I don't know. This all feels kind of sitanic to me. I mean the name "luce" is just like a shorter version of the name lucifer and just like the character "luce" lucifer is often depicted holding a something sharp (a trident most often). One of lucifers many descriptions is "the angel of light" just like "luce" wich means light according to the article. Couple that with all the child molestations and all the sitanic imagery in the vatican (search for "the resurrection statue") etc. And the vaticans history for the occult just makes makes me think. But what do I know, maybe im just overthinking the whole situation.
"Lucifer, in classical mythology, the morning star (i.e., the planet Venus at dawn);
personified as a male figure bearing a torch, Lucifer had almost no legend, but in poetry he was often herald of the dawn. In Christian times Lucifer came to be regarded as the name of Satan before his fall."
It's just a retelling of Prometheus, as far as I see it. This is why Prometheus "gives" fire to man, aka. the sun rises (but we know now that we revolve around it and that it isn't some God living and dying through some re-birthing process). It is a metaphor for being enlightened, knowing, seeing, etc. Darkness being a representation of the unknown in most cultures. The Romans took/learned a lot from the Greeks. Btw, Prometheus means forethought or foresight and his brother is Epimetheus which means afterthought and he's the dimwitted fool, most likely a representation from after sunset. Almost all religions rely on this sort of duality which can be attributed to the day/night cycle. These people literally thought of the day and night as genuinely being two different worlds but it's just an illusion that is probably deeply baked into our subconscious from evolution.
Sorry to shoot an arrow but you shouldn't be living in fear because of ancient religions/societal control schemes. It's not healthy. Unless, of course, you believe the stars and planets are actually conscious Gods.