Spirit of Jazz
I died of laughter during the heroic incest reveal.
Rhaegar looks pretty lame tbh
I didn't really get that. I thought she was just fucking with him. If she had killed him, her plan to propose a fake truce to reconquer the South would have blown up.
Also I still think she's lying to everyone about her child.
I gotta say - I absolutely adored the Tyrion and Cersei scene
Not just because it was impeccably performed, but because it peeled away a layer of Cersei, revealing that a part of her does love Tyrion, which is very in her character (love for her family)
So she utterly hates him, really does, wants him dead
But she also loves him
Dunno, I dug it
Who else thought when they showed Jaime at the end in the bushes he was gonna stumble upon a group of people and meet Stoneheart?
One of the showrunners always calls Cersei "Ser-Say" and it drives me mad.
where is the love for the dynamic between The Hound and Brienne?!
loved the acting during that scene. Sandor's slight smiles after finding out Arya was alive and showing concern. so good!!
You are going to have to source your quotes on that because every time D&D have talked about the ending they have said they were blown away - or words to that effect - when George told them.
The show is the slightly sloppy execution of the plan given to them by George. It is obvious to me what the issue is, that the end of ADWD isn't part 5 of 7. It is like maybe around half way through the story if you consider all the plot points D&D have hit AND take into account all the plot threads they have almost completely dumped.
Well he did annul his marriage making him a bastard.![]()
So is Dany gonna cede her claim when she finds out that her nephew/lover has a better claim? I think she is actually gonna try and marry him and rationalize it as what her house does.
I didn't really get that. I thought she was just fucking with him. If she had killed him, her plan to propose a fake truce to reconquer the South would have blown up.
Also I still think she's lying to everyone about her child.
2) Sam bestows Heartsbane on the Hound for his battle with the Mountain
Shit season, complete unadulterated fanfic bs. On the bright side, the Mummer's farce is almost over boys.
You are going to have to source your quotes on that because every time D&D have talked about the ending they have said they were blown away - or words to that effect - when George told them.
The show is the slightly sloppy execution of the plan given to them by George. It is obvious to me what the issue is, that the end of ADWD is part 5 of 7. It is like maybe around half way through the story if you consider all the plot points D&D have hit AND take into account all the plot threads they have almost completely dumped.
Couldn't? Are you sure these weren't decisions made in a similar manner to those with Lord of the Rings movies? In other words: books are books and TV is TV - you got to adapt. Sometimes covering an entire chapter might take five minutes on screen and other times it could take episodes.
Fullmetal lannisterI hope Jaime gets a dragonglass hand so he can just stab wights with it.
You are going to have to source your quotes on that because every time D&D have talked about the ending they have said they were blown away - or words to that effect - when George told them.
The show is the slightly sloppy execution of the plan given to them by George. It is obvious to me what the issue is, that the end of ADWD isn't part 5 of 7. It is like maybe around half way through the story if you consider all the plot points D&D have hit AND take into account all the plot threads they have almost completely dumped.
Did you know in season 2 where the story was going to end up?
WEISS: When did we meet with George [series author R.R. Martin] in Santa Fe?
BENIOFF: It was before season 3 wasn't it?
WEISS: It was when we were getting the track that the Hold Steady did, their studio version of "The Bear and the Maiden Fair." It was between season 2 and season 3.
BENIOFF: That's when we started talking to George and he was giving us a sense of things he was working on that were to come, that's when he told us about the Hodor backstory, and endgame stuff. He had some great stuff that he could share with us, like the Hodor thing, but a lot of it, he wasn't sure yet, because he was writing, and he discovers things by writing. For us as TV writer-producers, we have to be architects. Everything has to be planned out really far in advance. And for us, we can't say we're going to stop and figure things out for a couple years. We know we have to have a season every year, pretty much. We knew we were barreling towards an ending, because we knew from the start the show would run seven or eight years.
WEISS: There were some details that were added later — but pretty much the actual endgame, the main climactic moments, we had in mind then. We had ninety percent of this crucial chunk of the story for the final season, and we were mainly talking to George to see how our notion of where things ended up jibed with his notion.
where is the love for the dynamic between The Hound and Brienne?!
loved the acting during that scene. Sandor's slight smiles after finding out Arya was alive and showing concern. so good!!
Rhaegar looks pretty lame tbh
To what degree do you feel it needs to be perfectly congruent with the vision of the endgame of the novels that Martin presented to you?
BENIOFF: Its already too late for that. Were already well past the point of it jibing 100 percent. Weve passed George and thats something that George always worried about the show catching up and ultimately passing him but the good thing about us diverging at this point is that Georges books will still be a surprise for readers who have seen the show. Certain things that we learned from George way back in that meeting in Santa Fe are going to happen on the show, but certain things wont. And theres certain things where George didnt know what was going to happen, so were going to find them out for the first time too, along with millions of readers when we read those books. Some people wish we would wait until the books were finished to finish the show, but George works on his own schedule, which is the way any good writer should do it. He shouldnt be beholden to a TV schedule to finish his novels, that would be completely artificial and would not serve him well. But we do have these actors and theyre getting older, and we have to finish.
WEISS: To have a 35-year-old Arya Stark wandering the countryside somehow doesnt quite feel the same. But its always been something from the beginning where we knew the show needs to work as a show. It needs to make sense to somebody who is not familiar with the books and there are places, ways in which sticking to the chapter and verse of the books would make that impossible. The books have a different carrying capacity for information than television does. This is not based on data, just on instinct: We have, almost certainly, the largest cast that has ever been in television, in terms of the sheer number of recurring characters you have that stay in the story for long periods of time. And its a fraction of the characters that exist in Georges books. Were right up at the outward bound of whats feasible in a television show, that still makes sense to people and still allows for enough emotional connection and investment in these characters.
It was paint by numbers for the most part. I called the R+L = J reveal, the ice dragon wall destruction, bullshit Lanister turncoats, and Little Finger finally getting cut. The only prediction that didn't make it in was Clegane Bowl, but that's definitely happening.
watered down version of viserys
I hope Jaime gets a dragonglass hand so he can just stab wights with it.
Rhaegar looks pretty lame tbh
This is going to be a long wait
Even with the show ignoring the Blackfyres completely, there's no chance this happens.1) The Golden Company cross the narrow sea and immediately pledge loyalty to the new Targaryen power couple.
Mirri tells her in season one that Drogo will be normal again, among other impossible things, "when your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child," which Dany interprets as her being barren.So D&D completely forgot that they cut out the part where Dany was told that she couldn't have children.
Have we hit rock bottom yet? I have no investment in any character at this point apart from Tormund, Sandor, and Sam, who survive on a few funny scraps of dialog.
It's been three seasons since I've been praying for Littlefinger to be put out of his misery, so at least he won't be a mockery of his early character any longer.
Another interesting quote from that same interview I linked.
This ain't fanfic. The major plot points are all still going to be there in the book, but they will be executed differently.
Dragon babies coming up!
You guys mean to have me believe that a royal who is obsessed with prophecies about a prince who was promised would be above naming a second kid the same name as his other kid if he felt that this was the child who fulfilled that prophecy? Sometimes I wonder if y'all are new to fantasy....![]()
Yeah they definitily mentioned the other Aegon on the show.
Another interesting quote from that same interview I linked.
Even with the show ignoring the Blackfyres completely, there's no chance this happens.