this game totally satisfies the Indy urges you have. I had trouble taking this one guy out and he punched be back while laughing in my face, so to pay him back I shot him in the torso and watched fly back.
CrapSandwich said:It's a decent experience, but the gunplay is neither very cerebral nor visceral. Considering gunplay makes up 90% of the demo, it's not a good sign. You get your cover, pop-out and shoot, roll away from incoming grenade, rinse and repeat. That's not necessarily a bad formula, but without a sense of danger, without the feeling of being a complete bad-ass, without having to out-think your opponents, it's all a bit boring. The whole time I felt like some shit would go down that would push me in some way, but it never materialized.
Speevy said:You're not a badass. You're an everyman. And there's plenty of danger, hence why everone keeps dying.
sh4mike said:Overall disappointed -- 8.5 out of 10 non-purchase.
My wife watched me play the demo, and I giggled like a kid describing all the new graphical touches that put Uncharted a step beyond anything that has come before it. I couldn't ask for better graphics. The context-specific animation selection is amazing. For the first 5 minutes, I had the time of my life running into water, watching the steam flow, and observing the shadow detail. Platforming was solid throughout -- jumping across ledges was easy and intuitive.
The gunplay was disappointing. My biggest complaint is L1 aim position reset after cover (e.g. if you have the baddie in scope, let go of L1 to cover, then hit L1 again, your scope will be in a different spot). Never realized how nice this was in Gears.
As mentioned by others, it's difficult to pop off 3 rounds and drop a baddie because they have prolonged post-hit animation, often causing miss. So I end up having to wait a second between shots to make sure they land clean. Not satisfying.
The weaponry was disappointing. Sound effects were realistic but weak. It's hard to go back to pop guns once you've spent time with a Lancer in Gears. Ammo capacity was also more limited than I would like. Realism versus playability, I suppose.
The general combat feel was good. I cannot come up with any complaints, but I also cannot come up with any strong compliments. Cover mechanic worked well, fast moving and plentiful AI targets require quick thinking on proper positioning and rush tactics for better cover location.
I played on Easy, and the main initial combat location (around 10 opponents) was a bit frustrating. I died 5 times from a number of factors: running out of ammo, guys on the high ledge were difficult to spot but would pop me wherever I ran, frustration with the above mentioned aim-reset post-cover, and going a bit balls-out on occassion.
Tearing = slowdown. It only happens when the framerate isn't at 30/60 fps. (well, it wouldn't tear at 15fps either but that'd be unplayable)msdstc said:I don't understand this... there was no slow down for me at all, except a little tearing when I got the the top and you are about to jump down onto the ledge where you have the big firefight, it only ever happens there and I know this will be ironed out come release, seoriusly the game was buttery smooth for me.
Definitely agree with you there - I love that the AI doesn't just sit there as targets and that they try to flush you out. Even on Easy (when I was taking photos) I spotted them doing this which makes a nice change.methane47 said:I strangely loved that... like the large ruin area after the first fight... I got into a cover spot that I thought was great.. Then after picking off a couple guys.. I start getting shot in the head from above and to the left of me.. I was like WHat in the HELL.. Then I turned around and saw the guy shooting me from the ledge just above me.. I cracked up as I saw that (and died too)
I love that . you really dont know where the next shot is going to come from.. I mean.. it IS a jungle after all.. I hope this game remains free of Corridor fights.. and keeps giving up these open area.. multiple vantage spot fights... Its really awesome.. And I feel that in order to win in these fights.. i HAVE to move around.. get different positions on people etc..
I agree, the hand-to-hand combat is fairly useless, especially at the harder difficulties. What I love though, is that you can run up to someone and take them out in one hit if you haven't been spotted - I managed to take out four or five of the pirates in the first big area this way before I was spotted.Elhandro said:Is there really a point to the hand to hand combat. It seems to me like its only useful when there is like one guy standing.
Dont bother trying to melee someone when you have five other guys shooting you at the same time. As this makes a lot of sense, it does game break the ability to use your combat effectively.
Im playing on hard now, and it def a bit trickier. still having fun though
Speevy said:You're not a badass. You're an everyman.
The Sphinx said:Anyone else see the skull?
Z3F said:I killed more than 20 men in that demo. Can an everyman do that?
Z3F said:I killed more than 20 men in that demo. Can an everyman do that?
Nope. Just a little wink and nod at the competition I think.Agent Icebeezy said:Yes, you walk up to it and press L2, do you do anything else?
Dante said::lol If they are holding a grenade shoot thir arm, they will drop it at there feet and KABOOM!
CrapSandwich said:Character design is no an excuse for unsatisfying gameplay.
Z3F said:I killed more than 20 men in that demo. Can an everyman do that?
DoctorWho said:I was really looking forward to this demo and this game but I'm just not digging it and I can't put my finger on what exactly the problem is. The combat system feels uneven and the cover system feels a little broken but again I couldn't point out specifically what is bothering me. Maybe with a longer play through I'll be able to figure it out but I'm just not feeling this game.
:lol i wasted 10 bullets trying to kill that bird!Flo_Evans said:damn why can't I shot the bird and eat it like snake eater?! T
Z3F said:I killed more than 20 men in that demo. Can an everyman do that?
Flo_Evans said:damn why can't I shot the bird and eat it like snake eater?! The opening scene is allot like snake eater. I couldn't figure out how to get my backpack out of the tree though! :lol
The AI is pretty good but then again they can see you thru walls. Try alerting them then running behind that big wall, they track you up and down even though they should not be able to see you... I wanted to try stealth but it seems once one guard sees you they have radar! Yeah sorry I want MGS4!
Guns could use some recoil. Might be lack of rumble but they feel pretty weak. Nice arm/leg hit animations and limping though!
Platforming was kind of meh, I did like the little 'reach' animation he makes when you can side jump to another ledge though!
Graphics are amazing, but why if they are doing FMV cut scenes not Put 16x AA on them? weird.
Speevy said:You're not a badass. You're an everyman. And there's plenty of danger, hence why everone keeps dying.
Space A Cobra said:I keep hearing how your supposed to be Joe Everyman but judging by the games intro(Not the demo cinematic) your quite clearly an experienced archaeologist. Not really your average Joe at all, more like a heavily watered down Indiana Jones.
reilo said:How did people die a ton of times on EASY?
I played it on Normal the first time through and only died twice.
OK. Can we admit there's a gap in killing prowess between Marcus Fenix and Indiana Jones?Space A Cobra said:I keep hearing how your supposed to be Joe Everyman but judging by the games intro(Not the demo cinematic) your quite clearly an experienced archaeologist. Not really your average Joe at all, more like a heavily watered down Indiana Jones.
From your impressions to this, you sound about as convincing as Major Nelson's nauseating exclamations about being a 'gamer'.sh4mike said:I really wanted to love this game -- but I'm too damn specific in my tastes (self-absorbed action-RPG lover here).
Space A Cobra said:I keep hearing how your supposed to be Joe Everyman but judging by the games intro(Not the demo cinematic) your quite clearly an experienced archaeologist. Not really your average Joe at all, more like a heavily watered down Indiana Jones.
reilo said:How did people die a ton of times on EASY?
I played it on Normal the first time through and only died twice.
Elhandro said:Is there really a point to the hand to hand combat. It seems to me like its only useful when there is like one guy standing.
Dont bother trying to melee someone when you have five other guys shooting you at the same time. As this makes a lot of sense, it does game break the ability to use your combat effectively.
Im playing on hard now, and it def a bit trickier. still having fun though
Enemies move around a lot more than most other games these days and don't just sit there popping in and out of cover - they actually push forward and try to flush you out. If you're not careful, I could see it being pretty easy to run out of ammo as well, as you don't get much, and you need to move around and hit triangle to pick it up rather than just running over it.reilo said:How did people die a ton of times on EASY?
I played it on Normal the first time through and only died twice.
So who or what encouraged you bunch of non-gamers to talk about games?Kbsmoker said:
Loudninja said:Shoot the water guys![]()
:lol Non-gamers??bcn-ron said:So who or what encouraged you bunch of non-gamers to talk about games?
Ploid 3.0 said:And waste my bullets?! It sounds crazy but if I get rushed by angry pirates and end up with no ammo near by, someone will pay. Bullets, my precious.
Speevy said:I found it plenty satisfying, as did the vast majority of folks in this thread.
Do you really want the bad guys' heads to explode into brain matter, or perhaps you want Drake to cut one down with a chainsaw?
This isn't THAT game.
Marconelly said:Wow, damn. Really surprised the demo has recorded video for cutscenes! I thought they explicitly said everything was realtime?
Could it be that they recorded it into the video just for the demo? That... would be kinda weird, wouldn't that make the file(s) even bigger that way?
I personally don't see anything wrong with rational thought. It's a testament to modern-day internet forum stupidity that, saying I don't want to buy a game but can still appreciate its top-tier production values, is viewed with suspicion and reproach. Presenting both sides of an argument is a part of my professional life.Fafalada said:From your impressions to this, you sound about as convincing as Major Nelson's nauseating exclamations about being a 'gamer'.
No offense, nothing against different tastes, but you spend way too much effort trying to convince the reader how they should side with you, for the apologist/rationalist bits to work.
Chromax said:I listened to him and used 8 bullets on the waters, then I got into a situation with 3 guys around me with 4 bullets left. =(
Yes.Kbsmoker said::lol Non-gamers??
Confirmed your own joke character status. Cheerio!sh4mike said:I personally don't see anything wrong with rational thought. It's a testament to modern-day internet forum stupidity that, saying I don't want to buy a game but can still appreciate its top-tier production values, is viewed with suspicion and reproach. Presenting both sides of an argument is a part of my professional life.
Given disposable income and time constraints, I focus my gaming activities on perhaps 5-10 titles a year. This allows me to be quite picky with my selection. And although I recognize Uncharted is a great game, I don't believe it will be as fun as Mass Effect which comes out at a similar release date. This shouldn't require additional explanation, and it should be understandable to all but the most paranoid forum lurker.
Interesting world. Cheers.