adversesolutions said:![]()
Sad Hydeqi agrees!
Where is this even from? :lol
adversesolutions said:![]()
Sad Hydeqi agrees!
Well... that's kind of a bummer. Also doesn't sound like there's much in the way of review said:Weapon variety is pretty disappointing. There aren't many and you'll discover all of them within the first hour. Not to mention a chunk of them are pretty useless.
Zeitgeister said:Just about any SNES or Genesis game disgrees with you.
(and everything earlier or arcade or whatever)
Zeitgeister said:Hell, Modern Warfare 2 is a 6 hour game. And the MP sucks balls. And the hottest piece of action in economics terms since I-dont-know-what. And let's not even get started on Halo... or god of war...
Zeitgeister said:How fitting that this "hourly rate" should turn out to be a valid argument when it suit your interests...
I do mean that though. hourly rates are not a good argument either, at all.
WTF its out?!Khalid-S said:![]()
Got it yesterday and I'm enjoying it!! I started the game on "Hard" difficulty after reading about how short the game is. First Act on hard took me about an hour or so (died a lot). But I kinda dislike how repetitive the game is.
Net_Wrecker said:That fan review actually has me pretty down on the game. Post completion content sounds severely lacking especially coming from the man who directed RE4, and the lack of weapons and NO suit upgrades is super disappointing.
No one expects it to set the charts on fire.~Kinggi~ said:I think this game might bomb hard. It is # 328 games seller at amazon right now (360) ps3 is like 220. Castlevania released at like # 30 for comparison.
Yeah, I think everyone including the development team had this expectation.CaptYamato said:No one expects in to set the charts on fire.
Thats pretty disappointing if true... :\Net_Wrecker said:That fan review actually has me pretty down on the game. Post completion content sounds severely lacking especially coming from the man who directed RE4, and the lack of weapons and NO suit upgrades is super disappointing.
Finaika said:WTF its out?!
Net_Wrecker said:That fan review actually has me pretty down on the game. Post completion content sounds severely lacking especially coming from the man who directed RE4, and the lack of weapons and NO suit upgrades is super disappointing.
He did say that.ezekial45 said:I seem to recall reading that there was one major suit upgrade in the game. Weird.
It was from an interview with Mikami.
Yeah. Not even the guide mentions suit upgrades.ezekial45 said:I seem to recall reading that there was one major suit upgrade in the game. Weird.
It was from an interview with Mikami.
CaptYamato said:He did say that.
Edit: More specifily, he said that near the end of the game he would get an upgrade.
Yeah. Not even the guide mentions suit upgrades.
Wonder what happened.
bhytre said:Game's about six hours and a half on a normal run with all cutscenes, on a steady pace and with occasional deaths. The in-game timer doesn't count the cutscenes or the parts you died before retrying, which is what Gameinformer used I think, and prolly in easy mode.
Play the game and tell us if it's true or not. Maybe the guy meant minor upgrades, not the major one.Despera said:Finally, game is in the house!
*reads the last few comments*
way to kill my excitement guys![]()
Koralsky said:Fan review in official forum -
Seriously, I was hoping that this was going to be Mikami's equivalent of Bayonetta in terms of contentWickedLaharl said:might have to rethink my purchase and just regulate vanquish to a rental. a short campaign is one thing but the lack of post game content is another.
WickedLaharl said:might have to rethink my purchase and just regulate vanquish to a rental. a short campaign is one thing but the lack of post game content is another.
Persona7 said:I prefer short and sweet as opposed to long and bloated.
Bigger question is...What should I get with the 20$ credit?
KennyLinder said:
Maintain a Boost dash to the limit of the ARS reactor without overheating.
KennyLinder said:
Home Run God
Fisher is the Other Sam
Proceed on the monorail in Act 3-4 without being spotted by the enemy troops or searchlights.
The Hand of God
Destroy two Romanovs in a row using only melee attacks.
Helloooo, Nurse
Revive a friendly troop.
Adam J. said:It's really sad to see the hype for this game diminish. I'm still excited...
approximately 8 hours to be precise! that's what Col. Burns said in the trailer!.lucablight said:I guess they really did only have 8 hours to stop THAT from happening!
haven't really paid attention to that, I think it always shows your currently equipped weapon, pointless if it is just this though.Wikzo said:I have been thinking about the text "MAIN" right to the weapon name. What does this mean? In both demoes the text never changes, so I was wondering if this hints about weapons upgrades or something similar.
Eccocid said:i make tons of money and i dont see any problem for paying 60 bucks for a short game. heck i even paid more for one hour joy rides in thailand lol. at least with game u get something to put in to your shelf.