JoeFenix said:God Hard is VERY challenging, up to 2-5 while aiming for no death runs of every area, some of this shit is INTENSE!!!
JoeFenix said:God Hard is VERY challenging, up to 2-5 while aiming for no death runs of every area, some of this shit is INTENSE!!!
1-7 was a pain in the ass to no death and I feel like my 2-2 run will be VERY hard to top score wise! This game fucking rules!![]()
iconoclast said:This should be fun.
R.I.P. dude.JoeFenix said:God Hard is VERY challenging, up to 2-5 while aiming for no death runs of every area, some of this shit is INTENSE!!!
1-7 was a pain in the ass to no death and I feel like my 2-2 run will be VERY hard to top score wise! This game fucking rules!![]()
DigitalFoundry gives the edge to the PS3 version, but they're practically the same.Decado said:Has a consensus been reached as to which is the best version (if any)?
rvy said:DigitalFoundry gives the edge to the PS3 version, but they're practically the same.
Curufinwe said:They're so close I might just get the 360 version since I can install the entire game.
JoeFenix said:God Hard is VERY challenging, up to 2-5 while aiming for no death runs of every area, some of this shit is INTENSE!!!
1-7 was a pain in the ass to no death and I feel like my 2-2 run will be VERY hard to top score wise! This game fucking rules!![]()
thetrin said:The PS3 version has a mandatory install of 1.5 gb I believe. The PS3 version is the version you should get if you have one. Unless you're an achievo whore.
This is personal preference, of course, but I think boost feels better on the L2 than it does on the 360's LB.
JonnyAvacado said:I tried the demo on both systems and definitely liked the LB compared to the L2 flipper. Even with Real Triggers attached it felt awkward. But this is certainly just a personal preference.![]()
Yeah, I wish I would've gotten this on PS3 for that exact reason, but I don't have a PS3 at the moment so :lol .thetrin said:This is personal preference, of course, but I think boost feels better on the L2 than it does on the 360's LB.
JonnyAvacado said:Awesome stuff man! Can you provide any specific tactics during your GodHard playthrough that you use to....well...survive?
I am only on my first playthrough so far, but I intend on giving this game some serious hours.
Baloonatic said:Can't you switch the shoulder buttons round anyway? Pretty sure there's 2 different control types.
JoeFenix said:Well... On God Hard you get very limited AR time so it forces you to play a bit slower by default because enemies are so accurate and powerful.
I would say try to keep an eye on your boost meter and use the dodge + left trigger to manualy activate AR, headshot a guy and quickly get back out of AR.
Use the slide move to close in distance and position yourself, always watch the radar to make sure you aren't going to get flanked. It's the kind of game where there isn't an easy strategy to abuse, atleast I haven't found one yet :lol
Baloonatic said:Can't you switch the shoulder buttons round anyway? Pretty sure there's 2 different control types.
JoeFenix said:The disc launcher is great for dismembering the Romanovs, those big guys that first show up in 1-3.
thetrin said:Yeah, It defaults to Type B on PS3, which feel really comfortable.
Yeah. It defaults to Type B on PS3 only, because the flippers suck for shooting.ZealousD said:Isn't the main difference that it simply switches between the triggers and the shoulder buttons?
Type A is pretty much standard shooter controls on the 360.
JoeFenix said:I feel like my 2-2 run will be VERY hard to top score wise! This game fucking rules!![]()
Yes.GuiltybyAssociation said:God Hard sounds fantastic. Does it switch anything up, like enemy placements etc.?.
iconoclast said:I beat it by 950 pts.![]()
This game is godlike.
thetrin said:Just finished the anti-grav section. Amazing, but way way way too short.
Also, I love Unknown's instant kill move.
~Devil Trigger~ said:creeped me out the first time it grabbed me
thetrin said:Okay, I've changed my mind. The counter you do to Crystal Viper is fucking EPIC.
Yeah. That shit is elite as fuck. :lolthetrin said:Okay, I've changed my mind. The counter you do to Crystal Viper is fucking EPIC.
Spiegel said:I've bought the game this afternoon and stopped playing now after I got killed four times in Act3-4 (I think).The mission with the monorail where you have to shoot the lights. Can't destroy the missiles fast enough. What am I doing wrong?
Spiegel said:Jesus what a ride, Mikami delivers again.
I've bought the game this afternoon and stopped playing now after I got killed four times in Act3-4 (I think).The mission with the monorail where you have to shoot the lights. Can't destroy the missiles fast enough. What am I doing wrong?
Playing on normal btw.
Amir0x said:man. what an amazing control scheme this game has. it's so perfect. Even though this game is going to do so poorly that it's gonna rip a hole into the fabric of reality, changing time/space so that we suddenly live in a world where NPD lets everyone have all their numbers again just in time to show that VANQUISH sold 23,000 units, i really hope some other game reconstitutes this whole basic third person action shooter control scheme/concept. I don't want to imagine a world where I never experience such perfect action controls
Tricky I Shadow said:Snipe the lights as fast as possible when a red circle appears on them. When the flying ship comes turn and shoot the driver quickly before it gets to see you. Also pick up one Sniper Rifle....and then when you're low on ammo get another one.
thetrin said:There are missiles in that level? Are you making noise?
Hopefully people copy the fuck out of it the way people copied the fuck out of RE4.
Yeah, this game is very close to being my GOTG. I need to finish it on God Hard first, though.thetrin said:Bogey Alpha and Bogey Bravo
Boost without the inhibitor is fucking CRAZY!
This is my game of the year, so far. Everything about this game is fucking mint.
Spiegel said:Ah that must be it, I was shooting at the ship and not the driver. Will try tomorrow