Very excited about tomorrow! Metroid and VC2 in one day. Can't get any better than that.
Mejilan said:Install 5.50 Gen-D3.
Install Prometheus CFW patch v4.
Mejilan said:Install 5.50 Gen-D3.
Install Prometheus CFW patch v4.
Mejilan said:Install 5.50 Gen-D3.
Install Prometheus CFW patch v4.
Pretty sure that a Prometheus-patched Gen CFW ran the demo without issue. I downloaded the demo but did not play it yet. Still, the demo's pretty recent, so if it ran fine, I expect the full game will as well. Particularly since it would have gone gold weeks ago, probably before the demo even came out. My most recent PSP game purchase (Ys 7) runs great!TheChaos said:Thanks! Now off to flash my PSP for like the billionth time.
Hey, it could've been worse.Giolon said:UGH this is everything I *didn't* wan't in my VC2 sequel: Let's compare boob sizes! Great job hitting those animu tropes, SEGA!
watatatow said:Hey, it could've been worse.
By your post, I thought it was gonna be one of those hot spring scenes where the girls discuss titties while grabbing one another's titties as the female lead's best friend asks her about about her possible romantic feelings towards the main character, unknowing that he can see and hear everything because he has found himself right there in the hot spring with them partly because of his pushy and outrageously perverted best friend's suggestions and partly because he is too much of a pussy to just say "no," so yeah the heroine could only say "I l..." before being cut off mid-sentence by the fuck-up of a main character doing something to get himself caught, earning the ire of the entire female cast and subsequently, the cartoonishly violent beatings.
Giolon said:UGH this is everything I *didn't* wan't in my VC2 sequel: Let's compare boob sizes! Great job hitting those animu tropes, SEGA!
Despera said:avatar quote
PSNLover will let you download stuff off the store, but to my knowledge there isn't a way to play games you've bought off the store on CFW. I went through the same deal with Ys 7 and wasn't able to find a way to play it.daoster said:With this...can I use the PSN store???
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Stupid dumb IGN video review! I think they just spoiled something from the first game and it caught me off guard!
Arrrgh! I hate it when reviewers spoil things assuming we played the first game! *anger sneering emoticon*
The good thing is I kind of have no idea what they're talking about, but I still know something about the first game that won't surprise me anymore when I play through it.
Anyway, I'm still excited for tomorrow. But that review...
No, it's my fault.Giolon said:Sorry, bro.The IGN review has been marked spoilers in the OP. I thought I had earlier, but I only did in my update post. T.T I've fixed that.
On the plus side, if you were planning on playing VC2 before VC1 anyways, it's important to VC2's plotline and thus revealed there very early on.
GH this is everything I *didn't* wan't in my VC2 sequel: Let's compare boob sizes! Great job hitting those animu tropes, SEGA!
Oh geez. Even this is a step down from the 1st game.
See! I fucking told you so! :lolShaking my head. bleuargh.
Mejilan said:Pretty sure that a Prometheus-patched Gen CFW ran the demo without issue. I downloaded the demo but did not play it yet. Still, the demo's pretty recent, so if it ran fine, I expect the full game will as well. Particularly since it would have gone gold weeks ago, probably before the demo even came out. My most recent PSP game purchase (Ys 7) runs great!
Edge gave the original a relatively low score too - something like 7/10 I think... Anyway, I would take any Edge review of a game that isn't CTF (certified testoterone fueled) with a grain of salt... the average review scores seem to be more around 8 or 9 so far, but I guess we'll see...May16 said:Edge magazine gives it a 6/10, though I don't have any quotes nor am I aware of their review scale meanings.
watatatow said:Hey, it could've been worse.
By your post, I thought it was gonna be one of those hot spring scenes where the girls discuss titties while grabbing one another's titties as the female lead's best friend asks her about about her possible romantic feelings towards the main character, unknowing that he can see and hear everything because he has found himself right there in the hot spring with them partly because of his pushy and outrageously perverted best friend's suggestions and partly because he is too much of a pussy to just say "no," so yeah the heroine could only say "I l..." before being cut off mid-sentence by the fuck-up of a main character doing something to get himself caught, earning the ire of the entire female cast and subsequently, the cartoonishly violent beatings.
TSA said:The's how VC addresses the Holocaust in their alt history Europe. Sure, you can say it's amazing a game tackles that issue, but then you see how everyone is cheery and peppy at killing others in battle and the effect is sort of lost. Not knocking VC 1's story, I loved it, but it's not as "edgy" as I've heard some make it out to be, and it has it's fair share of flaws.
That's never a good defense though. :lolwatatatow said:Hey, it could've been worse.
radiantdreamer said:Love Hina.
oh yeah, any chance that this will have Japanese VA? or are we looking at Undub? I'm still going to buy the game to support the cause, but I like my Japanese VA. (let's not debate over it. To each their own, I'd say).
radiantdreamer said:oh yeah, any chance that this will have Japanese VA? or are we looking at Undub? I'm still going to buy the game to support the cause, but I like my Japanese VA. (let's not debate over it. To each their own, I'd say).
Whoompthereitis said:Preordered this. Just like Persona 3, this will be a game I buy on console then don't actually invest any serious time into until I rebuy on PSP.
I think I can only do RPGs on portables now...
HK-47 said:Your detector's broken. And no, the story isnt edgy at all. Its very light. But it seems VC II has lost all sense of seriousness or decent storytelling.
Giolon said:This Freshmen Cadet Guide was found on SEGA's server this morning (warning, VC1 spoilers):
It contains info on all the classes and the Class G members plus 3 unlock codes, which don't match up to any of the known Japanese ones. No idea what they do since I don' t have my copy yet. Here are the codes:
Will add to the OP later once it's confirmed what they do.
It also contains a list of all the DLC missions that are coming (22 different missions, including the two pre-order bonus missions) starting September 28.
D23 said:do i need to play the first one?? or its a complete different story.
TSA said:I said I was told it is edgy. I didn't think it was...
djtiesto said:Really? Honestly I think RPGs are much better on the large screen - no need to squint at a tiny screen or hold an un-ergonomic handheld for hours on end.
djtiesto said:Really? Honestly I think RPGs are much better on the large screen - no need to squint at a tiny screen or hold an un-ergonomic handheld for hours on end.
Pretty sure that the code that came with my preorder is a unique PSN download code, and not a generic content unlock code.TSA said:So there will be legit DLC you have to pay for, or is it just unlock codes?