lsslave said:Did the art get worse or is it just me?
Sadly, everything I've seen on this title says terrible. After one of my favorite games of this entire gen... /sigh![]()
We did try to warn you. The title change was warranted.Giolon said:Awww, some mod drive-by murdered the tagline. Couldn't you have just left it at "BUY IT!"?
In any case, the tagline was half a joke. Some of you guys take things way too seriously...sheesh.
lsslave said:Did the art get worse or is it just me?
Sadly, everything I've seen on this title says terrible. After one of my favorite games of this entire gen... /sigh![]()
Really? I read mixed impressions, considering some thought the gameplay wasn't strong enough to stand on its own if you don't care for the change in story/characters/tone but liked the original game.Pureauthor said:Gameplay is said to be a significant step up from the first one, so if you liked VC1...
daoster said:Re: The Story for Valkyria Chronicles 1 v 2.
While I enjoyed Valkyria Chronicles really seemed to me like a cliched anime story...
Valkyria Chronicles 2 seems to just be taking on a different anime cliche, I don't know why people are complaining so much. I have no problems with this, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the story all the same.
Disagreed 100%. I think that for the most part VC1 did a fantastic job pushing its characters beyond the stereotypes that they appeared to be. It may not have been 100% original, but I feel that they did a very good job keeping much of the zany anime antics dreck, that appears to have crept into the sequel, out of it and managed to put up a realistic take on war - even in universe where women with boobs the size of watermelons tote around tank destroying laser lances the size of a telephone pole.Bebpo said:Yeah, the story/characters was the worst part of VC1. It was a good game for the unique take on strategy rpg gameplay + great art + great music. If VC2 is better gameplay + better music + slightly less great art then it should be a much better game. Trading one set of anime stereotypes for another isn't really a big deal.
I felt the same way of Valkyria Chronicles characters with the cast of Skies of Arcadia; they may be cliched anime stereotypes, but they are charming & likable.Giolon said:Disagreed 100%. I think that for the most part VC1 did a fantastic job pushing its characters beyond the stereotypes that they appeared to be. It may not have been 100% original, but I feel that they did a very good job keeping much of the zany anime antics dreck, that appears to have crept into the sequel, out of it and managed to put up a realistic take on war - even in universe where women with boobs the size of watermelons tote around tank destroying laser lances the size of a telephone pole.
You don't have to have a completely original story or premise to be enjoyable if you do it well. The gameplay I enjoyed for sure, but it was the great cast of characters and the storytelling that kept me coming back every day and staying up until the wee hours of the morning to see it through.
Have we played the same game?Giolon said:Disagreed 100%. I think that for the most part VC1 did a fantastic job pushing its characters beyond the stereotypes that they appeared to be. It may not have been 100% original, but I feel that they did a very good job keeping much of the zany anime antics dreck, that appears to have crept into the sequel, out of it and managed to put up a realistic take on war - even in universe where women with boobs the size of watermelons tote around tank destroying laser lances the size of a telephone pole.
I dunno why but this made me laugh :lolPrime crotch said:"If you like music WHY ARE YOU RACIST?!"
Prime crotch said:Have we played the same game?
The syrupy melodrama was so thick you couldn't butter on bread.
"Oh welkin, you're so obsessed with bugs."
"hey guys lets all have a beach party!"
"If you like music WHY ARE YOU RACIST?!"
That's...not saving, that's sleep mode.Ricker said:You can save anywhere on the PSP anyway,just do the quick shutdown and the game pauses right there,until you turn it back on(or does this not work with UMD anymore?..can`t remember...)
"Crap, I'm playing this portable game on the train I take to work and the PSP's notoriously weak battery's gonna die...might not make it through the 8-hour work day on sleep mode...awww craaaap, and this battle was going so well >_<"
That's cool. I already have a PSP 1000 and a PSP 3000 and don't feel like buying a third PSP.anddo0 said:The PSP GO has the pause feature. I think that will be very useful.
Pureauthor said:Gameplay is said to be a significant step up from the first one, so if you liked VC1...
May16 said:That's...not saving, that's sleep mode.
That doesn't help anything in my hypothetical above.
Edit - I'll repost said hypothetical since it will be back on page 3 for most people:
It also doesn't save you if you want to take a time out from the game to use any of the PSP's other functions. I use public transportation to get to work almost every day, and most of the time, the PSP would nicely cross-function as a music player or video viewer (sometimes an internet browser if you're on the right shinkansen).
And no, the answer isn't to haul around more gadgets to do the other things. I have one that does all of them, and I like to be able to take advantage of the things I paid for. A game shouldn't be excused for lacking something simply because I can buy another device that does that same thing.
At LEAST a temporary save file that erases itself when you load would have been fine.
Lack of mid-game saving in any form is a failure.
But VC1 has a girl that can cook. That's, like, totally going against the grain.Bebpo said:Yeah, the story/characters was the worst part of VC1. It was a good game for the unique take on strategy rpg gameplay + great art + great music. If VC2 is better gameplay + better music + slightly less great art then it should be a much better game. Trading one set of anime stereotypes for another isn't really a big deal.
Bebpo said:Yeah, the story/characters was the worst part of VC1. It was a good game for the unique take on strategy rpg gameplay + great art + great music. If VC2 is better gameplay + better music + slightly less great art then it should be a much better game. Trading one set of anime stereotypes for another isn't really a big deal.
Ponn01 said:This finally showed up in my gold box. Preordered from amazon for $36. Really wanted the DLC from gamestop but I have credit at amazon plus no tax.
Aeana said:But VC1 has a girl that can cook. That's, like, totally going against the grain.
Gazel Ministry said:Really!? The characters in VC were packed with so much charm and the main characters were extremely likable. You must value things differently, I guess. I mean, there were a couple scenes that sent chills down my spine and the ending+credits/character wrap up left you with such a positive, good feeling. To me, VC captures the CLASSIC strategy RPG elements. There are character deaths, betrayal, relationships, political intrigue, etc. and they handle it so perfectly. I don't think the original VC went overboard with the anime stereotypes at all. Sure, they are present, but the themes are handled maturely and the game takes itself very seriously from beginning to end.
There are anime-style games, and then there are obnoxious anime style games, like Mana Khemia, Trinity Universe, Ar Tonelico, etc. I am not saying those games are terrible or anything, I just think they can be borderline annoying, at times.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:I'm definitely getting it but why does it have to be $39.99! *cry*
Same day as Metroid Other M too, which will be a lot of money out of my wallet!![]()
HK-47 said:I heard it had racism commentary in it. I bet a series like Tales could learn a thing or two about such a theme.
tim.mbp said:There's a good chance of a deal happening soon at Kmart. The KmartGamer thread at CAG says $15 off on 9/5. Other M has a $20 off deal too.
Suzuki Yu said:
BTW this is the European ver :lol
i was in shock when i saw it !!