Tain said:Like, the mode where you go into first person and listen to conversations?
You're tired of the cinematic trend in games, but you want more cutscenes? boo
robor said:I totally felt the FPS mode in the game was underused. I felt they could of made the story more believable if they used it more to convey the events that take place in the game. I'm tired of the "cinematic" trends in games.
FrostuTheNinja said:Are you referencing the cutscenes or the integrated cinematic moments during gameplay?
robor said:By integrated cinematic moments during gameplay do you mean QTEs?
This game, much like Resident Evil 4, does QTEs right.
FrostuTheNinja said:Not really. I'm referencing moments where a scripted event such as a vehicle slamming in front of you only to have it leap over or if you went just a pinch further, crushing you. OrVertigo with the bridge collapsing.
Amir0x said:I'm honestly not trying to be needlessly pessimistic or anything but I've literally seen next to no interest in this game from any corner.
Vilix said:Are you saying we have bad taste in games? ;p
Amir0x said:QTE's blow, no game ever does it right. Sorry Vanquish, sorry RE4. Shit needs to die. Only flaw of these games.
Nothing to do with taste at all (anyone who likes this game has good taste), just that this meager thread is not an indication of sales (and it's not like this thread is booming anyhow)
just being realistic about the game's prospects. it's not even gonna do Bayonetta numbers imo
I wonder what the budget for this game was. I can't imagine they spent more money on this title than Bayonetta.
Amir0x said:Nothing to do with taste at all (anyone who likes this game has good taste), just that this meager thread is not an indication of sales (and it's not like this thread is booming anyhow)
Vilix said:Games like this and Bayonetta are some of the last in a dying breed. For me, they bring back nastalgic moments of the 8 and 16 bit era when 2D Japanese games ruled. Contra, Cybernator, The Ninja Warriors, Axelay, etc...
Real action games... Salute!FrostuTheNinja said:Mmmmm, action games.
FrostuTheNinja said:Bingo.
Warm Machine said:RE4 where missing the QTE essentially killed you? They may as well have put up a screen that said "Live or Die?" and you hit a button prompt to survive. QTE's are mostly crap but I'll put up with them if I have to.
I wonder what the budget for this game was. I can't imagine they spent more money on this title than Bayonetta.
badcrumble said:ffffffuck this game is SO GOOD.
but it the fp "modes" don't do anything that they can't do in tp they kind took me out of the flow.robor said:I totally felt the FPS mode in the game was underused. I felt they could of made the story more believable if they used it more to convey the events that take place in the game. I'm tired of the "cinematic" trends in games.
YES. All people who i know are backing off now just cause of reviews on the length. I don't give a shit about that and bought it on day 1 tho.leng jai said:Do you think the whole debacle about game length will significantly affect sales?
Astery said:YES. All people who i know are backing off now just cause of reviews on the length. I don't give a shit about that and bought it on day 1 tho.The game is god awesome, I am not regretting it one bit. Just sad for no sequel from the looks of it.
adversesolutions said:How far have people gotten in the challenges?
Still on campaign, but want to know what I have to look forward to.
~Devil Trigger~ said:-18 statues found (how many is there???)
digita1alchemy said:I was enjoying the shit out of this game until I got home tonight to find my apartment had been burglarized and among the things stolen was my 360 with Vanquish in it. Those fucking sons of bitches.
digita1alchemy said:I was enjoying the shit out of this game until I got home tonight to find my apartment had been burglarized and among the things stolen was my 360 with Vanquish in it. Those fucking sons of bitches.
digita1alchemy said:They took that too![]()
Discotheque said:Wow, this post just made me realize how much in common this game has with Mirror's Edge.
It also helps that I'm loving this game a lot too....while knowing there's not much chances of this getting a sequel due to poor sales from a new ip and game length being an issue with consumers.
bubnbob said:4 in each level (sans 1-1), making about 112 or so
bubnbob said:4 in each level (sans 1-1), making about 112 or so
bubnbob said:4 in each level (sans 1-1), making about 112 or so
I'm on vacation over in Tokyo where vanquish just came out yesterday and despite a Famitsu cover and some very aggressive advertizing in every major retailer, it really looks like noone cares here either. :-/Amir0x said:I'm honestly not trying to be needlessly pessimistic or anything but I've literally seen next to no interest in this game from any corner. And the fact that it did get some mixed reviews in an already limited exposure title is not going to help things.
No way they're gonna invest in another big game like Vanquish when it only sold sub 50,000 in the USA. Especially for a game claiming to bridge the divide between Western and Japanese tastes
I care.Jack Random said:I'm on vacation over in Tokyo where vanquish just came out yesterday and despite a Famitsu cover and some very aggressive advertizing in every major retailer, it really looks like noone cares here either. :-/
Fuck gaming if this game tanks, seriously fuck it.Amir0x said:sequel LOL
the game is gonna sell like balls, no sequel will ever come. face it now or be confined to an eternity of hell waiting for the nothingness
Animator said:the fuck?
if it ever comes to that I am printing a gamefaq's statue location guide and doing it with it. It is damn near impossible to find all of them. I found one by accident in one of the first act missions when I zoomed in with the sniper rifle to kill an enemy and the statue was way back in the background where you cant even walk to. So unless you were looking in that direction with a sniper scope there is no way to find it especially with all the chaous going around you.
Tricky I Shadow said:Yeah, you know a game is gonna sell really horribly when even the official thread on GAF is hardly getting any attention. I mean what the hell?
Empty said:finally have a copy, with a cool 3d sleeve, and now a clear day ahead of me. fuck yeah.
practice02 said:but it the fp "modes" don't do anything that they can't do in tp they kind took me out of the flow.
bubnbob said:4 in each level (sans 1-1), making about 112 or so