me know.
Both of them have a chainable cr.L, quite different there. Wolverine also has crazy pressure and Magneto has godlike mobility with solid zoning.
Damn you all for recommending a revert of the Doom Foot Dive nerf. That is ridiculous... I want all the god damn Helm Breakers nerf reverted then.
Look at this shit!!!!!
Compared to a Helm Breaker that everyone is complaining about:
At least the Helm Breaker hit box doesn't cover Vergil's entire body and clothing!
That footdive picture is misleading because it's very hard to see Doom's hurtbox where the hurtbox and hitbox overlap. Here's what is looks like with Doom's hurtbox highlighted:
Lots of stuff can anti-air foot dive. The hitbox barely extends beyond the hurtbox.
Agreed.Doom's footdive is stupidity incarnate. If you don't make any adjustments to it, then your proposed patch is instantly less palatable.
Wolverine's Dive Kick was adjusted going from Vanilla to Ultimate. Doom's Foot Dive is dash cancelable FFS. They don't call it YOLO for nothing.
It's a pure derp button, we have nerfed less stupid stuff than this in the patch. Not only that but Capcom themselves have nerfed way less derp stuff than this.
If there is even a patch in the work for this game then you can bet your candy ass a nerf on Foot Dive is on there. No point in trying to fight it, it's best to come up with the most logical change on it.
That's too much. All I ask for is a slight hit box nerf so it's not an auto cross up in so many sitiations and less untechable time so when you trade with it Doom doesn't get a full combo. This is not even an unfair request, he can still get a full combo from it, it would still be fast and dash cancelable and it would still have a great hit box.What if we just removed the ground bounce so you have to dash cancel it to follow up like in Vanilla?
What if we just removed the ground bounce so you have to dash cancel it to follow up like in Vanilla?
What if we just removed the ground bounce so you have to dash cancel it to follow up like in Vanilla?
Akuma N N Y N
Amat Y Y N N
Arthur Y Y Y Y
Cap Am N Y N Y
Chris N Y N N
Chun-li Y Y N N
C. Vip N N N N
Dante N Y Y Y
Deadpl Y Y Y Y
Doom Y N N N
Thank you. Akuma is probably the easiest to resolve, and he is first on the list.I will track the grievances. Will post list tomorrow.
Hulk is an annoying piece of shit.
"Hey, hey, hey let's sit full screen and spam Gamma Wave with Hidden Missiles and Sentinel Drones. Fuck doing anything else, super armor's got me covered, I can bait them in and if they hit me so what, they get hit by rockets and I get a free combo"
He'd stop doing it when I'd get close and do the down punch/fists thing Hulk has
I wish Dormammu had Hidden Missiles.I wish Hulk had Log Trap instead of Raccoon.
I wish Dormammu had Hidden Missiles.
Thank you. Akuma is probably the easiest to resolve, and he is first on the list.
In Marvel 3, teleport and shitty character do not make sense together.I just hate how Log Trap is chained to a shitty character. It's like Captain Commando, but worse because I actually LIKED using him.
You are probably right. If Akuma were way down the list, it might not be a problem, but if people see the damage on that for our first character...Make raging demon cause a crumple. I think the crazy damage is fine, but people will get hung up on it and use it to discredit our list. Causing a crumple will accomplish functionally the same thing damage-wise, but it will be more like other level 3 grab hypers, so people wouldn't bat an eye.
If only we had Max in here to help us. Though I don't know if be would be much help nerf-wise, he loves gettin dem foot daves.What are your thoughts on a Doom j.S nerf? I'm thinking we won't get away with no changes at all, and as the resident Doom player I'm curious what you think makes the most sense.
Or just increase knockdown time enough that Akuma can Demon Flip into Dive Kick for OTG pick up. It already causes a hardknockdown state just not long enough.
Going to make another post to address the grievances:
Akuma: Only Raging Demon has to be changed. I say keep damage the same, increase hard knockdown time so he can do more than just air hyper after it. Should be able to Demon Flip into kick after it. While I like the idea of it being a super nuke in the game and it being unique, most people are going to flip out when they see Raging Demon doing 900K damage.
Amaterasu: I don't care about LVL3 being comboable but I agree with Zissou that you shouldn't be allowed to build meter for your partner in it either. It's a very powerful hyper and there's a big reason why meter gain is locked during it. Better to not mess with it, the character is already very good as it is.
Captain America: Just a simple Backflip change, reduce recovery by 5 frame and add those 5 frames to the invincibility of it. Otherwise the character is fine.
Chris: On Prone position, the move sort of has a slow start up to really do much practical stuff. Making it 5 frame would allow it to stuff some hypers on reaction and make match ups more manageable, like dealing with mix ups and pressure.
On my grievances, right now I think H Grenade is too good (especially with the overhead buff) and M grenade is not as good. There has to be some incentive to use M grenade in the neutral. I don't want to nerf H grenade but Chris having an overhead with it is sort of unsettling and M grenade is sort of a fluff move in the neutral. This needs addressing IMO.
C Viper: A lot of people are simply against the EX change. I say take it out. Instead just nerf the damage scaling a bit more. Still indifferent on the LVL3 change mostly because it's always going to be redundant on her.
Chun Li: Cr.L controversy (already touched upon) and SBK changes.
SBK negating push block allows Chun Li to set up incoming mix ups with an assist. A very useful attribute to have on moves. The moves otherwise are pure shit so this would make them more usable. I don't care about the EX SBK change and I am fine with her LVL3 only being air OK. That is a good enough option as it is, if she is played on anchor she can guarantee her entrance and it's not like she really needs the meter in the neutral like Morrigan.
Dante: Just revert the Hammer buff and the character is fine. He has already gotten enough buffs as it is.
Dr Doom: Molecular shield needs more clarification... otherwise there is only the issue of Foot Dive. Foot Dive has been discussed already.
Its always open discussion but we like to go over small portions of the changelist one at a time so its easier to discuss. If you have good suggestions you can list them.You guys still doing open discussion about any characters or are you only focusing on a select few?
Zissou was not right in the head when he changed his vote.He's not going to lose his mid screen OTG combos, not even close. The untechable time I want decreased is to the point where if you trade with the move Doom doesn't get a full combo off of it. Right now the untechable time is OBSCENE... like reaching Nova level of derp which we nerfed. There is no way Doom should be allowed to get hit, roll across and then OTG you into a combo from it... it's ridiculous.
Also Zissou changed his vote just now to keep the Foot Dive nerf so it's really 2/2.
Type the change.On the note of Captain America, the Backflip was always a mix up tool even in Vanilla. It didn't have invincibility frames in Vanilla so it was useless in the neutral. It was given invincibility frames in Ultimate to make it more usable on the neutral. It still does not provide the utility that it was intended and still not all that usable in the neutral due to not that much invincibility and more importantly it still has a lot of recovery. Shaving off frames from recovery and adding it to invincibility would allow it to be more usable in the neutral like it was intended to be.
Throws are techable, and we're nerfing the fire to make it visable when you are out of blockstun. His throw game is only good because that's so confusing. And we nerfed his damage. Throw/overheads aren't OSes. The startup is too big. You're always choosing one over the other. Nova doesn't OS his overheads.On Chris, he doesn't have high/low mix ups but his throw game is ABSURD for a zoner. Gets full TOD combos from air and ground throw which makes his mine game scary. The damage output of the character combined with the heavy lockdown and chip he can produce puts him in a situation where giving him a legitimate high low mix up makes his mine game absurd. Option select throw + overhead or don't do anything let them get chipped by mines or get hit by it... all of which would lead into a dead character.
Figure it out, then. I don't see what can be done there.The Grenade issue I already stated. M grenade is useless in the neutral as H Grenade outclasses it by a significant margin. Instead of giving him an overhead we should be figuring out how to make M grenade more useful.
No, I definitely am showing why EX cancels are absurd. It's just that EX Burn Kick kind of sucks.On Viper, Karst you are listing issues on why EX Seismo is absurd... not why she should not be allowed to cancel EX moves into EX moves. Let's put this another way... would you care about this mechanic if EX Seismo was punishable like EX TK? Because your grievances with the character is purely related to her EX Seismo being safe and allowing her to get free pressure off of it. She is allowed to do this in SF4 as well, no one cares in that game either because they know that if she burns 2 meter trying to bait out a button/move she is now a much worse character without the reversal option.
K. I will make Dante all Ys then.I will concede to the Dante Hammer change, I don't think people are interesting in changing it.
Where are you getting that frame data from? The guide just says Backflip has 34 frames of recovery.There are only 2 nerfs on j.S. Untechable time and hit box change. The hit box change is only on his posterior side which is the angle at which he hits your collar bone which makes it read as a cross up (ie. Doom can still be facing the same directio yet have the move register as a cross up).
I mean we changed Violent Axe similarly so that it doesn't register as a cross up all the time.
Captain America - Backflip recovery reduced by 5 frames (from 21 to 16), invincibility increased by 5 frames (from 1-13 to 1-18)
Do you want to change the recovery and the invincibility? Because I feel like you are treating them like two sides of the same coin, and that's not the way to think about it.21 recovery + 13 frames invincible = 34 frames total time.
+Mighty Spark startup hitbox extended downward more; now safe for blockstrings against crouching characters.
+Mighty Smash M assist causes a hard knockdown after the ground bounce; armored from frames 36-63.
+Mighty Smash L super armor from frames 6-20.
+Flight Startup reduced to 20 frames.
+s.H has super armor from frames 6-20.
+s.L startup reduced to 6 frames.
+Startup on all versions of Mighty Strike reduced to 15-25 (charged) frames, have super armor from frames 12-30 regardless of charging.
+Mighty Thunder now causes pushback equivalent to Magnetic Shockwave; startup decreased to 10+4.
+Air throws now cause enough knockdown to ensure Mighty Thunder can always connect afterward.
+Mighty Speech (assist) generates 15 meter per frame.
+Mighty Punish range increased slightly.
Assists: Mighty Spark M, Mighty Smash M, Mighty Speech (complete speech)
Read the edited portion.Do you want to change the recovery and the invincibility? Because I feel like you are treating them like two sides of the same coin, and that's not the way to think about it.
Of course I cant leave without talking about Felicia. Her biggest weakness is that a lot of her damage comes off of Throws, so she automatically kills her own damage. So Id make the L and M versions of Hell Cat (Command Throw) do more damage. Raise them from 102,000 and 126,000 to 126,000 and 141,000 damage. Leave H version at 156,000.
Then make the Sand Splash code QCF + S and just make it the current H version. Just remove the L and M versions that no one ever uses. It would help her in zoning and ranged fights so much better and less accidental Sand Splashes. Charge codes really have very little place in a Marvel game, especially for a character like Felicia who is a particularly active character.
Next, make Wall Cling double-tapping Back instead of only one tap. Ive jumped and then tried to Block instantly on reaction to so many things only to end up clinging to the wall because I let go of the stick for a fraction of a second before Chicken Guarding. Making it a double tap will remove that problem.
Make the Rolling Buckler follow-up of Neko Punch -1 on Block instead of -2 so it cant be 100% punished by Throws. Gives her one more option to get in and it wont be too good because Neko Punch has no range compared to the Slide follow-up.
Lastly, improve Cat Mouse (the foreground dodge). Captain Americas Backflip is 34 frames total. Felicias Cat Mouse is 50 total, with a 5 frame startup, 30 active frames, and 15 recovery frames! Im not sure if this move was meant for dodging or for mix-ups, but at 50 frames, its terrible at both. So it needs to be buffed.
However, first off, a nerf: take the first 5 Active Frames and make them startup frames (10 frame startup is still amazingly fast compared to most teleports in the game, 5 was easily the best there was). Now, give me three different length Cat Mouses with L + S, M + S, and H + S. H + S should go farther distance than the current one with same frame data (10, 25, 15 = 50 frames). M + S should go same distance at it currently does with its Active Frames reduced to 20 (10, 20, 15 = 45 total). L version should travel a really short distance, like a little less than CapAm Backflip distance, with only 15 Active Frames in the middle (10, 15, 15 = 40 total). This gives her better mix-ups once up close that give her damage on hit, but not too potent. Even at 40 frames total, the L version would still be one of the overall slowest teleports in the game (compare to Wesker, whose H Phantom Move is only 31 and gets behind you automatically at the 12th frame). Not only that, you can see how far shes going at all times, so the mix-up is far less potent.
So really, the Cat Mouse is the only true buff Ive given her, though having a non-charging Sand Splash would help a lot as well. But I dont think these things combined together will make her ridiculously powerful, as I really think Felicia is really good as she is. Im still leaving her with the very big gaping hole at the far top corner of the screen and very limited air mobility (Air Delta Kick is still easily reacted to and killed with Supers). Im just buffing her up once she gets inside and, with the Sand Splash, improving her mid-range ground game, which is pretty terrible as it is right now.
I did read it, and you're saying something different than you think you are. Recovery frames are animation frames; they're independent from the invincibility frames. So you were writing out two changes when you only wanted to make one.Read the edited portion.
I don't think that change is necessary. Thor is supposed to be an aerial character, and he already has a good high/low mix-ups. This could also provide unblockables that are too good. The goal is just to give him a bit of an anti-air tool. He doesn't need full combos off of it, since other anti-airs don't get that usually.+Mighty Smash L super armor from frames 6-20.
This move is pretty useless currently. While armor on it is cool, you wouldn't be able to confirm it into a combo other that Mighty Thunder. How do you guys feel about making the second hit an overhead? This would add to Thor's ground mix-ups.
What is his unfly? I would think about changing that.+Flight Startup reduced to 20 frames.
OMG YES. His flight start-up is awful. I wish 0 frame unfly was universal...
No armored aerial normals. Definitely not. He already has Mighty Strike. I don't see the point of s.H having armor, really, but that's for GB to defend, not me. It was his suggestion as a Thor player.+s.H has super armor from frames 6-20.
I fully agree he needs a normal with armor but I'm not sure if s.H is the best option. Have you guys considered a.H or c.H? He is more of an aerial fighter so a.H would give him better aerial dominance (plus Thor can get thrown out of this move if timed right so it wouldn't be super OP). Armor on c.H may be a bit extreme since it's a slide as well but it has slow start-up and is punishable unless special cancelled.
edit: The reason I don't like s.H is because it has a knockback effect and it can only be converted at certain ranges as where other armor moves generally allow from a free combo (i.e. ground bounces or they have good range).
How would an A+S input help him?+s.L startup reduced to 6 frames.
+Startup on all versions of Mighty Strike reduced to 15-25 (charged) frames, have super armor from frames 12-30 regardless of charging.
Agree on both of these. Also, s.L has horrible recovery frames too. I'm not saying he should be able to chain it but it is super punishable.
Have you guys considered making Mighty strike a S+A move so Thor could aim it (like drill claw)? It wouldn't need new animations as you could reverse the images and such. I feel this would give him more aerial dominance that the god of Thunder deserves.
Not all characters have good neutral hypers, and that's okay.+Mighty Thunder now causes pushback equivalent to Magnetic Shockwave; startup decreased to 10+4.
If I had my way, this move would function exactly like magnetic shockwave. Thor's supers aren't that great in the neutral game.
Well, not everyone wants to use an OTG assist. This gives Thor another option. His j.H is a good option select. I get lots of air throws with him; it's not always possible to make a HCB input at a moment's notice.+Air throws now cause enough knockdown to ensure Mighty Thunder can always connect afterward.
I'm on the fence on this one. It is possible to confirm his air throws if you have a fast OTG assist like Wesker. I think the design idea was that they would rather you go for Mighty Hurricanes instead of regular air grabs.
I forgot about this glitch - I'll add it to the notes.Also about Mighty Hurricane, there is currently a glitch when using this move against Ammy. Currently, this move gives you a "free" ground bounce which allows to follow up with Mighty Smash M at some point during the combo. Thor does not get this "free" ground bounce against Ammy. Once you grab Ammy, the next Mighty Smash M will not ground bounce.
Haha, no way.As a last note, making a.H dash cancelable would be freaking awesome.
What was the Storm change?Then just say invincibility frames increased by 5 frames, no need to make it complicated.
Not on my PC to play Skullgirls.
I just read those James Chen changes and they are actually pretty good for Felicia. Too bad his suggestions for most other characters suck, didn't even bother to list them.
Basically the way to prevent Typhoon infinites/loops with the character is to have H version of Typhoon stay the same in properties but be tracking (slow start up, high hit stun/low recovery). This way her combos are unaffected by it.What was the Storm change?