Mejilan said:Any of you guys breaking down over the certificate system running CFW? If so, you might want to look into the CWCheat plug-in and see if the newest DB has anything to uh... streamline the process. I fear for your sanity!
Hcoregamer00 said:I agree, while the system itself is not bad
Colleen was the same way, thankfully after you beat her story she turns from useless to effing awesome.
Salaadin said:When do you get character missions? Just use the character a lot? I think the only one I got was Anisettes which was hilarious.
Id love to get one for Colleen. I like her but feeble shot kicks my ass![]()
Only a matter of time. Probably still too soon.Hcoregamer00 said:No, not at all.
In VCII you need certificates to upgrade classes.
duckroll said:I don't agree! The system is awful. There is really NO reason to have individual class changes. There is nothing in the class change system in VC2 which actually offers more options or more customization over VC1. In VC1, whether you wanted a Shocktrooper to be a normal sub-machine gun user, a heavy machine gun user, or a flamethrower user, simply depended on what weapons you had available, and whether the squad was trained enough to unlock the use of those advanced weapons. That's how it should be. The way it is done in VC2 is a step back, and an annoyance, EVEN if the certificate distribution system was better. The fact that the distribution is broken only makes a bad system abysmal. It doesn't mean the system was good to begin with.
Salaadin said:When do you get character missions? Just use the character a lot? I think the only one I got was Anisettes which was hilarious.
Id love to get one for Colleen. I like her but feeble shot kicks my ass![]()
duckroll said:I don't agree! The system is awful. There is really NO reason to have individual class changes. There is nothing in the class change system in VC2 which actually offers more options or more customization over VC1. In VC1, whether you wanted a Shocktrooper to be a normal sub-machine gun user, a heavy machine gun user, or a flamethrower user, simply depended on what weapons you had available, and whether the squad was trained enough to unlock the use of those advanced weapons. That's how it should be. The way it is done in VC2 is a step back, and an annoyance, EVEN if the certificate distribution system was better. The fact that the distribution is broken only makes a bad system abysmal. It doesn't mean the system was good to begin with.
FEEBLE SHOT! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! I once moved her into perfect position to take out a tank, the LAST enemy on the map, with the final CP of that turn, and it was pretty much an A rank for certain. FEEBLE SHOT! B rank.![]()
duckroll said:I don't agree! The system is awful. There is really NO reason to have individual class changes. There is nothing in the class change system in VC2 which actually offers more options or more customization over VC1. In VC1, whether you wanted a Shocktrooper to be a normal sub-machine gun user, a heavy machine gun user, or a flamethrower user, simply depended on what weapons you had available, and whether the squad was trained enough to unlock the use of those advanced weapons. That's how it should be. The way it is done in VC2 is a step back, and an annoyance, EVEN if the certificate distribution system was better. The fact that the distribution is broken only makes a bad system abysmal. It doesn't mean the system was good to begin with.
duckroll said:You have to keep using a character in battle. It tracks how much CP you have used on the character, and after it hits a certain amount, after that mission the next story event for the character shows up. GRINDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
Giolon said:And why is it that half the characters in this game have crippling potentials? Feeble Shot. Stage Fright. Moody. Jesus fucking Christ.
Giolon said:QFT.
And why is it that half the characters in this game have crippling potentials? Feeble Shot. Stage Fright. Moody. Jesus fucking Christ.
duckroll said:It's obviously designed that way to "encourage" the player to grind the characters more to get their story and help them overcome their stupid problems so they can actually be usable characters in the game. HEY I HEARD PSP USERS LOVE GRINDING AND LOOT! THEY LOVE LONG GAMES TOO! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! @!*%^#*(^%*#^$*(# SEGA!
Quixzlizx said:Well, it is the failures class.
Galactic Fork said:There's a lot more to the system than just buying a weapon would justify. Look at medics and vet engineers, you get large range healing vs reviving. Plus the Fencer Vs armor tech. Then you have the AP/hp adjustments. It would seem odd that just buying a weapon would alter things so much, and all characters would be interchangeable regardless of what you put in. I like that you have to use the character in certain types of missions to upgrade them. Just buying a weapon for anybody seems empty. I just wish it wasn't so fucking hard to get one freaking cert.
Wow. Out of all these people, I only use Erik, Sofia and Nichol.Nobodyspatzy said:Lavinia: Just like the tank-girl, no reason not to really.
Nichol: Despite the story, I like him as a scout, then sniper. Good all-arounder.
Helmut: Loved this Imp. Also seems to be one of my better snipers, especially against lancers.
Melissa: Creepy and sneaky, but don't mind her.
Nahum: Weirdly, best as a base defender. Grown to like, despite the character.
Erik: Made a great Commando, and works well against V2s as well.
Anisette/Marion: Always deploy these two in pairs. Really like both girls equally.
Reiner: One of my best lancers, and also is cool because his story. Check it out =p
Sofia: Despite just being an Engineer Vet, works as a hunter killer too.
Alexis: Great Mauler, and not ashamed to say I like himInghild: Making a Tech Vet, really showed potential. Enemies always seem to hit her mines =p Very unusual otherwise.or should I say her...
mistuhcahlos said:Wow. Out of all these people, I only use Erik, Sofia and Nichol.WHY OH WHY DID I READ ON ABOUT ALEXIS?!
brandonh83 said:So... is this game... not very good? :lol
brandonh83 said:So... is this game... not very good? :lol
duckroll said:No, there really isn't "more" to the system. It just takes stuff that was already in VC1, and makes it more annoying. Snipers were a completely different class. They leveled up on their own, and had a very different purpose from a Scout. Now suddenly if you want a Sniper, you have to grind the shit out of a Scout character, and then lose a Scout to gain a Sniper. It's dumb. It's a school of design where the idea of challenge is not to create something fun for the player to happily experiment with and enjoy, but rather to create boundaries and restrictions which make a game less enjoyable to play just to artificially length the amount of time it takes to do something. It's the MMORPG school of design, which is completely opposite of everything in VC1. It's disgusting and I hate it.
Hcoregamer00 said:LOL, obvious. It happens so often in Anime/Manga that you almost expect it from now on.reverse trap is obvious
Salaadin said:I have my issues with it but I still think its a great game. Its hard for any game to stack up against VC1 so naturally a lesser sequel to VC1 is going to be heavily criticized. Gameplay is still Valkyria Chronicles and thats what I love the most.
My biggest gripe is probably Avan actually. I cringe everytime theres a cutscene and he comes on and goes "YO!!!". I want to hit him. Cosette and Zeri arent bad.
Again though, Im comparing them to Welks, Is, and Alicia from the first game and theres just no comparison since VC1 had such a good character lineup. Fortunately, VC2 also has plenty of good side characters.
cosmicblizzard said:Wait,Alexis is supposed to be a guy? I assumed she was just masculine, not trying to be a guy.
Mejilan said:Only a matter of time. Probably still too soon.
firehawk12 said:Someone ported the Japanese codes, so you can get rid of things like grinding for experience and money but there isn't anything else.
Then again, if you are grinding for certificates and don't give a shit, you can just turn on "infinite CP/infinite HP" and just fuck it.
Seda said:Beat the April mission. Killed the Boss and got the A rank. Flamethrower APC is too awesome. (snipers were useful too).
He's bad, but he's really pointless. You'll spend more time fighting battles than you will in the story... but still, he's bad.MechaX said:I was thinking about getting this, actually.
So.. uh.. is the main character like Edge Maverick bad? After Other M, I've had my fill of ridiculously bad stories/characters for awhile.
MechaX said:I was thinking about getting this, actually.
So.. uh.. is the main character like Edge Maverick bad? After Other M, I've had my fill of ridiculously bad stories/characters for awhile.
Giolon said:Here's another question. Is it just me or are orders retardedly expensive? 4CP to raise attack power or aim of ONE unit?! Has anyone ever found them worthwhile to bother using?
firehawk12 said:Someone ported the Japanese codes, so you can get rid of things like grinding for experience and money but there isn't anything else.
Then again, if you are grinding for certificates and don't give a shit, you can just turn on "infinite CP/infinite HP" and just fuck it.
MechaX said:I was thinking about getting this, actually.
So.. uh.. is the main character like Edge Maverick bad? After Other M, I've had my fill of ridiculously bad stories/characters for awhile.
Trent Strong said:What would you guys say are the really essential classes to get?
Mejilan said:Haha. That's a bit of an overkill, perhaps.
I have no problems using cheat codes to streamline things a bit or otherwise take some of the stupider elements of JRPGs down a notch, but there's little enough point in codes that basically allow a game to play itself, IMHO.![]()
Hcoregamer00 said:What!!! :lol :lol
AleeN634 said:Besides the Fencer I'd say Advanced Shocktroopers and Advanced Scouts are the way to go. Honestly given the map sizes I really doubt you need more than 1 Sniper (they become pretty godly when placed in a tower). I don't see much of a point in the Mortarer since most enemies die just as quickly using a machine gun or grenade to flush them out.
You can buy better orders at the store (with exp) later on. I keep forgetting about them though.Giolon said:Here's another question. Is it just me or are orders retardedly expensive? 4CP to raise attack power or aim of ONE unit?! Has anyone ever found them worthwhile to bother using?
RobertM said:... the tank seems somewhat unnecessary with its 2 CP cost.
RobertM said:Do you guys use Tech guys at all? So far they seem to be useless, and the tank seems somewhat unnecessary with its 2 CP cost. I wish this games was more like VC![]()
firehawk12 said:Yeah. If you want, you can take one character and have them kill every single enemy on the map and take the objectives in one turn. :lol
RobertM said:Do you guys use Tech guys at all? So far they seem to be useless, and the tank seems somewhat unnecessary with its 2 CP cost. I wish this games was more like VC![]()