mjemirzian said:It's pretty common knowledge Jim Sterling is terrible at video games and can't grasp the simplest of game systems, making him unqualified to review anything more complicated than tic-tac-toe.
Have to laugh at the double standard reviewers are applying between Bayonetta and Vanquish. Both can be played for score and have a relatively high skill cap, but since Vanquish is an FPS it has 'little replay value'.
No.KTallguy said:The lack of multiplayer really hurts it, unfortunately.
This is true perhaps in the eyes of western reviewers, but personally I disagree.KTallguy said:The lack of multiplayer really hurts it, unfortunately.
SapientWolf said:Aaaaand thread title change. :lol
We've already had hype, backlash, meltdowns and bannings and the game isn't even out yet. If the full game is half as exciting as the thread then we're in for one wild ride.
GuiltybyAssociation said:Multiplayer in Vanquish would be a clusterfuck.
What's the highest difficulty setting you can start with? I think the demo only had casual and normal, hoping hard is an option right away. I'm up for a beating.
akachan ningen said:
jonnybryce said:I woke up early to get to Kmart when it opens for this deal.
Vanquish <3
edit: Vanquish get!
Turns out my local Kmart has a pretty good gaming section with all the big names and more than I expected. I was prepared to have to educate and correct the $30 off/$20 coupon but it all worked by itself. Vanquish and Uncharted 2 GOTY = $87!
Time to play.
DaBuddaDa said:This is true perhaps in the eyes of western reviewers, but personally I disagree.
Although you can't deny that Vanquish would be a blast multiplayer. People jumping around and knee-packing around the map, explosions everywhere, it'd be awesome. But yeah, the whole slowdown thing...kinda makes it impossible.
How did they even handle that?HamPster PamPster said:Someone didn't play Timeshift!
How did they even handle that?
george_us said:Balls this game is fast
I wish they would of stuck cover on the A button though.
HamPster PamPster said:Grenades that slowed down time in the area they hit (there were grenades for each time power) - you never ran out of them but they did have a cool down time
You forgot, or else... at the endduckroll said:We're going to put up a review thread once the embargo lifts, so discussion about reviews and stuff should shift to that thread pretty quickly.
Vanquish is a trailblazer. It is a game of astounding creativity and polish, exhilarating on the ground in the moment-to-moment thrills of high-speed-to-slow-motion combat, as well as in its wider, twisting trajectory. Doubtless the best third-person shooter ever to come out of Japan, Vanquish builds on Western developers' triumphs to push the genre in new, interesting directions, shifting the balance of power, and cementing Shinji Mikami's position as one of the best directors working in videogames today.
Mandatory. Yes. Takes, like, 5 minutes.rvy said:Any word on PS3 mandatory installs?
... Great, now I want the 360 version instead. :lolMandatory. Yes. Takes, like, 5 minutes.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolJexhius said:And to reflect a different opinion, Arthur Gies tweeted :
"since the embargo is up, i don't have much good to say about vanquish. it's repetitive, clunky, and irritatingly punitive. very japanese."
Haha, thanks for posting that. Good to see an opinion from a GAF favorite like Arthur.Jexhius said:And to reflect a different opinion, Arthur Gies tweeted :
"since the embargo is up, i don't have much good to say about vanquish. it's repetitive, clunky, and irritatingly punitive. very japanese."
Give me a break. Such a minor thing.rvy said:... Great, now I want the 360 version instead. :lol
Clunky? He considers Vanquish CLUNKY? Compared to what, Gears of War? You've got to be fucking kidding me. He must live on a completely different planet than we do.Jexhius said:And to reflect a different opinion, Arthur Gies tweeted :
"since the embargo is up, i don't have much good to say about vanquish. it's repetitive, clunky, and irritatingly punitive. very japanese."
you know aegies uses the "this game is SO japanese" line so frequently one could call him a goddamn xenophobe. its obvious that he feels calling a game "japanese" is short-hand for "things i don't have to list but trust me it sucks because its not red faction guerrilla".Jexhius said:And to reflect a different opinion, Arthur Gies tweeted :
"since the embargo is up, i don't have much good to say about vanquish. it's repetitive, clunky, and irritatingly punitive. very japanese."
IrishNinja said:been saying this for a while. even when they tried being funny with Deadly Premonition (a highlight for their reviews), it didn't go well. no offense to fans of the site/community, but dude's reviews are 90's Gamepro level. I mean, he's upset you cant slide into things and punch them when the game constantly surrounds you and tells you to play itsmartany way you want that doesn't pretend it's fucking Hajime No Ippo in a suit.
Just reflecting the diversity of opinion and all that. Here's an update from Arthur :C Jones said:Haha, thanks for posting that. Good to see an opinion from a GAF favorite like Arthur.