just joined my pty and I want to use her but man I've already have an almost top tier scout. guess I have to get credits for her starting from scratch -_-
Ikkarus said:Right I have reached the story mission in March, just tried it and half my squad got killed.
Anyone have any hints as to how to protect the APC? Secondly is it worth attacking those Valkyrur soldiers? The boss one has the range of a sniper by the way he attacks my soldiers halfway across the map.
Still, I'm really digging the game still, I have begun altering people's jobs. Feels good to haveas a sniper again.Marina![]()
Trent Strong said:I can't find any walkthroughs for this game. Does anyone know if there's a walkthrough anywhere out there? Baldren is raping me.
HaRyu said:Fencer sammich.
Get Baldren between two fencers and have them alternate slicing his back. He wont be able to counter attack, plus he seems to have a 100% dodge rate when you attack him from the front.
Also, in order to cancel out his revival order on fallen units, you want to have your guys run over and pick up the bodies that way he cant bring em back.
Trent Strong said:Thats what I was afraid of. This is Demon's Souls all over again, impossible to pass without finding some obscure special trick. The first VC wasn't like this.
HaRyu said:You unlock a medal and a title for defeating Dirk (w/c dont really affect anything gameplay wise). Now, I'm not sure if you still get the medal if you dont defeat Dirk, but I've never passed that stage w/o defeating him, so cant really answer that.
In terms of actual rewards that matter, pretty sure you get something, not exactly sure what it is though.
ezekial45 said:Are there certain conditions for getting the credits needed for the class upgrades? I'm getting the feeling that it's completely random.
I still love the game, but the fact that credits aren't pooled together from every character is a real buzz kill.
HaRyu said:Well, its not really obscure. You could use any units that fall in the category of "no counterattack". That would be Fencers, Techs, Lancers, and Mortarers. Its just far easier and faster to use Fencers.
And the part where he has a nearly100% dodge rate when attacking him from the front. That's not like its news. In the beginning of the game, there's a tutorial that states that enemy commanders (any named unit), tend to be harder to defeat if you attack them head on, so they recommend you attack them from the rear.
Trent Strong said:As far as I know the game doesn't tell you how to get these things, and that's a pretty shitty way to design a game. It's like Demon's Souls in that you can't really play it correctly without getting info from the internet, or some kind of guide. I'll have to go back to some specific map to kill some specific Ace to get some specific upgrade or backpack.
duckroll said:This is sort of nonsense, completely. This game has a shitload of tutorials, so much so that it pisses me off. Maybe you skipped them, or you don't like to read, or whatever. If you want you can still go back into Avan's Room and read the Class Notes. Those are where all the tutorial messages are stored after you skip them.
The game basically tells you exactly what you need for everything. It tells you what credits you need to change to a certain class. It tells you exactly which Ace you need to kill for an equipment upgrade, and mission info listings tell you exactly what credits and which Aces are available in each mission.
What exactly are you complaining about?
HaRyu said:You unlock a medal and a title for defeating Dirk (w/c dont really affect anything gameplay wise). Now, I'm not sure if you still get the medal if you dont defeat Dirk, but I've never passed that stage w/o defeating him, so cant really answer that.
In terms of actual rewards that matter, pretty sure you get something, not exactly sure what it is though.
I might take on Dirk in that case, I dont have a fencer yet. Is it worth taking him on without one?HaRyu said:You unlock a medal and a title for defeating Dirk (w/c dont really affect anything gameplay wise). Now, I'm not sure if you still get the medal if you dont defeat Dirk, but I've never passed that stage w/o defeating him, so cant really answer that.
duckroll said:The story events at the end of June are a new high in stupidity for the storyline. It's sort of morbidly entertaining to see how much worse the story (and Avan) can get. It's really quite painful to watch any story event involving Avan. He has to be one of the worst leads in the last few years of gaming.
Kuran said:Can we change the subject to: Valkyria Chronicles 2: Just Press Start ?
duckroll said:The story events at the end of June are a new high in stupidity for the storyline.
Mejilan said:*sigh*
I actually really, really want to play this now.
But not before VC1, which I don't have time to play right now.
duckroll said:Is it confirmed that we can replay all story missions after beating the game?
duckroll said:Is it confirmed that we can replay all story missions after beating the game?
Pangya said:Just beat the game last night and yes you can. There's so much post-game stuff that I probably won't be touching for a while since Kingdom Hearts today and Phantasy Star Portable 2 next week.
Seda said:What about the two tutorial missions?
Pangya said:Just beat the game last night and yes you can. There's so much post-game stuff that I probably won't be touching for a while since Kingdom Hearts today and Phantasy Star Portable 2 next week.
I could kind of justify it VC2 were a spin-off or side-story. But not a numbered, mainline sequel!radiantdreamer said:You're always complaining about lacking time to play a game that you really really want to play. Did you ever end up finishing Theresia, btw?
(lol I won't have time to play this until I finish Chaos Rings at least)
Seda said:What about the two tutorial missions?
Wow, I agree completely. I'd been having issues with Armored Tech being too slow and not doing enough damage to be useful... so I'd not been able to easily upgrade any. So when I saw that I'd gotten enough stuff with Avan to make him a Fencer I did and have not regretted it at all. He can sweep through a camp and take a tank or two down while he's at it.duckroll said:Fencers.Are.Awesome.
That is all.
You know what would be nice? If any of my Armored Techs would ever earn a fucking certificate. It's royally pissing me off.duckroll said:Fencers.Are.Awesome.
That is all.
Giolon said:You know what would be nice? If any of my Armored Techs would ever earn a fucking certificate.
Nose Master said:I'm assuming Ice Crusher is an armor upgrade. And different from Rock Crusher? Where exactly do you get it? It's not listed under my current upgrade plans, nor the ace who (I assume) drops it :<
Also: (April spoilers)Baldren is a motherfucker.
duckroll said:I think you're talking about Ice Breaker. It is not exactly an upgrade. It's not something you equip. Instead it's an ability the Utility APC body frame has. The normal Light APC body frame has the "off road" ability instead. As long as your body frame is the Utility APC, it will be able to travel over the ice areas normally.
You might want to consider using one. The utility APC in particular can carry more weight (so you can haul all your fancy upgrades), has higher HP than other APCs(especially with Spare Parts equipped), and it can carry passengers. You can equip it with a flamethrower which has a wide sweeping spray that I've used pretty regularly to take out 3 soldiers at once. Also, it only uses 1 CP per turn. The passengers that you carry don't count as deployed troops. So take this into consideration: you start your turn with your APC, face a couple of your troops you want to move down the field, "carry" them, maybe build a ladder or bridge along the way, and use your flamethrower to take out a soldier (and maybe get another shot with "Bloodthirsty"). 1 CP!! While these soldiers are being "carried" you can deploy others to do a little clean up around your camp. I use the utility APC on EVERY mission.Nose Master said:Ah, I never use the APC. :lol Thanks!
Also, for April, I assume youhave to have all three bases captured at the same time for it to count the victory, right? I'm gonna have to kill Baldren if that's the case
Salaadin said:ANy surefire ways to get a Certificate for a squadmate so I can turn them into a sniper? I just finished a mission and the runner up got the Certificate but the winner didnt
Salaadin said:ANy surefire ways to get a Certificate?
I think as you do missions over and over, they yield less certificates. I've spent a lot of time trying to upgrade one of my engineers, I sent him on a new mission. He killed one guy and healed one tank and got a certificate (everybody got certificates). 18 of my 19 soldiers are mid tier now, so I can now focus on getting shit done instead of trying to make someone a hero.tenton said:At this point, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason how people get certificates. If someone can figure it out, a bunch of us would be glad to know. It's seemingly random at the moment.