Speevy said:A great demo is one that provides an accurate impression of how a great game looks and plays.
Speevy said:A great demo is one that provides an accurate impression of how a great game looks and plays.
Dante said::lol Goddamn i love it when they drop the grenades.
Avalon said:Why have it in the game at all if it's going to be to be utilized so poorly? It remind me of the whole circle drawing in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow... it's just awkward and intrusive. Excellent demo, but the Sixaxis controls are very poor.
AltogetherAndrews said:Oh please. Your history here paints a pretty clear picture of your "motivation", and throwing out that ridiculous "I'm just an honest observer" bullshit card doesn't make it any better.
antoniogaud said:Can I bet you a 1-month ban that in November and December Halo3 outsells BOTH Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted?
AltogetherAndrews said:Oh please. Your history here paints a pretty clear picture of your "motivation", and throwing out that ridiculous "I'm just an honest observer" bullshit card doesn't make it any better.
Dot50Cal said:I thought it was an excellent use. Understanding how it reacts is key, and works very well when you wrap your head around it.
Avalon said:Why have it in the game at all if it's going to be to be utilized so poorly? It remind me of the whole circle drawing in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow... it's just awkward and intrusive. Excellent demo, but the Sixaxis controls are very poor.
antoniogaud said:Perhaps you would like to explain? Its easy to say something vacant like that without evidence. I love to play games and own all three next-gen consoles so what exactly is my 'motivation'?
Gimme a break. You got nothing.
antoniogaud said:any good game is automatically elevated to GREAT status just because it is on PS3.
antoniogaud said:I just hate it when some of you guys think that any good game is automatically elevated to GREAT status just because it is on PS3.
How about giving details about the demo guys instead of just giving some bullshit generalistic comments that come out more like trolling than anything else. Is not about opinion is about the bullshit one liners like "well its not great", "No deal for me, I am getting Mass Effect" Anyone who saids the latter in this thread should seriously get banned. There is no excuse for that shit!antoniogaud said:Well, i dont think calling anyone who has 'negative' comments retarded is constructive, but I guess you missed that.
Like I said, very good but not great demo.
EDIT: WOW some of you guys are sensitive to negative comments about the demo. I have a PS3 so I don't know what you think my motivation is besides actually having an opinion that differs from yours.
AltogetherAndrews said:Again, oh please. Do whatever the fuck you want, but you could at least have the e-spine to stand behind your shit? You've bitched, bitched and bitched about all things PS3 for as long as I've seen you post, and now you're trying to play some unbiased gamer card. It's ridiculous, but by all means, be smarmy.
dralla said:god damnit I hate these boards
antoniogaud said:A real bad movie.
Sorry, but the Joey from Friends cool guy thing just ain't working.
Also the girl is annoying and odd looking.
antoniogaud said:Big talk, m'man... big talk.
I have plenty of complaints (and love) for all 3 of my next-gen consoles. I didn't know GAF was supposed to be a love-fest for everything PS3, X360 or Wii.
I already said I am getting Uncharted, and that it is a fun game. I am not the sort of gamer that either loves or hates a game 100%.
Speevy said:I've been to Ferngully. It was the last rainforest.
methane47 said:http://stage6.divx.com/user/Dot50Cal/video/1831569/Uncharted-Drake's-Fortune-Demo-Walkthrough-720p
If you look at Dot50Cal's video.. and go to timestamp 10:35 you will see the 3 guys drop down. And notice that no one comes from behind him. again.. there is no random spawning
Kittonwy said:Actually you can roll from one cover to another cover while staying in cover, in Uncharted popping out of cover to get off a few shots and popping back in is actually quicker than Gears, instead of slowly sliding along a wall, you can roll from one end of the wall to another, again you would still stay in cover mode, it's just faster, and the actual shooting mechanics relies more on skill than just the whole cover-aim cheesing that allows you to line-up your shot by inching it bit by bit. Overall shooting is more skill-based and character movement is just quicker.
AltogetherAndrews said:Again, oh please. Do whatever the fuck you want, but you could at least have the e-spine to stand behind your shit? You've bitched, bitched and bitched about all things PS3 for as long as I've seen you post, and now you're trying to play some unbiased gamer card. It's ridiculous, but by all means, be smarmy.
Dot50Cal said:Shit guys, The FUN level of this thread is approaching maximum! antoniogaud approaches to tell us all how we shouldn't like things as much as we too, because its a poor feature and how he will be using 360 themes this Christmas!
dammitmattt said:Again, that's cool. I must've missed the guys, but in my game one of the definitely got separated and he definitely was shooting me from the doorway!
I'm just really glad to hear that I was mistaken in assuming he was a random spawn. That kind of shit kills my enjoyment of games and I'm glad that it is not the case with Uncharted. I didn't think Naughty Dog would've done that.
Dot50Cal said:Shit guys, The FUN level of this thread is approaching maximum! antoniogaud approaches to tell us all how we shouldn't like things as much as we do, because its a poor feature and how he will be using 360's equivalent this Christmas!
methane47 said:Dont forget that the female lead is odd looking = NO SALE!!
dammitmattt said:Also, how do you move from cover to cover like you can in Gears? I tried it on the columns that were close together and no dice. You can do it, but it's not automatic.
methane47 said:Dont forget that the female lead is odd looking = NO SALE!!
GTFO already havent you recieved enough shit? You obviously have an agenda since you keep at it. 20/20 of your comments had no description of the actual demo and were general comments anyone could have made from watching videos so please spare us your extensive review/criticism of the game.antoniogaud said:Dude, I dont know you and you definitely don't know anything about me. Just talk about the game.
Sho Nuff said:Sounds to me like you've never seen a female
Since this wasn't answered... I don't think you can turn it off but you can aim up and down with the right analog stick. It's slower than the motion control but it works fine.msdstc said:on the topic of motion control... i didn't like it, it works fine don't get me wrong, but first off the log thing was incredibly gimmicky just not necessary at all really and with the grenades it really throws me off it's doable, but it's not precise enough. i was just wondering is there any way to turn that off? It's not in options.
zedge said:Cool demo but I have no sound..
PS3 is connected to receiver with optical cable.
I have noticed this on a couple other demos too..
zedge said:Cool demo but I have no sound..
PS3 is connected to receiver with optical cable.
I have noticed this on a couple other demos too..
Go into options and change the output, I'd suggest trying Dolby Digital 5.1 and if that doesn't work go over to Pro Logic II (virtually all receivers can at least get stereo sound out of a PL2 source). I would also suggest checking your Audio settings in the XMB when you get an opportunity: It apparently is set to output audio your receiver can't handle. The culprit is likely DTS 5.1. Removing it will prevent this from happening in the future.zedge said:Cool demo but I have no sound..
PS3 is connected to receiver with optical cable.
I have noticed this on a couple other demos too..
Sounds great. If the gameplay is going to be as good as RE4's, then I'm definately going to buy this game.Gattsu25 said:The gunplay is great IMO: a mix between RE4 and Gears, with the surprise addition of a darn good auto-aim for when you are shooting from the hip. The Gears controls only go so far as the 'O' button is concerned and only deals with the actual mechanics of getting behind cover, switching cover positions, and leaving cover. The aiming and shooting, itself is definately closer to RE4's and, in my humble opinion, the combination works really bloody good. The pistol is decently strengthed (3 body shots or 1 headshot is all it takes to take someone down); the AK-47 is very powerful feeling, though Drake has a bitch of a time dealing with its recoil; the shotgun looks, sounds, and is a death dealing monster (I have a soft spot for shotguns that are well represented, in a game's arsenal, and this game doesn't dissapoint), though the limited number of shells does prevent me from going on shotgun-only rampage; the grenades are powerful, but with a small blast radius, and are easy to use with the game's auto-aim (I did have trouble with the waggle throwing, but that mostly went away when I started considering how the grenades would roll once they landed from my throws); and the fist fighting is amazingly well-implementd (and saved my ass more than a few times in my last playthrough). The platforming controls are intuitive and work splendidly, though I did notice that some reachable ledges could not be climbed upon (and now that I think of it...some places, in non-combat areas, could not be used for cover). The jump is a little too realistic...you can't jump as far or as high as countless videogames have caused me to expect :b
antoniogaud said:I didn't say NO SALE, but come on... she IS odd looking. Sort of like a stay at home mom who is on a grand adventure with her son.