My Uncharted Collection
A Photo Essay by vsrobot
The bulk of my collection, not including posters, the games, and digital-only items.
Detail on this neat paper-clip holder, has two actual treasures! Just need 98 more and I'll get a trophy!
Detail on this promo-only item.
Multiple pages long, mostly featuring screen-shots and a little promo-text.
Another page.
Has a map at the last page.. but what's this?
Lift the map to find an Uncharted 2 lanyard. Attached is selling information on the title, for easy reference if you're a game store employee.
Detail on this spiral-bound notebook. Mine is defective--the inside pages are supposed to have an Uncharted

F watermark, but mine has RC:ToD pages. Besides Ratchet and Clank, they also made these books with Heavenly Sword art. The cover is actually bumpy.
Soundtrack detail -- and an actual Phurba dagger.
My wishlist includes an Uncharted

F strategy guide, the Fortune Hunter's Edition, the hardcover art book (I only have the soft-cover due to budget issues) and I really wish they'd make a Nathan Drake statue, figure, or doll.
Bonus picture for Kittonwy:
It's a baby kitty! She is only a few days old, found her abandoned, her litter-mates were all dead, but she's a tough little cookie, which is why I call her baby-grizzly.