Hyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
Should make a bomba thread!
Hyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
done and doneHyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
Amazing fucking deal.Hyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
Hyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
I'd upgrade my PC just for that game.Anteater said:Judging from Bayonetta and Kamiya's tweet about PC ports, probably not, they say they don't have the staff to port it and don't want to outsource it to someone else. Don't know about Vanquish though.
Hyunkel6 said:Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
Psi said:Any chance this will happen in the US too?
Probably not.McDouchebag said:Will there be a Vanquish 2?
Anteater said:Judging from Bayonetta and Kamiya's tweet about PC ports, probably not, they say they don't have the staff to port it and don't want to outsource it to someone else. Don't know about Vanquish though.
Deadly Cyclone said:Beat this over the weekend, great game. The end definitely sets up another game and is a cliffhanger of sorts, I really hope that despite bad sales Platinum makes a second.
One of the best controlling third person shooters I have ever played for sure.
I fucking hate this game now just because of this challenge. I hereby officially give up. It is only making me supremely angry and I would really prefer not to be.
I do not fucking get it. Last two days I have over 15 hours into this fucking bullshit challenge, and, if you could not tell, I am getting FUCKING RAGED OUT!!!
Man, i can surelly afirm that I played way more than 20 hours just in the challenge 6. It´s such a bitch. But, like said above, Vanquish split the real gamers from those who play Avatar just to get some easy gamerscore.
mattp said:can't wait to see what mikami's got coming up next
CadetMahoney said:Some comments from achievement hunters:
heh. I'm still stuck on the last challenge, I can get to the last round but it's just too hard.
I've yet to be satisfied, over 20 hours I'm sure trying to beat one challenge mission. Weird thing is that I do not feel that much rage over it.Augemitbutter said:try the platinum board, there are angry messages on there as well. i read some while i was stuck, but i sure wasn't as angry as them. finishing the last challenge is very satisfying.
Are you playing it like Gears of War? If so, don't. Just forget everything you know about third-person shooters. Vanquish needs to be played like an action game.Always-honest said:Finally started this game yesterday.
Pretty awesome indeed. However, i could see myself growing tired of it soon also..
If it's just a lot of the same that is. And i guess it is.
Anyway, so far so good and i'll definitely pump some more hours in to it.
Augemitbutter said:finishing the last challenge is very satisfying.
MentalNoiz said:God Hard question :
Is it possible to play this mode aggressively like you can in lower difficulties , boosting around, and using cover only when needed? I am currently playing it on God Hard and am dying A LOT. I've gone through Normal and Hard, which weren't really that bad, once I understood the mechanics of the gameplay & how the different weapons work.
I've watched some God Hard videos on youtube, where the common theme is : shoot from behind cover a lot. I'd prefer not to do it that way, as the game isn't meant to be played like that.
duffyside said:Love every time this thread is bumped. Hope this game keeps going and going. Become 2010's Demon's Souls, Vanquish!
One of these Johnny-Come-Latelys should make a "Lttp: Vanquish, Mechanically the Best Shooter Ever" thread. That'll, like, triple this game's sales! (and make fanboy heads explode)Anteater said:This thread has been opened for 10 months and only 190k views![]()
It needs reeeeeally long legs.
Trevelyon said:Masterful troll by Kamiya, really, hats off to that guy for luring thousands of smug achievements whores into a false sense of security and assuredness of an easy Plat-1000/1000 and just laying the smack'eth down.
Trevelyon said:Masterful troll by Kamiya, really
nah, i started out that way though. cause that's what i knew.Are you playing it like Gears of War? If so, don't. Just forget everything you know about third-person shooters. Vanquish needs to be played like an action game.
MentalNoiz said:There really should have been a mode in between Hard and God Hard. The only parts of Hard I had trouble with were the bogeys on 5-3. Or they should have extended the duration of ARS meter by about a second on GH. What is it three seconds now?
JCV said:GAF, should I play this game on hard mode? I started a game recently and thought the first chapters were kind of easy. Does it gets really harder later on?
I had a similar situation with the first God of War. Started the game on Normal, got bored because it was too easy, then started a new game on hard, loved it.
FreeMufasa said:I finished this a few days ago in around 4 hours. Good game.
I thought the gameplay/mechanics were absoloutely amazing, top tier but the actual game content was meh. I hope they use the same gameplay to make a better game.