This is the truth. SlasherMcGirk and I have done best 2/3 random all matches a few times in the past. Shit is mad fun and hilarious.
Sell it to me!Doom/Dorm/Sent is a badass team. I don't feel it's my best team but it's the team I get the best results with, outside of Zero/Dante/Vergil
Strange would probably be second to DHC Dormammu in safely.Doom/Dorm/Strange.
I feel like Doom needs a full screen assist to help him a bit. Do you agree?Dante! Dante covers a lot of Doom's match-ups, some of which he shares with Dorm (like Hawkeye).
Ammy is mediocre for Dormammu, and EMD is mediocre for Doom. I need a good Dormammu assist incase Doom dies at the start.Ammy seems like a braindead decision to me. FML is just so good. Magneto is of course also a great choice.
I dig. I also like to play a wide variety of characters. But as you've said before, it's hard to get a chance to use B teams or just different characters against most people who are playing their A teams all the time.I used to do this all the time in Marvel 2 too. The wide variety of characters and combinations is the heart and core of the series. Getting out of your teams and setups and experimenting with your given selection is fun.
I never though of this, but it should really be in the game.showing the assist type for all the characters before the match starts like in Marvel 2. I hate wasting the first few seconds in random's just to see what assists I have
I used to do this all the time in Marvel 2 too. The wide variety of characters and combinations is the heart and core of the series. Getting out of your teams and setups and experimenting with your given selection is fun.
Also one system change that needs to happen if we are still discussing patch stuff, is showing the assist type for all the characters before the match starts like in Marvel 2. I hate wasting the first few seconds in random's just to see what assists I have and if I was playing a real match it would be nice to know what my opponents potential setups are before we jump in.
Look at the background of the character. Purple for a, Green for b and Blue for y.
Look at the background of the character. Purple for a, Green for b and Blue for y.
Bring back vanilla character select theme.
Doom with assists vs Hawkeye with assists is always going to be bad matchup. Strider can easily be baited unless you have a teleporter.Doom/Ammy/Dorm would all get bodied by Hawkeye. IMO best point Doom team is Doom/Dante/Strider.
Indeed.Not before vanilla victory theme.
Yes, that's why I put Magneto there, I didn't want to suggest an assist you already had down. I feel they keep each other safe through DHCs fairly well.I feel like Doom needs a full screen assist to help him a bit. Do you agree?
Ammy is mediocre for Dormammu, and EMD is mediocre for Doom. I need a good Dormammu assist incase Doom dies at the start.
I always want the best Dormammu team with characters I like to play.Yes, that's why I put Magneto there, I didn't want to suggest an assist you already had down. I feel they keep each other safe through DHCs fairly well.
I listed those characters with the team order of having Dorm as anchor since Doom was being played point. But it seems like you want to play the best Dorm team with him being second, is that right?
Not before vanilla victory theme.
I am always playing "Random Al", I just keep the team for 2 months before moving on!
Sell it to me!
And why us Dormammu second there instead of third?
That's exactly my debacle with Dormammu teams. I want Dormammu second for the DHC, but I don't want Dormammu second if my point character dies! It's just brutal. I would still plan on anchoring Sentinel with a Doom/Sentinel/Dormammu team, I would just use Sentinel to DHC Dormammu in like Unknown and Knives do.Dorm could be played last instead of second, but it's just my preference since I feel I play a MUCH better anchor Sentinel than Dorm, even though I really like playing corner pressure with Sentinel + Dark Hole. But I hate using 3 bars to dhc Dorm into play. But my favorite aspect of the team is that no matter who gets snapped in, I can play the team in any order and it works out just fine.
Anchor Hawkeye will ruin your fucking day though. Smart Captain America players can be a pain as well.
You may not enjoy the team as much but since I play a very reset based style and build a lot of meter for specific characters or duos, I really enjoy it. And once you really get going it's hard as hell to get in on this team. If Doom dies and you have Dorm second then you're kinda fucked though.
I know it's only good for tonight, but I PMed you a Skullgirls beta code.I hate on X-23 a lot but damn is she wild as fuck. I feel she's really underrated. What are her best assists? I'm trying out X-23/Wesker/Sent right now, Drones seem really good for her and I got Wesker in there for dat OTG.
I know it's only good for tonight, but I PMed you a Skullgirls beta code.
Ryu is such a terrible anchor for Joe/Frank, but he's also way too fun. I pretty much only use RR now if I have to play seriously.
Now that f.M is now launcher cancelable, is he really all that much worse than Akuma?Ryu is such a terrible anchor for Joe/Frank, but he's also way too fun. I pretty much only use RR now if I have to play seriously.
You are most welcome!Oh shit, completely forgot to ask for that, thanks so much homie!
Ryu doesn't have that mobility that Akuma has.Now that f.M is now launcher cancelable, is he really all that much worse than Akuma?
That's exactly my debacle with Dormammu teams. I want Dormammu second for the DHC, but I don't want Dormammu second if my point character dies! It's just brutal. I would still plan on anchoring Sentinel with a Doom/Sentinel/Dormammu team, I would just use Sentinel to DHC Dormammu in like Unknown and Knives do.
Beef, I have a beta code for you if you want to try it, too. ;-)
The game is legit son. Don't sleep on it.
You talk as if I haven't already tried it before.
I feel like Doom needs a full screen assist to help him a bit. Do you agree?
Doom with assists vs Hawkeye with assists is always going to be bad matchup. Strider can easily be baited unless you have a teleporter.
Drones and Vajra are both full-screen assists, though.I feel like the real Doom necessities are a lockdown assist (drones, cold star, others) and a 'cover your blind spot assist' (vajra, etc.). Some do both (jam session). Horizontal projectile coverage is really nice though. I play Task/missiles sometimes, and I end up with point Doom sometimes and Task is still alive, horizontal arrows is nice as extra durability/cover for finger lasers/ghetto lockdown.
Drones and Vajra are both full-screen assists, though.
I guess I don't 100% get how Jam Session is so great for Doom.
Sorry, I've been both busy and feeling under the weather so I haven't really been focused on the changelist/Marvel. Are the new changes in the changelist on the first page, or is there somewhere else they are at? I'll give them a look.I am still waiting on feedback from Zissou and Frantic.
The way I see it is that Jam Session is one those assists that amplifies what Doom is already good at and helps him out in a few other spots he struggles with. It's a strong defensive/zoning assist, it's a strong mid-range offensive assist, it provides lockdown, and it makes Doom's already great corner pressure even better. Since it's also a super jump anti-air, it can help Doom out in one of the spots he doesn't have a whole lot of answers for and will protect him from the angle of approach he generally struggles with. Doom doesn't really care about the damage scaling on Jam Session, getting roughly the same he would off a throw. It doesn't do everything, but it's one of Doom's more versatile assist choices.Drones and Vajra are both full-screen assists, though.
I guess I don't 100% get how Jam Session is so great for Doom.
I've said it before, but Air Play canceling Helm Breaker is one of those theoretical things that would be really useful in practice that will never actually see usage because it's a pain in the ass. Dash canceling Helm Breaker is more practical, but still incredibly hard to do in a live match.
Karsticles we gotta play some Dragon's Crown sometime. I'm completly obsessed with it.
D-Arts is releasing a Sigma figure, looks pretty good.
I am kind of iffy about it because the online seems so unstable. Every time I try a bunch of people drop or the game goes bsod. What do you use?Karsticles we gotta play some Dragon's Crown sometime. I'm completly obsessed with it.
Frantic, use the current log and give your opinion on how we should work Firebrand.
I am kind of iffy about it because the online seems so unstable. Every time I try a bunch of people drop or the game goes bsod. What do you use?
I honestly have had almost zero lag except for one session in my 50+ hours. I've beaten the game with all the classes but I main elf.
There is a dreaded, but rare, connection error that results in you losing your XP, but that's never happened to me before. It's best to use the online in moderation as a result.
I think this will just severely limit which Frank teams work. 100 xp for level 4 just means a lot more Nova, Skrull, etc. Making a character need certain pairings to survive us not an improvement imo.For Frank changes, I am beginning to like Viscant's suggestion of increasing the number of hits to level up Frank. You can read the details on the broken tier blog, but it's a way to keep level 4/5 Frank strong while at least forcing Frank players to use stuff outside of TACs if they want to level Frank quickly.
I think this will just severely limit which Frank teams work. 100 xp for level 4 just means a lot more Nova, Skrull, etc. Making a character need certain pairings to survive us not an improvement imo.
Post it in fgw.What do you suggest then?
Also, the tournament I've entered is starting soon. I doubt I'll get on stream, but just in case: Abegen, Mamespider, and others are here, so it may be a good watch regardless! Maybe I should post it in the FGW thread too. Winner gets sent to Shadowloo Showdown, so a decent number of people showed up.