DenogginizerOS said:I just ordered the PS3 version from Amazon. Got it for $8.30 after $40 in credit.
Now, I have a slight problem. I have Bayonetta coming in the mail as well (X360). What do I play first? A nice problem to have methinks.
On normal? Yeah. On the hardest difficulties? Vanquish is way harder.adversesolutions said:(dare I say?).easier
TheGoldenGunman said:Actually even though Vanquish is a truly exceptional game, I actually hope that we don't see a sequel to it. Why? Because Platinum Games are IMO the best in the business at creating *new* gameplay mechanics and original content, and I'd be more hyped to see what they come up with next, as opposed to creating a sequel for an existing title.
This generation is pretty much the generation of sequels. Publishers play it safe and stick to existing IP that they know will sell as opposed to backing innovative games that offer something new. PG I feel are an exception to this rule, and although their games may sometimes borrow elements from other genres, the innovation they put into their titles makes them stand out all the more.
slaughterking said:That's because literally nobody gave a shit about Beast Hunter, not even SEGA.
Animator said:I cannot disagree more with your longevity assesment.
4 hours -5 tops is just wrong to start with. And the game has tons of replay value built into challenges, and trying to get a better rank\rime in every level. And more importantly because it is incredibly fun and does not get boring on repeat play, in fact it gets better.
Saying this game has no longevity makes me question if you guys actually played the game or just sped through it so you can get your review out there.
Personally I think the problem is a the slow death of writers voices and the lack reviews having multiple opinions from different people. That's why I cherished EGM soo much.....Bamelin said:Fair enough. Again I didn't actually handle this review myself, I'm just the guy who distributes review copies out to staff.
Was curious to see what you guys thought about the game .... I think Blake's longevity score was based on a "from start to finish" point of view rather than looking at score attack replay value. Personally I think this was a bad call on his part (I'm assuming based on what you guys are saying Vanguish operates kind of like "The Club" in terms of scoring, chain combo's and speed runs through the game?).
Bottom line everyone has different feelings as to what constitutes "longevity" ... Personally I can see the replay value in a game that focuses on score runs, but other reviewers may see this as an excuse for a lack of content.
Really though take all reviews (including ours) with a grain of salt. My personal opinion is that gaming journalism consists mostly of enthusiasts whose opinion is worth about as much as the next guy's.
iconoclast said:It's fairly tough, but none of the waves are wtfffffff hard like some areas of God Hard. It's more about consistency, I think. I'd say wave 4 is the hardest (blue RIs, two BFAs, two flying turrets).
Wave 5 isn't too bad if you're prepared with EMP grenades, the LFE gun, and maybe some rockets (I will say that I fired 6 rockets and the bogies and 5 of them missed :| ).
Volcynika said:My copy of the OST shipped this morning from Play-Asia. Fuck if I know when I'll actually get it though. :lol
adversesolutions said:Congrats on the Challenge 6 clear man. All that work on God Mode seems to have toughened the shit out of you.
Were the last two Bogies that much easier on challenge 6 because you have stable cover?
Some guy is saying that on Challenge 6 you should only fire rockets when the Bogies are in the air doing a long-range attack.
leng jai said:Dude look what you did. I just pulled the trigger on the OST from Play-Asia with Fedex shipping. They only had 2 copies left as well, one after my purchase.
mjemirzian said:Oh boy.. going to take out DOOM and Hibachi next?![]()
Volcynika said::lol
I chose economy box (I've never had a problem other than waiting) on it. Good you got a copy though![]()
biosnake20 said:whats gafs general consensus of this game? im not sure if i should get it. Is it long and is there any type of multipleyer?
biosnake20 said:Is it long and is there any type of multipleyer?
d0c_zaius said:Just wanted to say the game is awesome.
The demo didnt grab me, and I was trying to play the game too traditionally.
But midway through the 2nd chapter and I can say without a doubt that the game is a well crafted, amazing experience.
adversesolutions said:I had the same experience. I played the demo and was like "eh, it's cool, I'll pick it up", but it was about Chapter 2 when I realized how special this game truly is. Probably GotY for me.
adversesolutions said:I had the same experience. I played the demo and was like "eh, it's cool, I'll pick it up", but it was about Chapter 2 when I realized how special this game truly is. Probably GotY for me.
Why even ask this? He already posted it.biosnake20 said:whoa goty? really?
leng jai said:Are these statues in ultra obscure spots or what? I've finished the game and only found about 10...not that I was actively looking for them though.
Llyranor said:This will rank very highly on my GOTY list as well, possibly at the very top. Between this and Bayonetta, Platinum is quickly turning into my favorite dev. Maybe I should wipe the dust off Infinite Space![]()
Rez said:I think, overall, Bayonetta was the better experience.
d0c_zaius said:"I think I'm getting good out of falling out of transports"
"I think you are gettting good at looking like an asshole"
:lol :lol so good